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1. Prioritize tasks based on their weightage: Assign a weight to each task, such as how much money it will bring in. Divide each task's weight by how long it will take to complete, then work in the highest to lowest order. This allows you to determine each task's hourly rate. Divide each project fee by its size and work from the highest hourly rate to the lowest.
2. Exploit everyday processes: Algorithms are everywhere, from following a recipe to the order in which you sort your email. Understanding these can help streamline your business operations.
3. Make informed decisions: The book provides insights into decision-making processes, which can be applied in business scenarios to make more informed and effective decisions.
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Can computer science teach us the secrets of life? Perhaps not, but they can shed light on how certain everyday processes work and how to exploit them...
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Another approach is to assign a weight to each task, such as how much money it will bring in. Divide each task's weight by how long it will take to complete, then work in the highest to lowest order. For a freelancer or independent contractor, this allows you to determine each task's hourly rate. Divide each project fee by its size and work from the highest hourly rate to the lowest.
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