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The book "Hooked" presents several innovative ideas for influencing customer habits. One of the key concepts is the 'Hook Model', a four-step process that companies can use to build customer habits. This includes a trigger, action, variable reward, and investment. The trigger prompts the user to take action, which is then rewarded. The variable nature of this reward keeps the user engaged and encourages them to invest time or resources, strengthening the habit. Another innovative idea is the use of external and internal triggers to prompt user action. External triggers are cues in the environment, while internal triggers are emotions or thoughts within the user. The book also discusses the importance of making the product or service a part of the user's daily routine to reinforce the habit.
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“Hooked” is the result of the author's years of research and practical experience with consumer habits and psychology. The overall theme of the book i...
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With 12 versions of the Bible App in 900 languages, the app is designed to appeal to a world market. Using triggers, such as reminders for a daily reading plan and other notifications, with popular apps like Facebook and Twitter, the app is designed to constantly and consistently remind users to open the app.
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