Google has effectively utilized the 'set designer' persona in their workspace design by creating environments that inspire and motivate their teams. They view the physical environment as a tool for influencing behaviors and creativity. Their workspaces are designed to be very different from traditional spaces, fostering an atmosphere of innovation and collaboration.

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The Ten Faces of Innovation

Design firm and idea factory IDEO has developed ten personas for innovation. These talents, or roles, help teams focus from different points of view t...

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The set designer creates a stage for innovating teams that inspires and motivates them. They see the physical environment as a tool for influencing behaviors and creativity. Google is one of the best at using the set designer persona. They create work spaces that are very different from traditional spaces.

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The practical implications of the set designer persona in fostering innovation are significant. The set designer creates an environment that inspires and motivates the team, influencing their behaviors and creativity. This persona sees the physical environment as a tool for innovation. For instance, companies like Google use the set designer persona to create workspaces that deviate from traditional spaces, thereby fostering a culture of innovation.

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