Companies might face several obstacles when applying the feedback concepts from this book. One potential obstacle could be the natural human resistance to negative feedback. People often feel threatened by negative feedback, leading to defensive reactions that can hinder the effectiveness of the feedback process. To overcome this, companies can focus on creating a culture of open communication and trust, where feedback is seen as a tool for growth and improvement rather than a personal attack. Another obstacle could be the lack of understanding of the different types of triggers that can lead to negative reactions to feedback. Companies can overcome this by providing training and education on these triggers, helping employees to understand and manage their reactions to feedback. Finally, companies might struggle with implementing the feedback concepts in a consistent and systematic way. To overcome this, they can establish clear processes and guidelines for giving and receiving feedback, and ensure these are followed throughout the organization.

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Thanks for the Feedback: The Science and Art of Receiving Feedback Well

Dreading “feedback season” and afraid that you might leave your review dejected, or end the conversation on an awkward note in case you’re the reviewe...

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We all know the heart-pounding, anxiety-inducing, tunnel-vision feelings that go along with negative feedback. Such reactions often mean we have been triggered, in other words, feel threatened by the feedback. There are three main types of triggers that can lead to someone reacting this way. If you trigger someone while sharing feedback, they will likely reject your feedback and block it out. Understanding these triggers can help you avoid upsetting others when giving feedback and be more aware of your reactions when receiving feedback. The three triggers are:

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1. Understand the triggers: The book identifies three main types of triggers that can lead to negative reactions to feedback. Understanding these triggers can help managers avoid upsetting others when giving feedback and be more aware of their reactions when receiving feedback.

2. Create a safe environment: Managers should strive to create an environment where feedback is welcomed and not feared. This can be achieved by fostering a culture of open communication and mutual respect.

3. Be clear and specific: When giving feedback, managers should be clear and specific. Vague feedback can lead to confusion and misunderstanding.

4. Be receptive to feedback: Managers should also be open to receiving feedback from their team. This can help them improve their management style and build stronger relationships with their team.

The themes of 'Thanks for the Feedback: The Science and Art of Receiving Feedback Well' are highly relevant to contemporary issues in corporate communication and feedback. In today's corporate world, feedback is a crucial tool for personal and professional growth. However, giving and receiving feedback can often be challenging due to various triggers and emotional responses. The book provides insights into understanding these triggers and managing reactions, which is essential in the modern corporate environment where effective communication and feedback are key to success.

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