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Recupere el control de su equipo y proyectos con nuestra Rastreador de Tareas baraja. Ahorre tiempo que gasta en crear informes de actualización de progreso con estas listas de verificación diarias, semanales y mensuales personalizadas. Organice las tareas por prioridad, fecha de vencimiento, porcentaje de finalización, asignación y muchas más opciones.

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Destacados de la diapositiva

El 45% de los empleados informan que los gráficos de Gantt son su herramienta de gestión de proyectos más utilizada. Utilice esta diapositiva para medir las tareas con precisión, seguirlas a través de múltiples fases de un proyecto individual y crear cronogramas más precisos para compartir con su equipo.

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Gestione las actividades del equipo a través de múltiples empleados con esta tabla de asignación de tareas. Cree una visión general de alto nivel de quién tiene asignada qué tarea con fechas de vencimiento. Vea cuántas tareas ha completado cada miembro e identifique los cuellos de botella.

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Utilice este Seguimiento de Objetivos para revisar con qué frecuencia se realizan las tareas diarias durante un período de un mes. Muestre a los miembros del equipo cómo su productividad diaria se suma para definir tareas y áreas que requieren mayor prioridad.

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A Goal Tracker can be used in several ways to define tasks and areas that require greater priority. Firstly, it can be used to review how often daily tasks are accomplished over a set period, such as a month. This can show team members how their day-to-day productivity adds up and can help identify tasks that need more attention. Secondly, it can be used to manage team activities across multiple employees, providing a top-level overview of who is assigned which task with due dates. This can help identify bottlenecks and areas where more resources may be needed. Lastly, it can be used in conjunction with other project management tools like Gantt charts to measure tasks accurately, track them across multiple phases of a project, and create precise timelines.

Task tracking can help in identifying bottlenecks in a project by providing a clear overview of the progress of various tasks. It allows managers to see how many tasks each team member has completed and identify if there are any tasks that are taking longer than expected to complete. This can indicate a bottleneck where a particular task or set of tasks is slowing down the overall project progress. By identifying these bottlenecks, steps can be taken to address the issue and improve the efficiency of the project.

A Task Assignment table can be used to create a top-level overview of task assignments in several ways. Firstly, it can be used to assign tasks to different team members, with each task having a due date. This allows for easy tracking of who is responsible for what and when it is due. Secondly, it can be used to track the progress of each task, showing how many tasks each team member has completed. This can help identify bottlenecks in the process. Lastly, it can be used in conjunction with a Goal Tracker to review how often daily tasks are accomplished over a month-long period, showing team members how their day-to-day productivity adds up and highlighting tasks and areas that require greater priority.

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Solo el 52% de los ejecutivos piensan que la forma en que sus empleados asignan su tiempo coincide con las prioridades de la empresa, mientras que solo el 9% informa satisfacción con la asignación de tiempo de todo su lugar de trabajo. El 46% de los líderes de equipo informan que "cumplir con los plazos del proyecto" es su mayor obstáculo.

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Eso se debe a que la mayoría de los empleados dedican al menos la mitad de su semana a "retrabajar" proyectos y asignaciones mal comunicadas, lo que equivale a más de 20 horas de trabajo desperdiciado. Esto cuesta a las pequeñas empresas hasta $420,000 y a las grandes empresas más de $62 millones anualmente.

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Según el Instituto de Gestión de Proyectos, las empresas con estructuras claras de gestión de proyectos tienen un 38% más de proyectos exitosos que las que no las tienen. Las empresas que desarrollan mejores prácticas de gestión de proyectos ahorran 28 veces más dinero que las que no lo hacen. Utilice el tiempo y el dinero ahorrado para invertir en ideas más innovadoras para una mayor productividad.

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The question seems to be a bit vague and is not directly related to the provided content. However, in a general context, "explain the tasks performed" could refer to describing the specific activities that have been carried out in a project or process. This could include planning, resource allocation, task execution, progress tracking, and results evaluation.

In the context of project management, as mentioned in the content, the tasks performed could include creating clear project management structures, developing best practices, and investing in innovative ideas to increase productivity.

Please provide more details or specify your question for a more accurate answer.

A task tracker can help in managing more successful projects by providing a clear structure and organization. It allows for better tracking of tasks, deadlines, and progress, which can lead to improved efficiency and productivity. It also helps in identifying potential issues early on, allowing for timely resolution and preventing delays. Furthermore, it can facilitate better communication and collaboration among team members, leading to a more coordinated effort.

To facilitate a more productive and collaborative culture, companies can invest in team building activities, provide clear communication channels, encourage open feedback, offer training and development opportunities, and recognize and reward team efforts. It's also important to create an inclusive environment where everyone feels valued and heard.

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  • Mejore la gestión del flujo de trabajo. Organice las listas de verificación de tareas por prioridad, fecha de vencimiento y porcentaje hacia la finalización.
  • Comunique mejor. Varias opciones de diseño le permiten elegir el mejor formato para comunicar sus métricas más importantes.
  • Cumpla con los plazos. Siga los objetivos a lo largo de semanas y meses. Tenga en cuenta las tareas realizadas por hora, días de la semana y meses del año.
  • Construya mejores listas de tareas. Listas de verificación editables que comunican las prioridades del equipo y el progreso en múltiples proyectos crearán un entorno mejor y más programado.
  • Tenga en cuenta el tiempo perdido. Mida el tiempo desperdiciado. Calcule las horas presupuestadas para una tarea frente a las horas reales tomadas. Realice auditorías de tiempo para corregir el desperdicio.
  • Hiperenfoque en áreas problemáticas. Siga el progreso e identifique las tareas completadas, las tareas en curso y las tareas vencidas. Enfóquese en los cuellos de botella y reasigne tareas con facilidad.
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Task trackers can be used in several ways to hit deadlines. They can help improve workflow management by organizing tasks by priority, due date, and percentage towards completion. They can also enhance communication by providing multiple design options to communicate important metrics. Task trackers can help in tracking goals across weeks and months, accounting for tasks accomplished by the hour, days of the week, and months of the year. They can assist in building better to-do lists that communicate team priorities and progress across multiple projects. Task trackers can also help account for lost time by measuring time wasted and comparing the hours budgeted to a task against the actual hours taken. They can also help focus on problem areas by tracking progress and identifying completed tasks, on-track tasks, and overdue tasks.

A task tracker can significantly improve workflow management by organizing tasks according to priority, due date, and progress towards completion. It allows for better communication by providing multiple design options to effectively convey important metrics. It helps in meeting deadlines by tracking goals across different time frames. It aids in creating efficient to-do lists that reflect team priorities and progress across multiple projects. It also helps in accounting for lost time by comparing the hours budgeted for a task against the actual hours taken. Lastly, it allows for a focused approach on problem areas by tracking progress and identifying completed, on-track, and overdue tasks.

Organizing task checklists by percentage towards completion has several benefits. It allows for better workflow management as you can easily track the progress of tasks. It also aids in communication as it provides a clear picture of the status of tasks. This method helps in meeting deadlines as you can see how much of the task is left to be completed. It also helps in identifying problem areas and bottlenecks as you can see which tasks are lagging behind.

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Utilice la productividad adicional para permitir más tiempo para descansos. Cuando usted y su equipo tienen más tiempo para descansos durante el día, vuelven al trabajo más motivados.

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Con el apoyo de estas herramientas de Seguimiento de Tareas, puede seguir fácilmente la estrategia BLISS recomendada por el Instituto de Gestión de Proyectos para dirigir reuniones de estado del proyecto:

  • Sea eficiente con diapositivas que comunican rápidamente los puntos de datos clave.
  • Mire hacia adelante o hacia atrás con múltiples opciones de seguimiento de tareas diarias, semanales y mensuales.
  • Insista en la responsabilidad con diapositivas que destacan los roles del equipo.
  • Simplifique su agenda de reuniones con listas de tareas simples y visualizaciones de informes de progreso.
  • Manténgase enfocado con diapositivas que pueden ser hiperadaptadas a sus necesidades.
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Some other ways to facilitate a productive and collaborative culture include promoting open communication, encouraging team building activities, providing constructive feedback, recognizing and appreciating employees' efforts, and fostering an environment of trust and respect. It's also important to provide opportunities for professional development and growth.

Task tracker presentations can be used for goal setting by providing a visual representation of tasks, their progress, and who is responsible for them. They can help in looking forward or back with multiple daily, weekly, and monthly task tracker options. They can insist on accountability with slides that highlight team roles. They can simplify your meeting agenda with simple to-do lists and progress report visualizations. They can also help to stay focused with slides that can be hyper-tailored to your every need.

Some other ways to record accomplishments include maintaining a personal journal of achievements, creating a portfolio of work, using digital tools like project management apps to track progress, setting up a reward system for each accomplishment, and regularly updating your resume or LinkedIn profile with new achievements.

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Para más barajas sobre productividad personal y de equipo, consulte nuestro Reuniones y Agendas (Parte 3), así como esta presentación Objetivos y Resultados Clave (Parte 2) y este Planificador de Productividad.

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