Some effective pricing tools for evaluating cost, feature, and market share include cost-based pricing tools, value-based pricing tools, and competitive pricing tools. Cost-based pricing tools help businesses determine the cost of production and set a price that covers the cost and ensures profit. Value-based pricing tools evaluate the features and benefits of a product and set a price based on the perceived value. Competitive pricing tools analyze the market share and prices of competitors to set a competitive price.

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Pricing Strategies

Need to evaluate the best pricing strategy for a product? This Pricing Strategy spreadsheet includes the top pricing tools to evaluate cost, feature,...

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To begin, first enter the name of the cell phone under the Price Analysis section of the Field tab, along with an initial price point to analyze. Then enter the total fixed cost for the business, which is the total amount of money a business must pay to keep their operations running regardless of how many products they make or sell.

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A business can use pricing strategies to improve its customer price perception by implementing strategies such as value-based pricing, psychological pricing, or promotional pricing. Value-based pricing involves setting prices based on the perceived value of a product or service to the customer rather than on the cost of the product or service. Psychological pricing involves setting prices that are more appealing to customers such as pricing an item at $9.99 instead of $10.00. Promotional pricing involves temporarily reducing prices to increase short-term sales and attract more customers.

Some common mistakes businesses make when setting their initial price point include: not considering the cost of production, not understanding the market and competition, pricing too high or too low, not considering the perceived value of the product by customers, and not revisiting the price point regularly to adjust for changes in the market or cost of production.

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