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How do you stay innovative and grow in a competitive market? Effective product development allows companies to sustain, grow, and thrive in both old and new markets. In this article, we'll explain what Product Development is, how to use it, how to customize our template to develop your own product, and if you watch until the end, you'll learn how Nike uses Product Development to beat the market. Our Product Development framework is useful for aspirational product developers who want to learn the product development process and for seasoned product managers who want to improve workflows with additional tools. The customizable template includes some of the best Product Development tools available today, such as Stage-Gate Process, Product Life Cycle, Product Dimensions, Growth Strategies, Scoring Models, and 25 other tools. Read on for a breakdown of how some of these tools can be used to develop a unique and innovative product.

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The main components of the Product Development framework can vary depending on the specific framework used. However, some common components include the Stage-Gate Process, Product Life Cycle, Product Dimensions, Growth Strategies, and Scoring Models. These tools can be used to develop a unique and innovative product. The Stage-Gate Process involves moving through different stages of product development, from idea generation to market launch, with decision points (gates) in between. The Product Life Cycle looks at the stages a product goes through from introduction to withdrawal from the market. Product Dimensions can refer to the different aspects of a product that can be altered or improved during development. Growth Strategies can include methods for increasing market share, such as market penetration or product development. Scoring Models can be used to evaluate and prioritize different product ideas.

The key topics covered in the Product Development framework significantly enhance business strategy. The Stage-Gate Process provides a structured method for converting new product ideas into launched products, ensuring that only the best ideas make it through to development and launch. This reduces the risk of product failure and optimizes resource allocation. The Product Life Cycle concept helps businesses understand the different stages a product goes through from introduction to withdrawal from the market. This understanding allows businesses to plan and execute appropriate marketing strategies at each stage, maximizing profitability. Growth Strategies, on the other hand, provide direction on how to achieve business growth, whether through market penetration, market development, product development, or diversification. These strategies guide businesses in making key decisions about product offerings, target markets, and resource allocation, thereby driving business growth and success.

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While new product development is the process companies use to stay competitive and innovative in a crowded market, the risk of failure is high. But with the right strategy, a product manager can streamline the process with an emphasis on the creation of value for the customer.

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Stage-gate process

The stage-gate development process, also referred to as phase-gate development, divides the product development process into different stages. Each stage is separated into decision points that inform the following stage. This slide provides a step-by-step guide that can be used for each new product. For instance, the initial idea for a product is followed by a preliminary screening gate. This gate determines whether or not a product manager wants to move forward with the development process. It's important to conduct market research and competitive analysis here before the project proceeds.

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The key components of the stage-gate development process are the stages and gates. Stages are where the actual work happens - these include activities like idea generation, preliminary screening, market research, and competitive analysis. Gates are decision points that determine whether the project should move forward to the next stage based on the outcomes and findings of the previous stage.

The stage-gate development process is a structured approach that divides the product development process into different stages, each separated by decision points or 'gates'. This allows for thorough evaluation and risk management at each stage before proceeding to the next. Other product development frameworks may vary in structure and approach. For example, Agile development is more iterative and flexible, allowing for changes and adaptations throughout the process. Lean product development focuses on eliminating waste and improving efficiency. Each framework has its own strengths and is suited to different types of projects and organizational cultures.

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If it passes the preliminary screening, then the team moves forward to the preliminary investigation stage. The preliminary investigation stage is where the team decides what the development process will entail. If this is approved through a second screening, the next stage is to build a business case. Once a decision has been made on the business case, then it's time to move forward to the stage in which the product is finally developed. After a post-development assessment, the PM decides if it's ready to test and validate. After this validation stage, a post-launch review is conducted to decide if the product is ready for launch. (Slide 7)

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A post-launch review in the Product Development framework is significant as it allows the team to evaluate the product's performance after it has been launched in the market. It helps in identifying any issues or improvements that may be needed based on customer feedback and market response. This review can provide valuable insights into the product's success or failure, and inform future product development strategies.

The preliminary investigation stage is a crucial part of the product development process. It is where the team decides what the development process will entail. This stage helps in defining the scope of the product, identifying potential challenges, and outlining the steps needed for development. It serves as a roadmap for the entire product development process, ensuring that all subsequent stages are well-planned and executed. It also helps in mitigating risks by identifying them early in the process.

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Product life cycle

All products follow a similar life cycle. There's an initial introduction period, followed by a period of growth, then maturity, saturation, and possible further development. It's important to pay attention to the revenue curve, as its peak will determine the change from maturity to saturation, which can lead to three common outcomes. Worst case scenario, once revenue reaches its peak, it will either lead to the end of a product's life or a contraction in the product's market. On the positive end of the spectrum, new features could lead to a stage of renewed growth that extends the product's lifecycle. (Slide 10)

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The Product Development framework can be used to prevent the end of a product's life or a contraction in the product's market by continuously innovating and adding new features to the product. This can lead to a stage of renewed growth that extends the product's lifecycle. It's also important to pay attention to the revenue curve, as its peak will determine the change from maturity to saturation. By using the framework, companies can anticipate these changes and take proactive steps to prevent decline.

The revenue curve plays a crucial role in the Product Development framework as it helps in determining the life cycle of a product. It indicates the different stages of a product's life, such as introduction, growth, maturity, saturation, and possible further development. The peak of the revenue curve signifies the transition from maturity to saturation. This peak can lead to three common outcomes: the end of a product's life, a contraction in the product's market, or, on a positive note, new features could lead to a stage of renewed growth that extends the product's lifecycle.

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Product dimensions

A new product should always provide a customer with unique benefits to differentiate it from the competition. There are three main dimensions to every product. The first dimension is the core product in development. This is surrounded by a second dimension of core customer benefits, which are features or services the product provides to the customer. These could be the product's design, packing, quantity, functionality, or even branding. The third dimension is the extended products or services. These could be product-related services like step-by-step tutorials, payment terms, construction and installation, or free delivery.

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The Product Development framework is unique in its focus on creating and delivering value to customers through new products. It emphasizes on three main dimensions: the core product, core customer benefits, and extended products or services. This holistic approach ensures that the product is not only innovative and functional, but also caters to the customer's needs and provides additional services for a comprehensive customer experience. This can greatly enhance a business's strategy by ensuring customer satisfaction and loyalty, leading to sustained growth. Other business frameworks may focus on different aspects such as operational efficiency, market analysis, or financial performance.

Common challenges in applying the Product Development framework include understanding customer needs, differentiating the product from competition, and providing extended services. These can be overcome by conducting thorough market research to understand customer needs, focusing on unique features or services that differentiate the product, and offering additional services like tutorials, flexible payment terms, and free delivery.

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For a company like Amazon, delivery is a core benefit rather than an extended service, while delivery from IKEA is an extended service as it's secondary to IKEA's core product of build-it-yourself furniture that customers select in-store. (Slide 12)

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ABC analysis

ABC Analysis can be used to analyze revenues over a company's range of products. Plot each product in one of three ranges according to the product's volume of revenue share. In this example, only three products (according to the X-axis) in the A range account for over 60% of revenue (according to the Y-axis). Meanwhile, five products in the B range generate 30% of revenue, while 12 products in the C range generate only 10% of the revenue. When a PM determines the importance of each product range, efforts can be increased and directed towards products that provide maximum value. (Slide 14)

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Common challenges in applying ABC Analysis include difficulty in categorizing items, changes in criteria over time, and the potential for misinterpretation of data. Overcoming these challenges involves clear and consistent categorization, regular review and adjustment of criteria, and careful analysis and interpretation of data.

Companies can implement ABC Analysis in their product development process by categorizing their products based on the volume of revenue share. They can plot each product in one of three ranges: A, B, or C. For instance, products in the A range could be those that account for the majority of the revenue, B range products could be those that generate a moderate amount of revenue, and C range products could be those that generate the least amount of revenue. Once the importance of each product range is determined, efforts can be increased and directed towards products that provide maximum value.

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Having a great product that delivers the right value to customers is a good starting point. But then what? At what price point should you sell the product for? And how do you scale and grow the product? There are five main types of pricing strategies that can be used for a new product. Premium pricing can be used to price a product above current market value to generate more revenue, while price skimming takes a high introductory price and lowers it over time. The less price-sensitive will buy first and other customers will buy-in later at a lower price. Penetration is used to enter the market with a lower price point and then attract as many customers as possible to later raise the price. Freemium provides a free version of a product with additional features that must be paid for, either with a paid version or from ad revenue. Promotional pricing provides temporarily lowered prices via flash sales or discounted entry offers that revert back to the original pricing after a set date. (Slide 16)

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The freemium pricing model is a strategy where a basic product or service is provided free of charge, but money is charged for additional features, services, or virtual goods. This model is commonly used in the software industry, particularly for software as a service (SaaS) businesses. The idea is to attract as many users as possible to the free version, and then convert a portion of them to the paid version. Revenue is generated either from the users who upgrade to the paid version for additional features or from ad revenue generated from the large user base of the free version.

Penetration pricing is a marketing strategy used by businesses to attract customers to a new product or service by initially offering it at a lower price than its eventual regular price. The primary objective of this strategy is to garner a large market share and secure widespread market adoption of the product or service. Once this is achieved, the business can then gradually increase the price. The benefits of penetration pricing include: rapid market penetration and customer base expansion, discouragement of competition due to low initial pricing, and potential for high volume sales which can lead to economies of scale.

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Innovate and diversify

The product innovation process is used to improve an existing product in an old market. An example of this would be a smartphone that comes out with a new model that has additional features every year. Products can be analyzed to identify pain points to generate new ideas that are then incorporated into the product development process and introduced to the market as a new innovation. (Slide 20)

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The product innovation process within the Product Development framework contributes to market growth by improving existing products and introducing new features that meet customer needs. This process identifies pain points in current products, generates new ideas to address these issues, and incorporates these innovations into the product development process. These new innovations are then introduced to the market, which can lead to increased sales, customer satisfaction, and market growth.

The key topics covered in the Product Development framework enhance business strategy in several ways. Firstly, they provide a structured approach to innovation, which is crucial for staying competitive in today's fast-paced markets. This includes identifying pain points in existing products, generating new ideas, and incorporating these into the product development process. Secondly, they allow for the continuous improvement of products, which can lead to increased customer satisfaction and loyalty. Lastly, they enable businesses to effectively enter new markets with innovative products, thereby driving growth and profitability.

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Product diversification optimizes growth and revenue. Companies can overcome market stagnation and become more "bulletproof" against market swings through the diversification process. For example, risk distribution helps a company put all their eggs in one product basket. It's also a practice to expand from the original market for a product. It can be used to increase sales of an existing product line and is especially helpful if your business has already experienced the decline or stagnant sales that come after market saturation. (Slide 21)

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Yes, there are numerous case studies that demonstrate the effectiveness of product diversification in overcoming market stagnation. For instance, Apple Inc. is a prime example. Initially, Apple was primarily known for its Mac computers. However, as the market for personal computers began to saturate, Apple diversified its product line by introducing the iPod, iPhone, and iPad. These new product lines not only helped Apple overcome market stagnation but also propelled the company to unprecedented heights of success. Another example is Amazon, which started as an online bookstore but diversified into selling a wide range of products, digital streaming, cloud computing, and more. This diversification strategy has made Amazon one of the most valuable companies in the world.

A company that could benefit from product diversification is Apple Inc. While Apple is known for its innovative technology products like the iPhone, iPad, and Mac, it could further diversify into other sectors such as healthcare or automotive. This would not only provide new revenue streams but also reduce dependency on their current product lines. For instance, Apple's expertise in user-friendly interfaces and secure software could be leveraged to create healthcare devices or software. Similarly, their work on autonomous systems could be used to enter the automotive industry.

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To determine the type of diversification strategy a product dev team should go over, you can refer to this table and assess each entry's strategies, advantages, disadvantages, and the associated time, cost and risks of each. (Slide 22)

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Airbnb business case

What does that transformation look like in action? In May of 2015, Airbnb had a process problem. Designers had to wait on engineers to write code to visualize mockups on-screen, while engineers had to wait for researchers to validate a product, only to learn some of their fundamental assumptions were off. This approach used research as a validation tool and lacked true engagement between teams at the earliest stages of the process. Their product designers, engineers, and researchers operated in a functional capacity instead of a process-oriented one.

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A process-oriented approach to product development involves a systematic and organized method where all stakeholders, including product designers, engineers, and researchers, are engaged from the earliest stages of the process. This approach encourages collaboration and communication among teams, ensuring that everyone is on the same page. It helps in identifying and addressing potential issues early in the development process, reducing the risk of costly changes or rework later on. It also promotes efficiency as it eliminates the need for teams to wait for each other to complete their tasks before moving forward.

The lack of engagement between teams at Airbnb led to a disjointed product development process. Designers had to wait for engineers to write code to visualize mockups, and engineers had to wait for researchers to validate a product, often finding their initial assumptions were incorrect. This approach used research as a validation tool rather than an integral part of the process from the beginning. As a result, product designers, engineers, and researchers operated in a functional capacity rather than a process-oriented one, which likely slowed down the product development and led to inefficiencies.

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Through a collaborative BPR process, the 300-person product team spent nine months to entirely revamp the process to improve efficiency and capture more value. They created a single digital collaboration environment where designers and engineers could work together in real-time to update and redesign prototypes. This took a process that used to take days for product revisions and reengineered it to take 45 minutes. In this instance, Airbnb used IT to streamline their systems, change management to coach the team through a nine-month whole system redesign, and changed their internal value chain to prioritize outcomes instead of features. And they incorporated the research team early into the process so the design could be iterative, streamlined, and tested early to achieve the best results.

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There are several strategies to improve workflows in product development. One is to use a collaborative Business Process Reengineering (BPR) approach. This involves revamping the entire process to improve efficiency and capture more value. Creating a single digital collaboration environment where designers and engineers can work together in real-time to update and redesign prototypes can significantly reduce the time taken for product revisions. Another strategy is to incorporate the research team early into the process so the design can be iterative, streamlined, and tested early to achieve the best results. Change management can also be used to coach the team through the redesign process, and the internal value chain can be changed to prioritize outcomes instead of features.

Airbnb improved their product revision process from days to 45 minutes through a collaborative Business Process Reengineering (BPR) process. The 300-person product team spent nine months to entirely revamp the process to improve efficiency and capture more value. They created a single digital collaboration environment where designers and engineers could work together in real-time to update and redesign prototypes. Airbnb used IT to streamline their systems, change management to coach the team through a nine-month whole system redesign, and changed their internal value chain to prioritize outcomes instead of features. They also incorporated the research team early into the process so the design could be iterative, streamlined, and tested early to achieve the best results.

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This process orientation ultimately made the product team more lean, holistic, team-oriented, and autonomous as workers knew they could trust each other since the digital platform showed all updates and data in one place. If your current workflows are holding back more profitable outcomes, you need this presentation. Download the Product Development presentation for more slides on Gap Analysis, benchmarking, value chain analysis, and top BPR strategies, plus many more to save time and hours of work.

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The practical applications of the Product Development framework in the product development industry are numerous. It helps in identifying gaps in the current product, benchmarking against competitors, and conducting value chain analysis. It also aids in formulating top Business Process Reengineering (BPR) strategies. The framework promotes lean and team-oriented work environments, fostering trust among team members. It can be particularly beneficial if current workflows are hindering profitable outcomes.

The Product Development framework differs from other business frameworks in its focus on creating new products or improving existing ones. It involves stages like idea generation, concept development, testing, and market introduction. Other frameworks, like the Business Process Reengineering (BPR), focus on improving the efficiency and effectiveness of company's processes. The Value Chain Analysis, another framework, looks at activities within the organization to understand how they add value. Each framework has its unique focus and application.

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Customer satisfaction

In a customer-centric product development approach, customer satisfaction can be visualized with the Kano diagram. The Y-axis on this graph is the level of enthusiasm (or delight) that customers feel, while the X-axis measures product features from fully integrated to absent. It can also be used to measure features from basic to advanced. If a product doesn't have a ton of features and is somewhat satisfying to customers, it is considered basic. If it's adequate and pleases consumers, it could be considered a value buy. If it has high satisfaction and some special features, it could be a performance product. While a product with very advanced and comprehensive features that are considered delightful by most customers then it's likely a premium product with a cult following. (Slide 24)

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The Kano diagram can be used to improve customer satisfaction in product development by helping to identify and prioritize features that will delight customers. It categorizes product attributes into three categories: basic, performance, and excitement. Basic features are expected by customers and their absence can cause dissatisfaction. Performance features are those that customers are aware of and their presence can increase satisfaction. Excitement features are unexpected features that can greatly increase customer satisfaction. By focusing on these categories, especially the excitement features, product developers can create products that not only meet but exceed customer expectations.

On the Kano diagram, product features are measured on the X-axis from fully integrated to absent. This means that if a product feature is fully integrated, it is present and functioning as part of the product. On the other hand, if a feature is absent, it means that the product does not have that particular feature. The diagram is used to visualize customer satisfaction, with the Y-axis representing the level of enthusiasm or delight that customers feel. The diagram can also be used to measure features from basic to advanced. A basic product doesn't have many features but is somewhat satisfying to customers. An adequate product pleases consumers and may be considered a value buy. A performance product has high satisfaction and some special features. A premium product has very advanced and comprehensive features that are considered delightful by most customers.

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Growth strategies

Ansoff's matrix, also known as the product/market expansion grid, can be used to plan product growth strategies. Diversification and marketing strategies are separated into related and unrelated technology groups. Related means there are synergies between new and existing products, while unrelated has no such synergies. For instance, a phone company that develops a camera would be a new related product with synergy to the company's existing product, while an example of an unrelated product would be a taxi service that launches a new shoe brand. (Slide 25)

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In the context of Ansoff's matrix, related products are those that have synergies with existing products of a company. For example, if a smartphone company develops a camera, it would be considered a related product because it has synergy with the company's existing product line. On the other hand, unrelated products are those that have no such synergies. For instance, if a taxi service company launches a new shoe brand, it would be considered an unrelated product because it doesn't have any synergy with the company's existing services.

Related technology groups in diversification and marketing strategies refer to new products or services that have synergies with a company's existing products or services. For instance, a phone company that develops a camera would be a new related product with synergy to the company's existing product. On the other hand, unrelated technology groups refer to new products or services that have no synergies with a company's existing products or services. An example of an unrelated product would be a taxi service that launches a new shoe brand.

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Target costing is another growth strategy related to getting the right price point to attract the most people. You want to be in the middle with an adequate mixture of benefits and price. Determine target costs, how target costs are split, and finally decide the target cost. (Slide 26)

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Scoring model

At the end of the product development process, it's time for an evaluation via a post-launch review. Assess different areas of a product's development, how they did or didn't benefit the company or impacted the customer and retailer relationship. Other questions to ask are how much is the company lagging behind or exceeding its competitors because of this product? Or how is the company adhering to regulatory compliance and environmental regulations?

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Effective product development contributes to a company's growth and sustainability in various markets in several ways. Firstly, it allows the company to stay innovative and competitive by continuously improving existing products and introducing new ones. This helps to attract new customers and retain existing ones, thereby driving sales and revenue growth. Secondly, effective product development ensures that the products meet the needs and expectations of customers, which enhances customer satisfaction and loyalty. Thirdly, it enables the company to adapt to changes in market trends and customer preferences, which is crucial for long-term sustainability. Lastly, effective product development can also enhance the company's brand reputation and market positioning.

There are several tools that can be used to improve workflows in product development. These include project management tools like Jira, Trello, or Asana which help in tracking progress and managing tasks. Version control systems like Git can help manage changes and revisions. Communication tools like Slack or Microsoft Teams can improve collaboration. Prototyping tools like Sketch, Figma, or Adobe XD can help in designing and testing product concepts. Lastly, feedback tools like UserTesting or Usabilla can provide valuable user insights to improve the product.

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The scoring model ensures each category can be weighted to what a company's main values are. For instance, the company's business needs, competitive advantage, and customer happiness could be the most important so they have a higher weight on the score. Once the weight is assigned, score each category from 1-10 on how well the company has met its criteria being evaluated. The end score will show where the team succeeded or where the product needs to be improved. (Slide 28)

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The key topics covered in the Product Development framework enhance a company's business strategy in several ways. Firstly, they help identify the company's main values and align the product development process with these values. This ensures that the product developed is in line with the company's business needs and competitive advantage. Secondly, the framework provides a scoring model that allows for the evaluation of how well the company has met its criteria. This helps in identifying areas of success and areas that need improvement. Lastly, the framework emphasizes on customer happiness, which is crucial for business growth and sustainability.

The Product Development framework differs from other business frameworks in its focus on creating new products or improving existing ones to meet customer needs and maintain a competitive edge. It involves stages like idea generation, concept development, design, testing, and launch. Other business frameworks may focus on different aspects such as strategic planning, operations management, or marketing strategies. The key difference lies in the focus area and the specific objectives each framework aims to achieve.

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Nike business case

Founded in 1964, Nike has maintained market leadership because of its attention to customer needs and its success in new product development. Founder Phil Knight says "Nike is a marketing-oriented company, and the product is our most important marketing tool." Nike uses a version of the stage-gate process as part of its product development process. The company's first stage is idea generation. At this stage, companies have a choice to source ideas internally or externally. Knight says "We used to think that everything started in the lab. Now we realize that everything spins off the consumer." Nike engages with customers for product ideas, whether it's through shoe design competitions or direct feedback through its websites.

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Other companies can implement Nike's approach to product development by adopting a customer-centric approach. This involves engaging with customers for product ideas, whether it's through competitions or direct feedback. Companies can also adopt a version of the stage-gate process, which involves stages such as idea generation, development, testing, and launch. It's important to remember that the product is the most important marketing tool, and everything should spin off the consumer.

Nike uses customer feedback in its product development process in several ways. Firstly, they engage with customers for product ideas, this could be through shoe design competitions or direct feedback through their websites. The founder, Phil Knight, has stated that they used to believe everything started in the lab, but now they realize that everything spins off the consumer. This shows that customer feedback is a crucial part of their product development process.

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Second in the process comes idea screening. Nike uses a creative team of 75 product designers to sift through ideas and determine which shoe will most improve athletic performance. After idea screening, Nike implements concept development and testing. Here, Nike seeks customer reactions about their product ideas and conducts market research. Product teams determine whether the shoe will be accepted in the market. If not, alternative shoe ideas are tested. A marketing team then develops the promotional strategy.

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The Product Development framework aligns with digital transformation initiatives in product design by incorporating technology and digital tools in various stages of product development. This includes idea screening, concept development, testing, and market research. Digital transformation can enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of these processes. For instance, digital tools can help in gathering and analyzing customer feedback, conducting market research, and testing product concepts. Moreover, digital transformation can also enable better collaboration among product designers, thereby fostering innovation.

Common challenges in applying the Product Development framework include: lack of clear vision, inadequate market research, poor resource allocation, and ineffective communication. These can be overcome by: setting clear and achievable goals, conducting thorough market research, allocating resources effectively, and promoting open and effective communication.

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Once the concept and marketing is approved, Nike conducts business analysis to ensure the product is in line with its long-term objectives. Analysis of expected sales and budget outlook is also conducted here. If a shoe passes this gate, it is finally ready for development and Nike's R&D department goes to work. After development, Nike conducts marketing tests with a limited number of the final products, and if all goes to plan, it's ready for mass commercialization. Most of Nike's time and energy goes into preliminary screening and testing stages to ensure every product is fit for the company and won't be a waste of resources.

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Nike determines if a product is ready for mass commercialization through a series of steps. Once the concept and marketing is approved, Nike conducts business analysis to ensure the product aligns with its long-term objectives. This includes an analysis of expected sales and budget outlook. If the product passes this stage, it is ready for development. After development, Nike conducts marketing tests with a limited number of the final products. If all goes according to plan, the product is deemed ready for mass commercialization. Most of Nike's time and energy goes into the preliminary screening and testing stages to ensure every product is fit for the company and won't be a waste of resources.

Nike invests a lot of time and energy in preliminary screening and testing stages to ensure that every product aligns with the company's long-term objectives and won't be a waste of resources. This process includes business analysis, expected sales analysis, and budget outlook. It helps to identify any potential issues early on, reducing the risk of costly mistakes in the later stages of product development. This rigorous process also ensures that the final product meets Nike's high standards of quality and performance.

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If you want to develop successful products like Nike, you need this presentation. Download the Product Development presentation for more slides on Influencing Factors, ABC Analysis, Innovation, Customer Satisfaction, and Product Marketing to save time and hours of work.

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