After achieving his dream of creating the first computer-animated movie, Catmull faced the unexpected challenge of feeling unrest. He had spent two decades building a train and laying its track, and the thought of merely driving it seemed less interesting to him.

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Catmull is a brilliant computer scientist and animator. Paired with storytelling genius John Lasseter and other talented minds, they forged new territory in film by creating the first computer-animated movie, "Toy Story." Since his youth, making a computer-animated movie had been Catmull's dream. So, after he achieved this feat and Pixar stood on firm ground, he was surprised by feelings of unrest."I'd spent two decades building a train and laying its track. Now, the thought of merely driving it struck me as a far less interesting task."

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Pixar pioneered several animation techniques beyond the creation of the first computer-animated movie. Some of these include the development of the RenderMan rendering software, which has been used in every Pixar film and many other films outside of Pixar. They also developed techniques for creating realistic lighting, fur, and water effects. Additionally, they pioneered the use of a technique called 'subdivision surfaces' to create more realistic and complex shapes in their animations.

Catmull's leadership style was instrumental in the success of Pixar. His vision and determination to create the first computer-animated movie, along with his ability to assemble and lead a team of talented individuals, were key factors in Pixar's success. His leadership style allowed for innovation and creativity, which are essential in the animation industry.

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