The book 'The Surprising Science of Meetings' presents several innovative ideas for improving meeting quality. One of the key suggestions is to provide leaders with quality training in meeting facilitation. The book also emphasizes the importance of including parameters on the quality of meetings in annual employee engagement surveys and 360-degree feedback surveys. An innovative approach mentioned is the use of technology, such as touchscreen tablets installed outside conference rooms, to rate meetings on a simple five-point scale. This can help assess the quality of meetings, design appropriate interventions, and measure the effectiveness of these interventions in improving meeting quality.

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The Surprising Science of Meetings

How can you lead engaging meetings that unlock creativity, effectiveness, and dynamism? Turn tiresome and costly meetings into productive sessions wit...

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What organizations can do To help overcome these biases, organizations should provide leaders with quality training in meeting facilitation. The annual employee engagement surveys and 360-degree feedback surveys must include parameters on the quality of meetings. This is rarely done even in Fortune 500 companies. Some companies do take meeting quality seriously. Weight Watchers installed touchscreen tablets outside conference rooms where employees could rate meeting on a simple five-point scale. This helped them assess the quality of meetings, design appropriate interventions, and measure the effectiveness of interventions in improving meeting quality.

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Yes, there are examples of companies that have successfully used employee engagement surveys and 360-degree feedback surveys to improve the quality of their meetings. One such company is Weight Watchers. They installed touchscreen tablets outside conference rooms where employees could rate meetings on a simple five-point scale. This helped them assess the quality of meetings, design appropriate interventions, and measure the effectiveness of interventions in improving meeting quality.

A startup can enhance their meeting effectiveness by implementing tactics from "The Surprising Science of Meetings" in several ways. Firstly, they can provide leaders with quality training in meeting facilitation. This can help overcome biases and ensure that meetings are run effectively. Secondly, they can include parameters on the quality of meetings in their annual employee engagement surveys and 360-degree feedback surveys. This can help them assess the quality of meetings and design appropriate interventions. Lastly, they can take inspiration from companies like Weight Watchers who installed touchscreen tablets outside conference rooms for employees to rate meetings. This can help them measure the effectiveness of interventions in improving meeting quality.

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