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Como designer, freelancer, consultor, comprador corporativo ou pequena empresa, você precisa que suas faturas representem sua profissionalidade e também garantam seu pagamento. Abaixo, explicamos como você pode personalizar suas faturas com o PowerPoint melhor do que com o Excel ou Word, e como usar um Modelos de Fatura totalmente personalizável que criamos para começar. Se você quiser ir direto para o recurso, role para baixo agora.

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Some best practices for invoice creation include: ensuring all necessary information is included such as your business name, contact details, and the client's information; itemizing the services or products provided with their respective costs; including payment terms and due date; and maintaining a professional and clear layout. It's also beneficial to personalize your invoices to reflect your brand, and using tools like PowerPoint can help with this.

To make an invoice more appealing to clients, you can personalize it to reflect your professionalism. This can be done by using a customizable template, adding your company logo, using a professional and clear layout, including all necessary details like invoice number, date, payment terms, and a breakdown of services or products provided. You can also use a tool like PowerPoint for customization, which may offer more flexibility and design options than Excel or Word.

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Como fazer:

Criar uma fatura com o PowerPoint

Então, como um bom design de fatura pode aumentar seus lucros? Quando você aborda suas faturas como cartões de visita para o seu negócio, um bom design pode representar sua profissionalidade e ajudar a conseguir trabalhos repetidos. Em segundo lugar, se você projetar sua fatura de maneira amigável, seus clientes podem obter facilmente as informações de que precisam para pagar você a tempo.

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The content does not provide specific examples of invoice designs that have successfully increased profits. However, it suggests that good invoice design can increase profits by demonstrating professionalism and facilitating timely payments from clients.

Invoice design can be optimized for faster payments by making it user-friendly and easy to understand. This includes clearly stating the payment terms, due date, and the amount due. It's also beneficial to include multiple payment options and a detailed breakdown of services provided. A professional and well-organized invoice can encourage clients to pay on time.

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No primeiro ponto: Você quer que suas faturas pareçam boas, mas você não quer torná-las tão cheias de design a ponto de parecerem muito brincalhonas, pois isso poderia baratear seu serviço e torná-lo pouco profissional. Por exemplo, você não quer que seu cliente pense que você gasta muito tempo no design da sua fatura porque não tem clientes suficientes pagando! Em contraste, ter uma fatura de boa aparência sinaliza que seu negócio é legítimo e que você tem trabalho consistente, mesmo que seja a sua primeira vez.

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A business can use invoice design to show they get consistent work by creating a professional and clean design. This signals to the client that the business is legitimate and consistently gets work. However, it's important not to overdo the design to the point where it looks too playful or gives the impression that the business has too much free time, which could potentially make it look unprofessional.

Some strategies to make an invoice look good for a first-time client include keeping it professional and not overly playful. The design should be clean and simple, not overly complex or busy. It should clearly state the services provided and the cost for each. It's also important to include your business information and contact details. Remember, the invoice is a reflection of your business, so it should be professional and represent your brand well.

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Então, como você faz uma fatura profissional? Se você nunca fez uma fatura antes, existem alguns elementos-chave que você precisa incluir: o produto ou serviços fornecidos ao cliente, as informações de contato para você e seu cliente, o valor devido pelo trabalho e a data de vencimento. Também é bom chamar a atenção do pagador para o valor total para que ele possa pagar você com a menor leitura possível. Você também verá que esta fatura tem o método de pagamento facilmente acessível para que o pagador saiba exatamente como pagar a fatura.

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When creating an invoice for a purchaser, there are several key elements you should include. Firstly, detail the product or services provided to the client. Secondly, include the contact information for both you and your client. Thirdly, specify the amount owed for the work and the due date. It's also beneficial to highlight the total amount to facilitate the payer's reading. Lastly, make the payment method easily accessible so the payer knows exactly how to pay the invoice.

To make an invoice more designful, you can consider the following strategies: 1. Use a clean and professional layout. 2. Highlight important information such as total amount and due date. 3. Include clear and concise descriptions of the products or services provided. 4. Make the payment method easily accessible. 5. Use your brand colors and logo to make the invoice recognizable. 6. Use typography that is easy to read. 7. Include a thank you note or a personal message to add a personal touch.

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Então, como você faz faturas que mostram sua profissionalidade e ajudam você a conseguir mais trabalho? Faça-as no PowerPoint. Fazer uma fatura no PowerPoint é superior a fazer uma em um documento do Word, pois o Word é destinado a layouts baseados em texto com a imagem ocasional. O PowerPoint, por outro lado, é mais contextual, permitindo que você arraste e solte qualquer coisa em qualquer posição que desejar. Como as faturas são de uma única página, você precisa de flexibilidade de design para reorganizar os elementos para garantir que todos caibam em uma página, o que é mais fácil no PowerPoint do que no Word ou Excel.

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Invoices need to fit on one page for ease of reading and to maintain professionalism. A one-page invoice is concise, clear, and easy for clients to understand, which can help in prompt payment. PowerPoint facilitates this by offering design flexibility. Unlike Word or Excel, which are more text-based, PowerPoint is more contextual. It allows you to drag and drop any element into any position you want, making it easier to ensure all elements of an invoice fit on one page.

The drag and drop feature in PowerPoint provides design flexibility that is beneficial in the invoice creation process. Since invoices are typically one-pagers, it's important to be able to rearrange elements to ensure they all fit on one page. PowerPoint allows you to easily move any element to any position you want, making it easier to create a professional and organized invoice than in Word or Excel.

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O PowerPoint permite que você utilize diferentes cores, negrito ou tamanhos de cabeçalho para chamar a atenção para os detalhes mais importantes. Essa personalização pode fazer a diferença entre uma experiência de usuário positiva e uma confusa. Você não quer que seus pagamentos sejam atrasados devido a informações perdidas, mas também não quer que a fatura pareça muito cheia de informações.

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Invoice templates can help establish credibility with clients by providing a professional and consistent image. They allow businesses to personalize their invoices, reflecting their brand and demonstrating their attention to detail. This can enhance the client's perception of the business as reliable and trustworthy. Moreover, well-structured invoices ensure all necessary information is included, reducing the chances of confusion or payment delays, which can further boost credibility.

Balancing the amount of information on an invoice is crucial to ensure clarity and avoid confusion. Too much information can make the invoice feel crowded and overwhelming, potentially leading to missed or misunderstood details. On the other hand, insufficient information could result in delayed payments due to lack of necessary details. Therefore, it's important to provide just the right amount of information - enough to clearly convey the necessary details, but not so much that it becomes confusing or overwhelming.

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Para as cobranças faturáveis, use uma tabela do PowerPoint em vez de caixas de texto. Isso facilita o alinhamento e é conveniente para vários itens de linha. Por fim, inclua o total final como um número maior que os outros. Este número pode ficar no topo da fatura ou na parte inferior. Se estiver no topo, o destinatário sabe imediatamente quanto pagar. Se estiver na parte inferior, é mais sutil, como um resumo, especialmente se a sua fatura tiver muitos itens de linha.

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When deciding whether to place the final total at the top or bottom of an invoice, consider the following: If the total is at the top, the recipient knows right away what to pay. This can be beneficial if you want to make the payment amount immediately clear. If the total is at the bottom, it's more subtle, like a summary. This can be useful if your invoice has a lot of line items and you want to provide a detailed breakdown before revealing the total cost.

Using a PowerPoint table for multiple line items on an invoice can make alignment easy and convenient because it provides a structured format where each item can be placed in its own cell. This ensures that all items are aligned properly, making the invoice look neat and organized. It also makes it easier to add, remove, or modify items, as each one has its own dedicated space within the table. Furthermore, it simplifies the process of calculating totals, as PowerPoint can automatically add up numbers in a column.

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Ao contrário de outros geradores de faturas que não têm a flexibilidade para determinar o que vai onde, o design com PowerPoint permite adicionar ou subtrair elementos adicionais como despesas de negócios, impostos e taxas, ou descontos para clientes. Se você está interessado em levar o seu design para o próximo nível, você deve conferir nosso vídeo explicativo em O Design das Coisas CotidianasO Design das Coisas Cotidianas por Don Norman.

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PowerPoint is a suitable tool for creating invoices due to its flexibility and customization options. It allows users to add or subtract additional elements like business expenses, taxes and fees, or customer discounts. This makes it ideal for contractors, small businesses, corporate vendors, consultants, and freelancers who may have varying invoicing needs. Furthermore, PowerPoint's design capabilities can help in creating personalized and professional-looking invoices that can establish credibility with clients.

Invoice templates can establish credibility in front of clients by presenting a professional image. They allow businesses to include all necessary information in a clear and organized manner, which can increase trust and transparency. Customizable templates also allow businesses to add their own branding, further enhancing their professional image. Moreover, detailed invoices can show clients that the business is thorough and pays attention to detail, which can further boost credibility.

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Agora, se você não quer criar uma fatura do PowerPoint belamente projetada e personalizada do zero, você pode usar nossa coleção de modelos de fatura para economizar tempo e horas de trabalho. Este modelo tem faturas para todos, seja você um contratado, pequena empresa, fornecedor corporativo ou comprador, consultor ou freelancer.

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The Invoice template collection is a time-saving resource for businesses because it eliminates the need to create invoices from scratch. It provides a variety of pre-designed, personalized templates suitable for different types of businesses such as contractors, small businesses, corporate vendors, purchasers, consultants, and freelancers. This allows businesses to quickly and easily generate professional invoices, saving them time and effort.

Personalized invoice templates can significantly contribute to a business's branding. They allow a business to maintain a consistent look and feel across all its documentation, which helps to reinforce its brand identity. This consistency can make the business appear more professional and trustworthy to its clients. Additionally, personalized invoices can include the business's logo, color scheme, and other branding elements, further enhancing brand recognition and recall. They can also convey the business's values and personality, helping to differentiate it from its competitors.

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Esta fatura centrada no produto lista produtos, preço por unidade e o número de unidades. Também contabiliza o imposto e qualquer desconto aplicável. Some o imposto menos o desconto para o total geral devido. Em termos e condições, liste quaisquer detalhes específicos de faturamento, como data de vencimento. (Slide 8)

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Fatura de taxa horária

O modelo também inclui um botão "pagar agora" que pode ser copiado e colado em cada fatura da coleção para que você possa direcionar para o seu serviço de pagamento preferido. Basta clicar com o botão direito do mouse no botão e atualizar a URL para o seu link de pagamento. Por exemplo, você poderia adicioná-lo a esta fatura centrada no serviço projetada para contratados por hora. Ela lista as tarefas realizadas, sua taxa horária, o número de horas e o total. (Slide 19)

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The service-centered invoice calculates the total amount due by listing out the tasks accomplished, their hourly rate, and the number of hours. The total amount due is then calculated by multiplying the hourly rate by the number of hours for each task, and then summing up these amounts for all tasks.

Service-centered invoices are particularly beneficial for businesses that bill clients based on time spent on tasks. This includes businesses such as consulting firms, freelance professionals, law firms, and any other business where services are rendered on an hourly basis. These invoices clearly list out the tasks accomplished, their hourly rate, and the total number of hours, making it easy for clients to understand the charges.

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Fatura de consultoria

Este design focado em consultoria oferece um caso de uso semelhante, mas se você cobra seus clientes com uma taxa fixa, simplesmente remova as colunas de horas e taxa para o valor total. Esta visualização também permite que você inclua sua assinatura na parte inferior. (Slide 20)

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Assinatura ou SaaS

Este design focado em consultoria oferece um caso de uso semelhante, mas se você cobra seus clientes com uma taxa fixa, simplesmente remova as colunas de horas e taxa para o valor total. Esta visualização também permite que você inclua sua assinatura na parte inferior.(Slide 25)

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Fatura com despesas

Este design adiciona uma seção para despesas incorridas durante um período de serviço, como viagens e transporte, o que é especialmente útil para freelancers e contratados que precisam de recursos adicionais para complementar seus serviços principais. Se você não precisa de despesas extras, exclua-as para um design básico de fatura. Você pode querer este design para relacionamentos contínuos com clientes recorrentes, pois o resumo final contabiliza a cobrança "até a data", a última data e valor da fatura, ou quaisquer valores pendentes. (Slide 35)

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If extra expenses are not required in this invoice design, you can simply delete the section for expenses incurred during a service period. This will give you a basic invoice design. However, you may want to keep this design for continuing relationships with repeat clients since the bottom summary tallies the "to date" billing, last invoice date and amount, or any outstanding amounts.

The "to date" billing feature in this invoice design can enhance relationships with repeat clients by providing a clear, comprehensive summary of all transactions to date. This transparency can build trust and make it easier for clients to understand their billing history. It also allows for easy reference of past invoices, last invoice date and amount, or any outstanding amounts, which can be beneficial for both parties in case of any discrepancies or for future financial planning.

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Receba em dia, todas as vezes

Como muitas faturas são criadas e transmitidas digitalmente agora, pode haver incompatibilidades de software entre seu sistema e o sistema de seu pagador. Para evitar complicações, exporte a versão final de sua fatura como um PDF para garantir que seu layout e design sejam traduzidos corretamente. Exportar para um PDF também é bom para evitar a edição "acidental", pois um PDF bloqueia o conteúdo.

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Software compatibility is crucial when creating digital invoices to ensure that the invoice can be opened, viewed, and processed correctly by the recipient. If the software used to create the invoice is not compatible with the software used by the recipient, the invoice may not display correctly, leading to confusion or errors. Additionally, software incompatibility can lead to issues with the layout and design of the invoice, which can affect the professional appearance of the invoice. To avoid these issues, it is recommended to export the final version of the invoice as a PDF, which is a widely accepted format that preserves the layout and design of the invoice and can be opened by most software.

Our invoice templates can benefit a wide range of individuals and businesses. This includes contractors, small businesses, and corporate vendors. They are particularly useful for those who need to create professional, personalized invoices to establish credibility with their clients. Additionally, they can be beneficial for those who are dealing with software incompatibilities, as our templates can be exported as PDFs to ensure correct layout and design translation.

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Para mais modelos de faturas, confira também nossa Cobrança de Faturas coleção de planilhas. Esses modelos personalizados são ótimos para ajudá-lo a obter trabalho recorrente e evitar filtros de spam que estão tentando parar fraudes de faturas. Para saber mais sobre o golpe de fatura do PayPal que está acontecendo agora, confira definitivamente o vídeo que criamos sobre isso aqui. Ambas as coleções impressionarão seus clientes com faturas totalmente personalizadas e belamente projetadas, e tornarão o mais fácil possível para eles pagarem a você em dia, todas as vezes.

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Personalized invoices can make it easier for clients to pay on time by providing clear, concise, and relevant information tailored to the client's needs. This can include details about the services provided, the cost, and the payment due date. Personalized invoices can also include the client's preferred payment method, making the payment process more convenient. Additionally, personalized invoices can help establish credibility and trust, which can encourage timely payments.

The PayPal invoice scam involves fraudsters sending fake invoices via PayPal to trick recipients into paying for goods or services they haven't received. Scammers often use email or text messages to send these fake invoices. To learn more about it, you can watch the video mentioned in the content or visit PayPal's official website or trusted cybersecurity websites for detailed information and tips on how to avoid such scams.

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