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Comment savoir si une idée vaut la peine d'être poursuivie ? Les entreprises ont besoin de méthodes éprouvées pour découvrir la prochaine grande idée qui va bouleverser leur secteur. Nous avons créé ce modèle Idea Testing qui comprend des outils tels que : Smokescreen Wizard of Oz, test multivarié, déploiement par phases, études longitudinales, et bien d'autres encore qui peuvent être téléchargés et personnalisés pour différents scénarios d'affaires. Examinons comment ces outils fonctionnent, et comment chacun peut fournir un cadre pour la réflexion et le test de nouvelles idées.

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Yes, Raising Cane's, a popular fast-food chain known for its chicken fingers, does sell its signature Cane's sauce. The sauce is a secret blend of spices and is a favorite among many customers. It can be purchased separately in some locations.

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Avant que le design du clavier de l'iPhone ne devienne quelque chose que des milliards de personnes utilisent chaque jour, les employés d'Apple ont d'abord testé les eaux. Ils l'ont utilisé dans leur vie quotidienne comme s'ils étaient de vrais utilisateurs.

Le dogfooding est une façon de tester des idées avec les membres de l'équipe interne. Obtenez rapidement des retours honnêtes de vos propres employés, afin de savoir si vous êtes sur la bonne voie. Ce nuage de mots représente les réponses des employés à une idée ou un prototype. Compilez ces adjectifs pour voir ce que les gens disent en un coup d'œil. Plus le mot est grand, plus le sentiment est commun. (Diapositive 18)

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Microsoft is a notable example of a company that uses dogfooding. They often use their own software products internally for testing before releasing them to the public. This allows them to identify and fix any issues or bugs, ensuring the product is as reliable and efficient as possible when it reaches the market.

Some alternative methods to 'Dogfooding' for idea testing in business scenarios include customer interviews, surveys, focus groups, A/B testing, and using a minimum viable product (MVP). These methods can provide valuable insights into customer needs and preferences, and can help businesses refine their ideas and products before launching them on a larger scale.

Google uses the concept of "Dogfooding" by testing their new ideas and products internally with their own employees first. This allows them to get honest and quick feedback, helping them understand if they're on the right track with their new idea or product. This method also helps them identify any potential issues or improvements that can be made before the product is released to the public.

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Wizard of Oz

Comment pouvez-vous évaluer l'opinion des utilisateurs sur un nouveau produit, sans dépenser de ressources pour construire l'ensemble ? Avec l'outil Wizard of Oz, créez une maquette de la façon dont un produit ou une fonctionnalité fonctionnerait, MAIS sans aucune véritable entrée technique. Pensez-y comme à une façade.

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Sur la gauche se trouve la maquette ; sur la droite, les résultats. Par exemple, voyez ce que les clients potentiels pensent des réponses du chatbot, sans avoir à programmer le bot. Dans ce cas, un membre de l'équipe répondrait manuellement aux demandes des clients, en se faisant passer pour le bot. (Diapositive 11)

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Test multivarié

Il est parfois payant de tester plusieurs solutions à la fois. Utilisez l'outil de test multivarié pour structurer soigneusement les performances des différentes itérations du produit. Avant de commencer l'expérience, assurez-vous d'identifier les mesures que vous souhaitez prendre. Ce sont ces chiffres qui détermineront quelle idée est la gagnante. (Diapositive 7)

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Some potential challenges when identifying metrics to measure in a Multivariate Test include: determining which metrics are most relevant to the business goals, ensuring that the metrics are measurable and reliable, avoiding bias in the selection and interpretation of metrics, and dealing with the complexity of analyzing multiple variables at once.

Some alternative strategies for testing new product iterations could include A/B testing, user testing, surveys, and feedback sessions. A/B testing involves comparing two versions of a product to see which one performs better. User testing involves observing users as they interact with your product to identify any issues or areas for improvement. Surveys and feedback sessions can provide valuable insights into what users like and dislike about your product.

Global companies like Apple and Google can utilize the Multivariate Test tool to test multiple solutions at once by structuring the performance of different product iterations. Before starting the experiment, they should identify the metrics they want to measure. These numbers will determine which idea is the winner.

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D'abord, énumérez le contrôle de l'expérience. Il s'agit de la version actuelle que les clients ont vue. Ensuite, énumérez les variations que vous testez. Dans la plupart des cas, il serait utile d'ajouter une image de ce à quoi ressemble la variation. À la fin de l'expérience, calculez si la solution a réellement augmenté les performances. Notez l'amélioration, ou l'absence de celle-ci, dans les cases à droite. Ensuite, choisissez simplement un gagnant pour continuer.

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I'm sorry, but I can't provide a real-world case study as it's not mentioned in the content and it's beyond my current knowledge base.

Some alternative strategies to this idea testing method used in the business world include focus groups, surveys, market research, prototyping, and pilot testing. Focus groups involve gathering a group of people who represent your target market and getting their feedback on your idea. Surveys can be distributed to a larger audience and can provide quantitative data. Market research involves studying the market and your competitors to understand if there is a demand for your idea. Prototyping involves creating a preliminary version of your product or service and testing it. Pilot testing involves launching your idea on a small scale before a full-scale launch.

Global companies like Apple and Google can apply this idea testing method to their product development process by first identifying the current version of the product that customers are familiar with. They can then create variations of the product for testing. These variations can be visualized for better understanding. After the testing phase, they can analyze the performance of each variation and note any improvements or lack thereof. The variation that performs the best can then be selected for further development or implementation.

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Déploiements par phases

Imaginez ceci : vous êtes sur le point de lancer une nouvelle fonctionnalité de produit. Vous donnez accès à tous les utilisateurs, tous en même temps. Que se passe-t-il si quelque chose tourne mal ? Dans la plupart des cas, ce n'est pas une question de "si" mais de "quand". Malheureusement, quelque chose va probablement mal tourner.Le pire des scénarios ? Vous lancez un produit mauvais et peu fiable à tous vos clients. Ils fuient vers vos concurrents.

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One historical example is the release of the Ford Pinto by the Ford Motor Company in the 1970s. The car had a design flaw that made it prone to catching fire in rear-end collisions. This led to numerous lawsuits and a damaged reputation for the company. Another example is the Samsung Galaxy Note 7, released in 2016. The phone had a tendency to overheat and catch fire, leading to a worldwide recall and a significant financial loss for Samsung. These examples show that releasing unreliable products can lead to financial losses, damaged reputations, and loss of customer trust.

One alternative strategy to launching a new product feature all at once is to do a phased rollout. This means releasing the feature to a small group of users first, gathering feedback, making necessary adjustments, and then gradually releasing it to more users. Another strategy is to do a beta launch where the feature is released to a select group of users who are aware that the feature is in its testing phase and are willing to provide feedback. A third strategy is to do a soft launch where the feature is released quietly without any major announcement. This allows for testing and tweaking before a full-scale launch.

Global companies like Apple and Google can effectively test new ideas before launching them by using a variety of strategies. First, they can conduct market research to understand the needs and preferences of their target audience. Second, they can create prototypes or minimum viable products (MVPs) to test the functionality and feasibility of their ideas. Third, they can use A/B testing to compare different versions of their ideas and see which one performs better. Fourth, they can use focus groups or user testing to get direct feedback from potential users. Lastly, they can analyze data and metrics to measure the success of their tests and make necessary adjustments.

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Les entreprises testent souvent un nouveau lancement via un déploiement par phases. Trempez simplement votre orteil et ressentez les erreurs ou les bugs imprévus. Découpez le déploiement en phases et déterminez quel pourcentage d'utilisateurs recevra la nouvelle version à quelle phase. Si tout se passe bien, passez à la phase suivante. Sinon, corrigez les problèmes avant de déployer à plus d'utilisateurs. Dans cet exemple, le déploiement est en phase six, avec 50% de la base d'utilisateurs l'ayant déjà reçu. En bas, mettez en évidence les indicateurs de réussite tels que le taux d'adoption et les sessions sans crash. (Diapositive 9)

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A real-world example of a successful Phased Rollout is the launch of Gmail by Google. Initially, Gmail was released to a limited number of users in 2004. Google used this phase to gather feedback and make necessary improvements. The service was then gradually rolled out to more users over the next few years, before becoming available to the general public in 2007. The key success metrics used included user feedback, adoption rate, and the number of bug reports or issues.

Some alternative strategies to a Phased Rollout when launching a new product or service include a Big Bang Adoption, where the new product or service is launched to all users at once, or a Parallel Adoption, where the new product or service is launched alongside the old one, allowing users to switch between the two until they are comfortable with the new one. Another strategy is a Pilot or Trial Launch, where the new product or service is launched to a small, select group of users for feedback and testing before a full launch.

Companies like Google or Apple typically implement a Phased Rollout for their new products or services by initially testing the launch with a small percentage of their user base. This allows them to identify and fix any unforeseen mistakes or bugs before rolling out to more users. The rollout is broken down into phases, with each phase involving a larger percentage of the user base. If all goes well in a phase, they proceed to the next one. Otherwise, they fix any issues before moving on. They also monitor success metrics such as adoption rate and crash-free sessions.

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Tests d'ergonomie

L'une des méthodes les plus couramment utilisées dans le développement de produits numériques est l'outil de test d'ergonomie, qui évalue comment différents sujets accomplissent des tâches données. Utilisez cet outil pour voir à quel point vos produits sont intuitifs. Vous pouvez concevoir un parcours client pour votre nouvelle application. À quel point les gens trouvent-ils chaque étape de l'expérience fluide ?

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The environmental impacts of relying heavily on digital product development and usability testing can be both positive and negative. On the positive side, digital product development reduces the need for physical prototypes, which can save material resources and reduce waste. Additionally, usability testing can help to create more efficient and effective products, which can lead to less energy consumption in the long run. On the negative side, the digital infrastructure required for this type of work can consume a significant amount of energy, particularly in data centers. Furthermore, the rapid pace of digital innovation can lead to a high turnover rate of electronic devices, contributing to electronic waste.

Some alternative methods to the Usability Test tool that Tesla might use in its digital product development could include A/B testing, where two versions of a product are compared to see which performs better. They could also use surveys or interviews to gather user feedback, or use analytics tools to track user behavior and identify areas for improvement. Prototyping is another method, where a simplified version of the product is created to test its functionality and design. Finally, they could use heuristic evaluations, where a set of usability principles are used to identify potential issues.

The specific details of how Google uses the Usability Test tool in its digital product development process are not provided in the content. However, generally, companies like Google use the Usability Test tool to assess how different subjects perform given tasks. This tool helps them understand how intuitive their products are. For example, they may design a customer journey for a new app and use the tool to evaluate how smooth users find each step of the experience.

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Les sujets sont notés de un à trois sur une liste de tâches qui leur sont données. Utilisez ces résultats pour obtenir un score d'ergonomie total pour chaque sujet. Si vous êtes une entreprise de médias sociaux, des exemples pourraient être le téléchargement d'une image, ou le partage d'un post avec un ami. Habituellement, les tests d'ergonomie sont les plus efficaces avec cinq sujets. Après cela, il y a tendance à avoir des rendements décroissants.(Diapositive 21)

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Relying heavily on usability scores in the decision-making process can have several implications. On the positive side, these scores can provide valuable insights into how users interact with a product or service, highlighting areas for improvement. However, there can also be negative implications. For instance, usability scores may not capture the full user experience or account for individual user preferences. They may also lead to an overemphasis on certain aspects of a product at the expense of others. Furthermore, if usability testing is not conducted properly, the results may not be reliable or representative, leading to misguided decisions.

Some alternative methods to usability testing for evaluating new ideas include A/B testing, surveys, focus groups, interviews, and heuristic evaluations. A/B testing involves comparing two versions of a product or feature to see which one performs better. Surveys and interviews can provide direct feedback from users about their preferences and experiences. Focus groups allow for in-depth discussions and observations of user interactions. Heuristic evaluations involve experts who use established usability principles to identify potential issues.

Global companies like Apple or Google can apply the concept of usability testing in their product development process by incorporating it as a key part of their product design and development stages. They can start by identifying key tasks that users will perform with their product. These tasks can then be tested with a small group of users to identify any usability issues. The feedback from these tests can then be used to refine and improve the product. This process can be repeated multiple times until the product meets the desired usability standards. It's important to note that usability testing should be an ongoing process, even after the product is launched, to continuously improve the user experience.

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Échelle d'ergonomie du système (SUS)

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De même, l'Échelle d'ergonomie du système, ou SUS, obtient des réponses individuelles aux questions de l'enquête. Elle utilise ensuite ces réponses pour calculer un score d'ergonomie total pour chaque question. (Diapositives 22-23)

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Là où l'outil précédent suivait les performances des tâches, celui-ci documente le sentiment de l'utilisateur sur l'ergonomie globale. Si le dernier outil a révélé la facilité avec laquelle les sujets ont effectué des tâches, cet outil vous dira comment ils se sentent à propos de ces tâches.

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The future trends in the field of idea testing using tools like the System Usability Scale (SUS) could include the integration of AI and machine learning for more accurate and personalized usability scores. There might be an increased focus on real-time feedback and dynamic adjustments based on user interactions. Additionally, the SUS and similar tools could evolve to better accommodate the testing of emerging technologies such as VR and AR interfaces. The importance of user sentiment in idea testing is likely to grow, leading to more sophisticated sentiment analysis tools and techniques.

The logistical differences between implementing the System Usability Scale (SUS) in virtual versus in-person scenarios primarily revolve around the mode of interaction and data collection. In a virtual scenario, the SUS can be implemented through online surveys or digital platforms, allowing for remote and asynchronous participation. This can lead to a larger and more diverse sample size, but may also introduce challenges in ensuring participant understanding and engagement. In contrast, in-person scenarios allow for immediate clarification of doubts and observation of participant reactions, but may be limited by geographical constraints and scheduling issues. Regardless of the scenario, the key is to ensure that the SUS is administered in a consistent manner to maintain the reliability and validity of the results.

The pacing and timing of the System Usability Scale (SUS) survey can significantly affect user engagement. If the survey is too long, users may lose interest and not complete it, which can skew the results. On the other hand, if the survey is too short, it may not gather enough information to be useful. Therefore, it's important to strike a balance - the survey should be long enough to gather meaningful data, but not so long that it discourages participation. Additionally, the timing of when the survey is administered can also impact engagement. For instance, if a user is asked to complete the survey immediately after using a product or service, their responses may be more accurate and reflective of their true feelings.

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Études longitudinales

L'outil d'étude longitudinale est utilisé pour l'observation qualitative du comportement ou du sentiment du client. Là où les autres outils de cette présentation sont les meilleurs pour donner un sens à des mesures comme le nombre de clics, cet outil est utilisé pour ajouter du contexte à ces données. En d'autres termes, ajouter le "pourquoi".

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Également connues sous le nom d'étude de journal, les études longitudinales sont idéales pour suivre l'intention et la signification du comportement de l'utilisateur dans leur environnement naturel au fil du temps. Comme ces tests prennent généralement plus de temps à planifier et à exécuter, il est utile d'avoir une chronologie que tout le monde peut suivre - depuis la planification initiale, jusqu'au processus de journalisation réel, et à travers l'entretien post-étude.(Diapositive 19)

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