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Vous voulez une manière efficace et efficiente de tester toutes vos idées commerciales ou créatives ? Inspirée par Google Ventures, cette présentation Design Sprint vous guide à travers un processus de cinq jours qui peut condenser des mois de prise de décision et de tests en une seule semaine. Utilisez les outils de ce deck pour transformer les idées en hypothèses testables.

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The potential future trends in decision-making and testing processes inspired by methods like Design Sprint could include increased use of technology and AI to facilitate the process, more emphasis on user experience and customer feedback in decision-making, and a shift towards more iterative and agile processes. There might also be a trend towards more collaborative decision-making, with teams working together to brainstorm, prototype, and test ideas. Additionally, we might see more companies adopting these methods as they seek to innovate and stay competitive.

Some alternative strategies to the Design Sprint method for testing out business or creative ideas include the Lean Startup methodology, Agile development, Scrum, Kanban, and the Waterfall model. The Lean Startup methodology emphasizes learning and iteration, with a focus on customer feedback and validated learning. Agile development is a set of principles for software development under which requirements and solutions evolve through the collaborative effort of self-organizing cross-functional teams. Scrum is a subset of Agile and is a lightweight process framework for agile development. Kanban is a visual system for managing work as it moves through a process. The Waterfall model is a sequential design process, often used in software development processes, where progress is seen as flowing steadily downwards (like a waterfall) through the phases of conception, initiation, analysis, design, construction, testing, production/implementation, and maintenance.

Companies like Apple and Tesla can incorporate the five-day process of Design Sprint into their decision-making and testing procedures by following the steps of the Design Sprint. The process begins with understanding the problem on the first day, sketching solutions on the second day, deciding on the best solution on the third day, prototyping the solution on the fourth day, and testing the prototype on the fifth day. This process allows these companies to quickly test out ideas and make decisions, saving them time and resources.

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Calendrier du sprint

Le Design Sprint a été créé par Google Ventures pour tester des idées sans gaspiller de ressources. Il a fait ses preuves pour tous types de cas d'affaires, quel que soit le secteur, des entreprises technologiques comme Slack, aux produits de consommation comme Blue Bottle Coffee. Il est important de suivre un calendrier structuré jour après jour pendant une semaine de sprint, et le calendrier du sprint le présente en détail :

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Yes, Slack, a popular communication platform in the tech industry, is a great example of a successful Design Sprint. They used the Design Sprint process to test and validate ideas quickly and efficiently, which helped them in making informed decisions and saving resources. This process played a significant role in their success.

There are several alternative strategies to the Design Sprint for testing business ideas. Some of these include Lean Startup methodology, Agile development, Scrum, and Kanban. Lean Startup methodology focuses on creating a minimum viable product to test market hypotheses and requires continuous innovation based on customer feedback. Agile development is a set of principles for software development under which requirements and solutions evolve through the collaborative effort of self-organizing cross-functional teams. Scrum is a subset of Agile and is a lightweight process framework for agile development. Kanban is another agile methodology that is used to manage work by balancing the demands with available capacity, and by improving the handling of system-level bottlenecks.

The Design Sprint method, created by Google Ventures, is a versatile tool that can be applied across various industries. While the content does not specifically mention its application in Apple or Tesla, it's plausible that these companies, known for their innovative approaches, could utilize Design Sprints. This method allows for rapid prototyping and testing of ideas, which is crucial in tech industries. However, without specific examples or case studies, it's difficult to detail how Apple or Tesla have specifically used Design Sprints.

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  • Lundi est consacré à l'identification de la question qui sera abordée lors du sprint.
  • Mardi est le jour où les équipes idéalisent ou brainstorment des solutions.
  • Mercredi est le jour où les équipes sélectionnent la solution à tester.
  • Jeudi est le jour où les équipes construisent le prototype
  • Vendredi est consacré à l'observation de ce qui a été fait.
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"Comment Pourrions-Nous" (CPN)

"Comment Pourrions-Nous" est un outil couramment utilisé le lundi. Les questions Comment Pourrions-Nous reformulent les problèmes en opportunités.Ne passez pas trop de temps à affiner les déclarations HMW, encouragez plutôt les membres de l'équipe à générer autant d'idées que possible. Une fois la liste créée, réalisez un diagramme d'affinité et catégorisez en fonction des thèmes, puis réduisez la liste par vote. (Diapositives 14-15)

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A real-world example of a successful implementation of the 'How Might We' tool in a business strategy is the case of Procter & Gamble (P&G). P&G used the 'How Might We' approach to reframe their problem of increasing sales of their detergent product, Tide. They reframed the problem as an opportunity: 'How might we make washing clothes easier?' This led to the invention of Tide Pods, a single-use laundry detergent product, which significantly increased their sales and market share.

Some alternative strategies to the 'How Might We' method for generating and refining ideas include the '5 Whys' technique, 'SCAMPER' (Substitute, Combine, Adapt, Modify, Put to another use, Eliminate, Reverse), 'Brainwriting', and 'Mind Mapping'. These methods encourage creative thinking and idea generation in different ways. The '5 Whys' technique involves asking 'why' five times to get to the root of a problem. 'SCAMPER' is a checklist tool that helps generate ideas for improvements. 'Brainwriting' is a silent, written form of brainstorming. 'Mind Mapping' is a visual tool to organize information and ideas.

Global companies like Apple or Tesla can utilize the 'How Might We' (HMW) tool in their decision-making process by using it to reframe their problems as opportunities. This tool encourages team members to generate as many ideas as possible without spending too much time refining the HMW statements. Once a list of HMW questions is created, they can make an affinity diagram and categorize the questions based on themes. Then, they can narrow down the list by voting. This process can help these companies to quickly generate and test out creative solutions to their problems.

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Cartographie des utilisateurs

La cartographie du flux utilisateur est utilisée pour reconstituer l'expérience étape par étape des utilisateurs lorsqu'ils rencontrent un problème ou interagissent avec un produit. L'objectif de cette méthode est de comprendre la mentalité de l'utilisateur et d'identifier les points de douleur. À partir de cette séquence d'événements, identifiez un événement cible en fonction de vos questions les plus importantes How Might We. (Diapositive 13)

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While specific case studies are not mentioned in the content, User Flow Mapping has been effectively used in various real-world applications. For instance, Airbnb used this method to improve their booking process. They mapped out the user journey from searching for a property to final booking, identifying pain points and areas of friction. This allowed them to redesign their process, making it more user-friendly and increasing conversions. Similarly, Uber used User Flow Mapping in their design sprint to streamline the ride-booking process, making it more intuitive and reducing the time taken to book a ride.

Some common misconceptions about User Flow Mapping in the Design Sprint process include the belief that it's a time-consuming and unnecessary step, or that it's only useful for complex projects. In reality, User Flow Mapping is a crucial part of the design process that helps teams understand the user's journey and identify potential issues. It's not just for complex projects; even simple interfaces can benefit from this process. Another myth is that User Flow Mapping is only about the user's actions. However, it also involves understanding the user's thoughts and emotions at each step.

The process of User Flow Mapping in Design Sprint is a method to understand the user's experience and identify their pain points. It's a focused approach that targets a specific event based on the most important questions. On the other hand, companies like Apple and Tesla might use a variety of methodologies depending on the project. For instance, Apple is known for its user-centric design thinking, while Tesla uses first principles thinking to innovate. However, it's important to note that these methodologies are not mutually exclusive and can be used in conjunction with User Flow Mapping.

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L'événement cible est l'étape la plus critique que l'utilisateur ou le client doit franchir pour accomplir la tâche. Par exemple, pour la question "Comment pouvons-nous fournir un support client en temps réel ?" L'événement cible peut être le clic sur la fenêtre de chat du support client.

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Démonstration éclair

La démonstration éclair est une session de groupe qui a lieu le mardi pour rassembler des idées et de l'inspiration. Elle implique un exercice chronométré dans lequel les participants partagent des solutions existantes d'autres entreprises qu'ils trouvent prometteuses. L'objectif est de fournir une large gamme de concepts pour la prochaine activité, le vote des solutions et le storyboarding.Dans de nombreux cas, la démonstration éclair prouve que les meilleures idées sont souvent déjà dans nos esprits, elles ont juste besoin d'être affinées. (Diapositive 17)

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The concept of the lightning demo can be applied to other areas of business strategy by using it as a tool for brainstorming and idea generation. For instance, in marketing, a team could conduct a lightning demo to share and discuss successful campaigns from other companies. In operations, a lightning demo could be used to explore efficient processes used by other organizations. Essentially, the lightning demo can be used in any area where there is a need for fresh ideas and inspiration, and where learning from the successes of others can be beneficial.

The content does not provide specific examples of successful solutions that have emerged from the lightning demo process. However, the lightning demo process is designed to gather promising solutions from other companies. These solutions are then fine-tuned and voted on. The most successful solutions are those that are refined and chosen through this process.

The lightning demo process in Google's Design Sprint is a group session where participants share promising solutions from other companies. It's a timed exercise aimed at gathering a wide range of concepts for the next activity. This method encourages the fine-tuning of ideas that are already on participants' minds. As for Apple and Tesla, their brainstorming methods are not explicitly mentioned in the content. However, many successful companies use similar collaborative brainstorming techniques to generate and refine ideas. The specifics can vary based on company culture and the nature of the project.

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Vote de la solution

Le mercredi, utilisez le vote par points pour parvenir à un consensus autour d'une seule idée qui répond au problème initial du sprint. Accrochez les esquisses de solutions de tout le monde. Les membres de l'équipe peuvent poser des questions ou discuter des détails des esquisses pendant ce temps.

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Donnez à chaque membre de l'équipe trois votes. Ils peuvent répartir leurs votes parmi les différentes esquisses de la manière qu'ils choisissent. L'esquisse qui reçoit le plus de votes sera celle avec laquelle l'équipe avancera pour le prototype. (Diapositive 20)

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Maintenant, créez une histoire pour démontrer la solution. L'histoire peut comprendre de six à quinze cadres, chaque cadre représentant une à deux minutes de temps. Ce déroulement des événements sera utilisé lors du test d'utilisabilité le vendredi. (Diapositive 22)


Le jeudi est le jour où vous créez un prototype de votre solution. Comme il s'agit du prototype qui sera utilisé lors du test d'utilisabilité, assurez-vous qu'il semble et se sent crédible.La clé est de construire un Produit Minimum Viable qui prend le moins de temps possible mais qui est toujours suffisamment bon pour être utilisé, en d'autres termes, de qualité Goldilocks. (Diapositives 25-27)

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Some common misconceptions about creating prototypes during a Design Sprint include:

1. Prototypes need to be perfect: In reality, the goal is to create a Minimum Viable Product that is "good enough" to be used in usability tests. It doesn't have to be perfect, but it should be believable.

2. Prototyping is time-consuming: The idea of a Design Sprint is to compress months of work into a single week. Thus, the prototype should be created quickly, focusing on the key features that need to be tested.

3. Only designers can create prototypes: In a Design Sprint, everyone in the team can contribute to the prototype. It's a collaborative process.

Apple's first iPhone and Tesla's Roadster are examples of Minimum Viable Products (MVPs) that were created using the Goldilocks quality principle. The first iPhone, released in 2007, was far from perfect. It lacked key features that are now standard, such as copy and paste, MMS messaging, and an app store. However, it was good enough to revolutionize the smartphone industry and establish Apple as a key player. Similarly, Tesla's Roadster was the company's first vehicle. It had limited range and a high price tag, but it demonstrated the potential of electric vehicles and helped Tesla establish its brand.

Google's Design Sprint approach is unique in its speed and efficiency. It is a five-day process that compresses months of decision-making and testing into just one week. On the fourth day, a prototype is created that is of 'Goldilocks quality' - not too basic, not too advanced, but just right. This prototype is then used for usability testing. This approach is different from other prototyping methodologies which may take longer and not have such a rapid testing and feedback loop.

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Une autre grande tâche du jeudi est de planifier tout ce qui va être dans les sessions de test d'utilisabilité du vendredi. Le plan de test d'utilisabilité devrait expliquer ce que vous essayez de tester, qui sera testé, les prompts ou questions à poser, et les logistiques de base telles que l'emplacement, les dates, l'équipement ou les fournitures. L'équipe devrait faire une répétition du test et jouer une session de test du début à la fin. (Diapositive 28)

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A real-world example of a successful usability test session during a Design Sprint could be the one conducted by Google for its Google Meet application. The team had a prototype ready by the fourth day of the sprint. On the fifth day, they conducted usability test sessions with a diverse group of users. The users were asked to perform specific tasks while the team observed their interactions with the prototype. The feedback from these sessions was invaluable in identifying usability issues and areas for improvement, which were then incorporated into the final product.

Some common challenges when planning usability test sessions in a Design Sprint include: defining clear objectives for the test, identifying the right participants, creating effective prompts or questions, and managing logistics such as location, dates, and equipment. Additionally, conducting a dry run of the test to ensure everything runs smoothly can also be challenging.

Google's Design Sprint approach is a unique method of testing business or creative ideas. It is a five-day process that compresses months of decision-making and testing into just one week. This approach is highly efficient and effective as it allows for rapid prototyping and testing. It involves a series of steps including mapping, sketching, deciding, prototyping, and testing. This structured approach ensures that all aspects of the idea are thoroughly examined and tested, reducing the risk of failure. In comparison, other methods may take longer and may not be as comprehensive in their testing and decision-making process.

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Enfin, c'est l'heure du spectacle. Alors que l'intervieweur mène les sessions de test d'utilisabilité le vendredi, les observateurs devraient prendre des notes et tracer des idées sur une table. Les résultats des tests aideront à valider ou à invalider l'hypothèse originale du sprint. Les résultats montreront si votre solution réussira, si elle a besoin d'amélioration, ou si elle sera un gaspillage total d'argent et de ressources. Même si la solution échoue, c'est un processus précieux parce que vous pouvez en tirer des leçons et ne plus perdre de temps sur une mauvaise idée.(Diapositive 31)

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The benefits of the Design Sprint method, even if the solution fails, are numerous. Firstly, it allows for rapid prototyping and testing of ideas, which can save significant time and resources. If the solution fails, it's still a valuable process because it provides learning opportunities. It helps to identify the flaws or issues in the idea at an early stage, preventing further investment in a potentially unsuccessful project. This method also encourages creativity and innovation, as it allows for the exploration of various solutions in a short period of time.

The Design Sprint approach helps in saving money and resources by compressing months of decision-making and testing into just one week. It allows businesses to quickly validate or invalidate their assumptions, thus preventing them from wasting time and resources on unviable ideas. Even if the solution fails, it's a valuable process because you can learn from it and not waste any more time on a bad idea.

The potential outcomes of the Design Sprint process can be broadly categorized into three: success, need for improvement, or failure. Success validates the original assumption and indicates that the solution will work. If the solution needs improvement, it suggests that while the original assumption has some merit, adjustments are required for optimal results. Failure, on the other hand, invalidates the original assumption, indicating that the solution will not work. However, even a failure is valuable as it prevents further investment in a flawed idea.

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