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Have you ever felt frustrated because you couldn't keep up with or maintain your habits? Our Habit Tracker template, available in Microsoft Excel and Google Sheets, features 12 customizable tabs, one for each month of the year, to allow you to monitor all your habits and track your progress in detail. This template not only categorizes and tracks your habits but also illustrates your progress with monthly and weekly charts, making it easy to see how you're doing. Plus, it highlights your achievements and points out areas for improvement to encourage you to outdo yourself month by month while allowing you to share your progress with family and friends.

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When you use a Habit Tracker, you can see how daily actions lead to significant changes. By monitoring your routine, you transform these single actions into automated habits and facilitate their completion. This efficiency boosts your productivity and simplifies your day. The Habit Tracker not only motivates you to maintain your habits but also enhances your life quality and personal growth. Whether you celebrate a week of physical activity or keep a continuous daily reading streak, this template helps you commit to small, regular actions to establish positive habits.

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Monitor monthly habits

The Habit Tracker (Part 2) is designed to provide 12 customizable tabs for month-by-month monitoring. Each tab has a calendar featuring your habits, organized by categories. As the month progresses, you can mark whether a habit was completed. The template records your actions and automatically calculates the daily and monthly percentage of completed habits and category performance.

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At the end of each tab, charts summarize your performance and show the overall completion percentage, as well as performance by category and habit, broken down by monthly and weekly totals.

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Additional charts highlight your top three completed habits and the three that require more attention. These charts help you celebrate successes and plan for improvements next month.

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Organize habits in categories

Organize habits into categories to keep the template structured and aligned with your goals. The template holds space for up to five different categories, whether professional, personal, health-related, or other areas you want to develop. After setting them, you can add the habits you want to establish in each. It's possible to add five habits per category, which allows you to track up to 25 distinct habits.

This structure is automatically replicated across all monthly tabs. If needed, adjustments can be made over the months to add new habits or modify existing ones. Any changed habit will be highlighted in blue, signaling a manual modification. These changes automatically apply to subsequent months, offering flexibility to adjust your goals as you progress.

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Set habits expected frequency

The Habit Tracker (Part 2) allows you to set the weekly frequency of each habit to align your progress with a realistic routine rather than unattainable daily perfection. These set frequencies are automatically highlighted in blue on the monthly tabs and act as a quick visual guide for when each habit should be performed. This method understands that "100%" success in a habit could mean performing it just a few times a week and offers a more realistic view of your progress. Additionally, if you go beyond the planned frequency, the template acknowledges your additional effort and allows your success rate to exceed 100%. This encourages and celebrates your dedication beyond what was initially expected.

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Track annual performance

The Habit Tracker (Part 2) aggregates all your month-by-month efforts and provides a long-term analysis of the habits you've developed. It contains charts that display the variation in your monthly performance, both overall and separated by category and habit. With an annual overview, you can identify trends, such as months where you performed exceptionally well and others that require more attention and strategy. The template also includes a colorful layout that intuitively shows every day of the year when a habit was completed. Each day is color-coded: green for when the habit was completed and red for when it was not. This view offers an instant visual representation of your commitment and consistency over time.

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Customize your Habit Tracker

The Habit Tracker (Part 2) uses monthly tabs with automatically structured calendars to help you monitor your habits. To make things easier, the template allows you to choose the month you want to start. The first tab will automatically organize its calendar for the specified month. The following tabs will also be structured based on the subsequent months without any additional adjustments.

The template also allows you to define whether each tab's calendar starts on Monday or Sunday. Lastly, the Habit Tracker's calendar can be edited for international users. The dropdowns and days of the week will follow the language you provide.

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The Habit Tracker (Part 2), available on Google Sheets and Excel, has everything you need to assess, celebrate, and plan your next steps to solidify habits that promote your best self. Based on past behavior patterns, plan your future and adjust your goals and methods to continue growing.

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