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Need to create map charts in Excel or Google Sheets? We've created a Ultimate World Map Collection template in Excel and Google Sheets that you can download and customize to your needs. It includes a world map chart, map charts for each major continent, including North America, South America, Asia, Europe, Africa, and Oceania, as well as a map chart for the United States, which on Excel can be customized to any country that's needed, which we'll get into later.

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To display only the United States in your map chart, you need to delete or hide the data for other countries.

In Excel:
1. Click on the cell or column that contains the data for other countries.
2. Right-click and select 'Delete' or 'Hide' from the dropdown menu.

In Google Sheets:
1. Select the cells or columns containing the data for other countries.
2. Right-click and choose 'Delete cells' or 'Hide column' from the context menu.

Remember, deleting data will permanently remove it from your spreadsheet, while hiding it will simply make it invisible until you choose to 'Unhide' it.

To only show the United States in your map chart, you need to select the United States data in your Excel or Google Sheets.

In Excel, you can do this by clicking on the cell that contains the United States data and then creating a chart from that data.

In Google Sheets, you can do this by highlighting the cells that contain the United States data and then clicking on the 'Insert chart' option.

Remember to choose the map chart type in both cases.

If you're using a template, you might need to delete or hide the data for other countries to only display the United States.

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The best part is, this spreadsheet is fully customizable - meaning any field in blue can be edited to fit any use case, whether you need to map your global sales data, growth initiatives, supply chain bottlenecks, global hiring efforts, or anything else. No need to wrestle with Excel formatting anymore - we'll share how to use this spreadsheet template to easily visualize your data directly onto premade maps.

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I'm sorry, but I can't provide specific examples of companies using customizable spreadsheets to map their supply chain bottlenecks. This information is typically proprietary and not publicly available. However, many companies use customizable spreadsheets to analyze and visualize various types of data, including supply chain bottlenecks. This helps them identify problem areas and make informed decisions.

Some alternative methods to visualize global hiring efforts apart from using customizable spreadsheets include using data visualization tools such as Tableau, Power BI, or Google Data Studio. These tools allow you to create interactive dashboards and reports that can provide a more comprehensive view of your hiring efforts. Additionally, you can use Geographic Information System (GIS) software to create detailed maps of your hiring efforts. Lastly, you can use HR analytics software that often comes with built-in reporting and visualization features.

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Build a World map chart in Excel or Google Sheets from scratch

First and foremost, no global expansion plan is complete without a world map chart to plot your global takeover. This world map chart can filter between two date ranges, between two distinct numeric metrics (in this case, "revenue gained" and "market size"), and by a particular noun to assess (in this case, a product type).

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To create a worldwide map highlighting ICAO EURNAT states, EASA member states, and Interstate Aviation Committee, you'll need to gather data on these entities first. ICAO EURNAT refers to the European and North Atlantic regions of the International Civil Aviation Organization. You can find a list of these states on the ICAO's official website. EASA member states are part of the European Union Aviation Safety Agency. A list of these states can be found on the EASA's official website. The Interstate Aviation Committee is an executive body that oversees civil aviation in the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS). You can find a list of these states on the IAC's official website. Once you have this data, you can use a mapping software like ArcGIS or QGIS to create your map. You can assign different colors to each entity (ICAO EURNAT, EASA, and IAC) to distinguish them on the map.

I'm sorry, but I can't provide a map here. However, you can easily create one using various online tools. EMEA includes Europe, the Middle East, and Africa. LATAM includes Latin America and the Caribbean. APAC refers to Asia-Pacific countries, excluding Japan as per your request. The US is also excluded. Please note that these regions are broad and some countries may be classified differently by different organizations.

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Finally, they're also filterable by country. To showcase data from a particular country, select it from the dropdown. Each country is defined by a country code on the Fields tab, so you can change the country names to whatever you want.

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This country filtering is important on the Google Sheets version, where the map types are less dynamic. But we'll explain this more later. Underneath the filters, the min and max ranges of your data are provided for more precise filtering.

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Using country codes for defining countries in filterable map charts allows for a more precise and flexible data representation. It enables you to showcase data from a specific country by selecting it from the dropdown. This is particularly useful in platforms like Google Sheets where map types are less dynamic. However, it's important to note that each country is defined by a country code, so you can change the country names to your preference.

There are several alternative methods for showcasing data from a particular country in Excel or Google Sheets. One method is to use pivot tables, which allow you to summarize, analyze, explore, and present your data in an organized way. Another method is to use data validation and conditional formatting to highlight specific data points. You can also use charts and graphs to visually represent your data. Additionally, you can use the FILTER function in Google Sheets or the Advanced Filter in Excel to display only the data that meets certain criteria.

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The data table below the maps is where you define each of these metrics and plot your data by replacing all the inputs in blue. Our data table has metrics for each country's annual growth numbers and growth rate as a percentage to assess how fast each country is growing. This "sample data" for each country is actually real, and up to date through at least 2022 - in case you want to keep it. But to change the metrics to be assessed, rename them in the header row, and it changes above, too. For instance, this all could be replaced to count orders in and out, new hires across each country, and so forth. Watch the video above to see this customization in action.

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Yes, a map can show city and state data. However, it depends on the capabilities of the specific mapping software or service being used. Some mapping tools allow for detailed geographical data visualization down to the city or even street level. This includes displaying data related to population, demographics, economic indicators, and more. The data must be properly formatted and geocoded for the mapping tool to interpret and display it correctly.

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Create filterable Continent charts for each major continent

In addition to the world map, we've also provided map charts for each of the continents and their related countries. Here they are again on Google Sheets, beginning with North America, which also includes part of Latin America, then South America, Asia, Europe, Africa, and Oceania, which includes Australia, New Zealand, and the related countries and islands. Each of these maps function the same way as the world map.

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The Ultimate World Map Collection is a versatile tool that can be used in a variety of real-world applications. For instance, it can be used in educational settings, where teachers can use the maps to teach geography. Businesses can use the maps for market analysis, identifying potential areas for expansion or understanding regional trends. Travel agencies can use the maps to plan itineraries and show clients potential travel routes. Non-profit organizations can use the maps to visualize data related to global issues, such as climate change, poverty, or health crises. Please note that these are just examples and the actual use cases can be much more diverse and specific.

There are several alternative methods to the Ultimate World Map Collection for creating map charts in Excel or Google Sheets. In Excel, you can use the built-in 'Maps' chart type to create a map chart. You can also use add-ins like 'Power Map' or '3D Map' for more advanced mapping. In Google Sheets, you can use the 'GeoChart' tool to create a map chart. Additionally, there are several online tools and platforms like 'Tableau', 'ArcGIS', and 'Datawrapper' that allow you to create map charts and export them to be used in Excel or Google Sheets.

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Remember, if you want to utilize this world map chart template for quick data visualizations, you can download and customize it to your needs right now.

A Map of the US becomes a customizable country chart in Excel

Last, we provide a map of the United States for both Google Sheets and Excel. The US map can be filtered by two date ranges, one location value, such as state (which can be edited to match other countries on Excel) and two noun values. In the example we provide in the above video, we highlight a specific product and a specific division that sells that product.

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On Excel, this map can be fully customizable to any country you like. Watch the video attached to this article to see this in action. All that's needed is to delete the state and zip code headers and replace them with whatever matches the country to visualize, whether that's postal code and state, province, region, principality, or anything else.

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The specific real-world examples of where the Ultimate World Map Collection has been used for data visualization are not provided in the content. However, given the customizable nature of the map, it can be used in various scenarios such as tracking global sales data for a multinational company, visualizing global climate change data, mapping global travel routes, or any other data that has a geographical component.

There are several alternative methods to visualize geographical data in Excel or Google Sheets. In Excel, you can use the Power Map or 3D Map feature, which allows you to plot geographic and temporal data visually, analyze that data in 3D, and create cinematic tours to share with others. You can also use the Power View to create interactive maps with a drag-and-drop interface. In Google Sheets, you can use the GeoChart tool to create a map of a country, a continent, or the world, where the data is displayed as a color gradient. You can also use the Google Maps add-on to plot data on a map directly from the spreadsheet.

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On Google Sheets, this works differently. Since the United States map is just a map of the US, that means if the intention is to highlight a particular country, you need to use the country filter on the continent where that country is to highlight it.

With premade map charts that are easy to plug your custom data into, you can visualize a new market entry strategy, global sales data, or international expansion plans with ease. To visualize your map data, you can download and customize this Ultimate World Map Collection spreadsheet template in Microsoft Excel or Google sheets right now.

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The Ultimate World Map Collection is a tool for visualizing data and does not inherently comply or fail to comply with data regulations. Compliance with data regulations is determined by the data you choose to input into the map. Therefore, it's adaptable to any data compliance regulations as long as the data you're using is compliant.

The Ultimate World Map Collection doesn't inherently ensure transparency and traceability of global sales data changes. It's a tool that provides pre-made map charts for visualizing data. The transparency and traceability of the data changes depend on the data management and tracking systems you have in place. The collection helps in visualizing the data, but it doesn't track or manage the data.

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For more tools like this, go check out our Go-to-Market Strategy and Emerging Markets presentations for additional visualizations to present your global expansion plans to key stakeholders.

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