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In a crisis, business managers and HR staff members are presented with a difficult task to ensure unblemished work execution by company employees who remain under tremendous stress. To equip you with a complete toolbox and a "first aid kit" to support and comfort staff in uncertain situations, we developed this Employee Management Kit deck. Set a healthy example and make sure everybody on your team comes out of any crisis as a champion.

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A company can ensure the stability of its operations during a crisis by setting a healthy example and providing support and comfort to staff in uncertain situations. It's important to equip managers and HR staff with a complete toolbox and a first aid kit to help employees navigate through the crisis. The goal is to ensure unblemished work execution by company employees who may be under tremendous stress.

During a crisis, it's important to set a healthy example and ensure that everyone on your team is equipped to handle the situation. This can be done by providing support and comfort to staff in uncertain situations, and ensuring that work execution remains unblemished despite the stress. The goal is to ensure that everyone comes out of the crisis as a champion.

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With this slide, deliver thehigher leadership's statement to employees. Ensure that the information provided is verified and that the message doesn't sound defensive. Also, mention that the action is being taken to resolve the crisis.

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If your staff is working from home during the crisis, ensure that everything is set up for remote work. Use this slide to inform your teams about tools and tutorials for virtual meetings and ways of communicating with each other.

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Provide your teams with valuable information about crisis management resources that can help them to cope and make them feel cared for. These resources may include personal counseling options, crisis hotlines and useful literature.

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Some other ways to resolve a crisis in a workplace could include: developing a comprehensive crisis management plan, providing regular updates and transparent communication to all employees, offering support and resources to employees, and ensuring that there are clear lines of communication and responsibility. It's also important to learn from each crisis to improve future responses.

There are several ways to verify the information provided to employees during a crisis. One way is to cross-check the information with multiple reliable sources. Another way is to have a dedicated team or individual responsible for fact-checking and verifying the information before it is disseminated. Additionally, using a trusted crisis management system or software can also help ensure the accuracy of the information. It's also important to provide updates and corrections as new information becomes available.

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Crises cause layoffs and closures, which create personal turmoil for staff. Thus, in uncertain times, it is essential to establish clear, authentic communication within the company, keep employees informed through regular updates and offer resources and help whenever possible. But most importantly, empower them.

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During a crisis, it's crucial to establish clear and authentic communication within the company. Regular updates should be provided to keep employees informed. Resources and help should be offered whenever possible. Most importantly, employees should be empowered to handle the situation effectively.

A company can manage its business operations during a crisis by establishing clear and authentic communication within the company. It is important to keep employees informed through regular updates and offer resources and help whenever possible. Empowering the employees is also a crucial step in managing business operations during a crisis.

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CEO of Magpie Insights, Jarret Jackson, coaches organizations on developing strategies that are rooted in the capabilities of their people, improving the likelihood of successful change and execution. In his piece for "Forbes," he writes: "Empowering employees means asking good, meaty questions that prompt them to think through the problem. For example, rather than saying: 'The sales team needs to boost their numbers,' ask them and their leadership, 'How can your team help increase sales by 3% in the next three-to-six months?' In this way, managers and leaders have a very different role: helping to define and shape the problem, so that a team is empowered to develop a solution. The destination is agreed upon, but the path to get there has yet to be paved.

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This strategy can contribute to the overall growth of the company by empowering employees to think through problems and develop solutions. Instead of dictating tasks, managers and leaders help define and shape the problem, allowing the team to devise a solution. This approach not only improves the likelihood of successful change and execution but also boosts the team's morale and productivity, which can ultimately lead to the company's growth.

Jarret Jackson, CEO of Magpie Insights, emphasizes the importance of asking thought-provoking questions to empower employees. Instead of dictating tasks, he suggests managers should help define and shape the problem, allowing the team to develop a solution. This approach not only encourages problem-solving but also promotes ownership and accountability among team members.

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Consultant Liz Kislik, who helps companies from the Fortune 500 list solve their thorniest problems, in her article for "Harvard Business Review," recommends the following steps for managers to take while managing employees in a crisis:

  • Don't separate yourself from your team – leaders who actively share their team's pain often feel more confident making tough decisions, particularly when they make the effort to face their employees directly. When leaders delegate the responsibility of sharing bad news to people who aren't responsible for the decision, it feels demoralizing, disrespectful and lacking empathy.
  • Correct your own mistakes as publicly as possible – leaders may feel guilty their earlier information was inaccurate or misleading, but they can reset and repair some of the damage by admitting their mistake and communicating new developments consistently.
  • Provide extra support for people who need it – there are ways to offer team members different forms of support. This may include allowing employees who have been laid off to continue to access benefits and services and assisting them in the job search.
  • Model appropriate behavior to set a healthy example – instead of just worrying about employees' stress and potential burnout, leaders can help them put the brakes on overwork. "[Leaders] can demonstrate how to maintain boundaries by not sending or responding to emails and other messages outside working hours. They can discuss how they are balancing their own personal and work commitments. At casual get-togethers and Zoom happy hours, leaders can share information about their vacation plans and encourage team members to make and share their own plans. They can also describe their own challenges, and acknowledge employees who share their tips and resources for managing workload and scheduling," Kislik says.
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The Employee Management Kit suggests that leaders should communicate with their teams during a crisis by not separating themselves from their team and sharing the team's pain. This can make leaders feel more confident in making tough decisions. Leaders should also correct their own mistakes as publicly as possible to repair any damage caused by inaccurate or misleading information. Providing extra support for people who need it, such as allowing laid-off employees to continue to access benefits and services, is also recommended. Finally, leaders should model appropriate behavior to set a healthy example.

Companies can implement the Employee Management Kit in their operations during a pandemic by following these steps:

1. Maintain open communication: Leaders should actively share their team's experiences and make tough decisions confidently. They should also correct their mistakes publicly and communicate new developments consistently.

2. Provide support: Offer different forms of support to team members. This could include allowing laid-off employees to continue accessing benefits and services, and assisting them in their job search.

3. Model appropriate behavior: Leaders should set a healthy example by managing their own stress and demonstrating empathy towards their team.

4. Adapt to changes: Use the resources in the kit to adapt to changes in business operations due to the pandemic.

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Case study

Google and Covid-19 crisis

When COVID-19 shook the world, Google became the first major U.S. corporation to formalize an extend remove work timetable in the face of the pandemic. In July 2020, the tech giant announced that it doesn't expect its roughly 200,000 full-time and contract employees across Google parent Alphabet Inc. employees to be back in the offices until at least the month of July, 2021.

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Implementing a remote work policy similar to Google's during a pandemic can present several challenges. Firstly, not all businesses have the infrastructure or resources to support remote work, such as reliable internet access, secure data systems, and appropriate hardware. Secondly, managing productivity and maintaining communication can be difficult with a dispersed workforce. Thirdly, it can be challenging to maintain company culture and employee engagement when employees are not physically present. Lastly, there may be legal and HR considerations, such as ensuring compliance with labor laws and managing employee well-being.

Corporations can take several measures to ensure the safety of their employees during a pandemic. First, they can implement a remote work policy, allowing employees to work from home, reducing the risk of infection. Second, they can provide necessary resources and tools for employees to work effectively from home. Third, they can establish clear communication channels to keep employees informed about the latest developments and safety measures. Fourth, they can provide health and wellness resources, including mental health support. Lastly, they can ensure a safe and sanitized workplace for those who need to be physically present.

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The hard decision came from Alphabet Chief Executive Sundar Pichai after heated debate among Google Leads, an internal group of top executives that he chairs, according to "The Washington Post."

In this crisis, Pichai was mostly driven by sympathy for employees with families to plan for uncertain school years that may require at-home instruction. In addition, Alphabet Chief Executive wanted to make sure that his staff was free from signing full-year leases if they chose to move, "The Washington Post" reported, which also demonstrates careful thinking and deep empathy for his employees.

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The Employee Management Kit can be practically applied in businesses during uncertain times like the COVID-19 pandemic in several ways. Firstly, it can be used to communicate changes in business operations due to the pandemic. This can include changes in working hours, work from home policies, and safety measures implemented at the workplace. Secondly, it can be used to provide support and resources to employees who may be dealing with challenges such as balancing work and childcare or dealing with stress and anxiety. Lastly, it can be used to foster a sense of community and connection among employees, which can be particularly important when people are working remotely.

Implementing a flexible work environment like Alphabet Chief Executive involves several challenges. These include ensuring productivity, maintaining communication, managing remote teams, and ensuring employees' well-being. Overcoming these challenges involves setting clear expectations, using technology to facilitate communication and collaboration, providing support for employees to set up a conducive work environment at home, and promoting a healthy work-life balance.

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"I know it hasn't been easy. I hope this will offer the flexibility you need to balance work with taking care of yourselves and your loved ones over the next 12 months," Pichai wrote in a note to staff.

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