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Diante da incerteza e da disrupção, utilize nosso Gestão de Crise deck para enfrentar os desafios atuais do seu negócio, desenvolver estratégias de recuperação e criar uma rede de segurança melhor para o futuro previsível.

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Destaques do slide

Com este slide, introduza os possíveis efeitos macro da crise em seu negócio. Com base na crise econômica de 2008, estes podem incluir menos oportunidades de negócios, necessidade de demissões ou até mesmo fechamento e diminuição do empréstimo comercial.

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Para planejar melhor seus recursos humanos em tempos de crise, preste atenção especial aos departamentos com contratações pausadas e redução de salário. Use este slide para apresentá-los ao seu público e discutir algumas medidas para apoiar esses departamentos.

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Use este slide para introduzir Planejamento de Cenários e sua implementação. Para criar um: defina o escopo, os problemas e o horizonte temporal, liste todos os principais impulsionadores, colete e analise dados e desenvolva diferentes cenários para a gestão de crises.

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Businesses can prepare for the macro effects of a crisis by understanding the potential impacts such as fewer business opportunities, need for layoffs or closure, and a decrease in commercial lending. They should pay special attention to departments with paused hiring and pay reduction, and develop measures to support these departments. Businesses should also define the scope, issues, and time horizon of the crisis, list all key drivers, gather and analyze data, and develop different scenarios for crisis management.

To develop different scenarios for crisis management, you can start by defining the scope, issues, and time horizon of the potential crisis. Then, list all key drivers that could influence the situation. After that, gather and analyze data related to these drivers and the potential crisis. Based on this information, you can develop different scenarios that your business may face during the crisis. This process will help you to prepare for various possible outcomes and to plan your response accordingly.

Businesses can manage their human resources during a crisis by paying special attention to the departments with paused hiring and pay reduction. They can support these departments with measures such as defining scope, issues, and time horizon, listing all key drivers, gathering and analyzing data, and developing different scenarios for crisis management.

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Visão geral

Uma crise nos negócios é um evento que pode potencialmente colocar o sucesso e a saúde de uma empresa em risco, afetando as operações, as finanças, a equipe ou a reputação da empresa.Pode ser causado por fatores internos ou externos e, como as crises empresariais são comuns e podem ser bastante agudas, é crucial ter um plano para a gestão de crises.

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The long-term effects of a crisis on a business can be significant and varied. They can include financial loss due to disruption in operations, damage to the company's reputation, loss of customers and market share, and decreased employee morale and productivity. In some cases, a crisis can lead to the failure of the business. However, if managed effectively, a crisis can also present opportunities for a business to improve its operations, strengthen its reputation, and become more resilient.

A business can prevent a crisis from escalating by having a well-prepared crisis management plan. This plan should include strategies for identifying potential crises, procedures for responding to them, and systems for monitoring and adjusting the response as the situation evolves. It's also important to have a strong communication strategy to keep all stakeholders informed and to manage the company's reputation effectively.

Some common mistakes businesses make in crisis management include lack of preparation, poor communication, not having a dedicated crisis management team, not learning from past crises, and failing to adapt and evolve their crisis management strategies.

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Aqui estão os principais passos no processo de gestão de crises, de acordo com a Hubspot:


A primeira parte da gestão de crises é a prevenção de crises, dizem os especialistas. Isso significa ter um sólido plano de gestão de crises, contratar e treinar sua equipe de gestão de crises e realizar exercícios práticos para a implementação do plano. Esta parte também requer a criação de quaisquer rascunhos de comunicação de crise que você possa ter que usar em tempos de crise. Ter estas mensagens prontas com antecedência vai poupar-lhe algumas células nervosas em uma situação de emergência.

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A business can face several types of crises.

Financial crises, such as bankruptcy or severe losses, can threaten a company's survival.

Operational crises, like a major failure in a company's production process, can disrupt its ability to operate effectively.

Reputational crises, such as scandals or negative publicity, can damage a company's brand and customer relationships.

Personnel crises, like the sudden departure of a key executive, can create uncertainty and disrupt operations.

Natural disasters or global events, like pandemics, can also create crises by disrupting supply chains and operations.

Lastly, technological crises, such as data breaches or system failures, can disrupt operations and damage a company's reputation.

Some challenges in implementing a crisis management plan include ensuring that the plan is comprehensive and covers all potential crises, training staff effectively to respond to a crisis, conducting regular practice exercises to ensure readiness, and creating effective crisis communication drafts in advance. It can also be challenging to keep the plan updated and relevant as the business environment changes.

A business can measure the effectiveness of its crisis management plan by evaluating how well it mitigates the impact of a crisis. This can be done by assessing the speed of response, the effectiveness of communication, the level of preparedness, and the ability to return to normal operations. Feedback from stakeholders, employees, and customers can also provide valuable insights. Additionally, conducting regular drills and simulations can help identify areas for improvement.

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Gestão de crise

A gestão de crises é o processo de lidar e responder às diferentes fases da crise. Em resumo, este é o processo de colocar seu plano de gestão de crises em ação. Esta fase inclui a liberação de mensagens iniciais de gestão de crises, o contato com funcionários e stakeholders e a priorização da segurança pública e da empresa.

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A company can build a better safety net for the foreseeable future by developing a comprehensive crisis management plan. This plan should include strategies for dealing with various phases of a crisis, including initial response, communication with employees and stakeholders, and prioritizing public and company safety. Regular training and drills can also help prepare the company for potential crises. Additionally, the company should continuously review and update the plan based on new risks and lessons learned from past crises.

Some strategies for managing stakeholder expectations during a crisis include clear and timely communication, being transparent about the situation, setting realistic expectations, and prioritizing safety. It's important to keep stakeholders informed about what's happening, what steps are being taken to address the crisis, and what they can expect in the near future. Transparency helps build trust, even in difficult times. Setting realistic expectations helps prevent disappointment and further crisis. Prioritizing safety shows that the organization values its stakeholders and is doing everything it can to protect them.

A company can recover from a crisis by implementing a crisis management plan. This includes releasing initial crisis management messages, contacting employees and stakeholders, and prioritizing public and company safety. It's also important to analyze the situation, take responsibility, communicate effectively, and take corrective actions to prevent similar crises in the future.

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Pós crise

É crucial manter contato com seus funcionários, clientes e stakeholders e permanecer disponível para responder às suas perguntas e enviar atualizações regulares pós-crise."Trabalhe com a sua equipe de gestão de crise para revisar e analisar o seu plano de gestão de crise e como ele se desenrolou durante uma situação de emergência real. Como se saíram as suas comunicações de crise? Seu público ficou com alguma dúvida ou preocupação que você negligenciou responder? Integre qualquer lição que você aprenda ao seu processo de gestão de crise para planejamentos futuros", recomendam os especialistas da Hubspot.

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Estudo de caso

Southwest Airlines

Quando em 2016, a Southwest Airlines foi severamente afetada por uma falha técnica inesperada, a empresa demonstrou habilidades fenomenais de gestão de crise. Naquela época, o site da Southwest Airlines ficou fora do ar por mais de 12 horas, o que levou ao cancelamento de milhares de voos.

A companhia aérea utilizou as redes sociais como uma ferramenta para responder prontamente e genuinamente às reclamações dos clientes. A Southwest pediu desculpas pelo inconveniente, assumiu a responsabilidade e emitiu atualizações regulares à medida que a crise se desenrolava. A empresa também utilizou de maneira inteligente vídeos e fotos no Facebook e Twitter para fornecer evidências mais precisas de como estava lidando com a situação e para se engajar melhor com os clientes.

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