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Las personas solo harán negocios con otras una vez que las conozcan, les agraden y confíen en ellas. Comprarán al vendedor primero, mucho antes de que incluso consideren lo que están vendiendo.

El Pequeño Libro Rojo de Ventas enseña a los vendedores, o a cualquiera, cómo ganar la venta logrando que sus prospectos valoren a "ellos" antes de que valoren el producto o servicio.

Esto es como una guía de referencia de bolsillo para el vendedor que quiere aprender a vender su producto más importante de todos: ellos mismos. Este libro proporciona al lector 12.5 principios para mejorar la venta de sí mismos.

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Hay al menos tres principios que el autor repite, en una forma u otra, a lo largo del libro. Un principio es estar preparado para la venta. Otro es sobre crear valor para el cliente. El último es sobre involucrar al cliente de tal manera que se sientan completamente convencidos de que el producto o servicio es para ellos.

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A salesperson can effectively engage a customer in a virtual setting by being prepared for the sale, creating value for the customer, and engaging the customer in a way so they'll feel fully convinced that the product or service is for them.

To create a unique value proposition for a customer, you can start by understanding their needs and wants. Then, tailor your product or service to meet those needs. You can also differentiate your product or service from competitors by highlighting its unique features or benefits. Additionally, providing excellent customer service can also add value for the customer. Lastly, engaging the customer in a way that makes them feel fully convinced that the product or service is for them can also create a unique value proposition.

A salesperson can ensure they are fully prepared for a sale by understanding the product or service they are selling in depth, knowing their target audience, and being able to articulate the value of the product or service to the customer. They should also be prepared to engage the customer in a way that convinces them that the product or service is right for them.

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Prepárate para ganar o perder ante alguien más

Esta sección trata sobre conocer al cliente tanto como el producto que se vende. La mayoría de los vendedores tienden a reunirse con el cliente y luego hacer que hablen sobre su propio negocio. El autor especifica que un vendedor debe tomarse el tiempo para hacer su propia investigación preliminar sobre los negocios de sus prospectos para aprender a calibrar lo que están vendiendo, de modo que se adapte mejor a las necesidades de sus clientes. El vendedor más preparado gana, el menos preparado parece un aficionado.

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Not understanding a customer's needs in sales can lead to a number of negative consequences. It can result in ineffective sales pitches, lost sales opportunities, and a damaged reputation. It can also lead to the customer feeling misunderstood and undervalued, which can harm the relationship and make it harder to secure future sales.

A salesperson can demonstrate their value to their prospects by doing preliminary research on the prospects' businesses. This will help them understand the needs of the customer and tailor their product or service to meet those needs. Being well-prepared shows professionalism and dedication, which can set them apart from less prepared competitors.

A salesperson can show they are well-prepared by doing preliminary research on their prospects' businesses. This will help them understand the needs of their customers and tailor their sales pitch accordingly. They should also have a thorough understanding of the product they are selling. Being well-prepared will make them look professional and increase their chances of making a sale.

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Todo se trata de valor, no de precio

Muchos vendedores tienen problemas con regalar tiempo gratis. Si a un cliente se le muestra que es valorado por el vendedor que se toma el tiempo adecuado para educarlo sobre por qué su producto vale más que su precio de venta, entonces crearán valor para el cliente. El valor percibido del cliente y el precio real no son lo mismo. El vendedor también puede convertirse en un influencer en su espacio para crear valor. Hacer networking, dar discursos, publicar videos informativos y educar a otros sobre los beneficios y ventajas de su producto los colocará en la cima de su campo.

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A salesperson can stay at the top of their field by creating value for their customers. This can be achieved by taking the time to educate customers on why their product is worth more than its sales price, thus enhancing the customer's perceived value. Additionally, the salesperson can become an influencer in their space by networking, giving speeches, posting informative videos, and educating others about their product's benefits and advantages.

Some effective strategies for networking in the sales industry include becoming an influencer in your space, giving speeches, posting informative videos, and educating others about the benefits and advantages of your product. This not only helps to create value for your customers but also positions you at the top of your field.

A salesperson can demonstrate the benefits and advantages of their product by taking the time to educate the customer on why their product is worth more than its sales price. This creates value for the customer. The salesperson can also become an influencer in their space to create value. They can do this by networking, giving speeches, posting informative videos, and educating others about their product's benefits and advantages. This will put them at the top of their field.

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Involúcrame y hazme convencerme a mí mismo

Una de las mejores formas de establecer una relación y hacer que los demás hablen de sí mismos es haciendo las preguntas correctas y profundas. La mayoría de los vendedores tienden a hablar continuamente sobre su producto y su empresa sin tomarse el tiempo para escuchar las necesidades del cliente. Si el cliente está involucrado por un vendedor que hace las preguntas correctas, entonces revelarán todo lo que el vendedor necesita saber para convencerlos de por qué su producto es el ajuste perfecto.

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One way to make a sales conversation feel more personal and less transactional is by asking the right, probing questions. This allows the customer to talk about themselves and their needs, rather than just hearing about the product and the company. By engaging the customer in this way, they are more likely to reveal everything the salesperson needs to know in order to convince them that their product is the perfect fit.

A salesperson can make a customer feel like they're not just being sold to by asking the right, probing questions and genuinely listening to the customer's needs. This approach engages the customer and allows them to reveal everything the salesperson needs to know in order to convince them of why their product is the perfect fit.

To make a sales conversation feel more like a dialogue than a monologue, it's important to ask probing questions that engage the customer and encourage them to talk about their needs. This allows the salesperson to understand the customer's requirements and present their product as the perfect fit. It's also crucial to listen actively to the customer's responses, rather than continuously talking about the product and the company.

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Pequeño Libro Rojo de Ventas profundiza en la psicología de las ventas e informa a los vendedores que realmente no saben lo que el cliente quiere hasta que lo han preguntado. No se trata del producto o sus características. Se trata de cómo el producto puede beneficiar al cliente. No es hasta que el cliente está convencido de que el vendedor está genuinamente interesado en sus necesidades que se produce el factor de "conocer, gustar y confiar". Una vez que eso sucede, se venderán. Las personas compran personas primero y su producto o servicio en segundo lugar.

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