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Como você supera as barreiras de entrada no mercado? O que você precisa saber sobre as barreiras do mercado para ter uma estratégia de saída sólida para o seu negócio? Realize uma análise extensa e responda a estas perguntas e mais com a nossa apresentação Barreiras de Entrada e Saída 100% modificável. Determine a capacidade dos concorrentes de invadir sua indústria e mantenha-se informado e à frente em todos os momentos.

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Staying informed about market barriers can help a business stay ahead of its competitors by allowing the business to anticipate changes and adapt accordingly. It can help identify potential threats and opportunities, enabling the business to strategize and make informed decisions. Understanding market barriers also allows a business to create effective entry and exit strategies, which can give them a competitive edge.

Competitors play a significant role in the formation of market barriers. They can create barriers to entry by establishing strong brand identities, controlling key distribution channels, or leveraging economies of scale. Additionally, they can pose exit barriers if they dominate the market to such an extent that it's difficult for other companies to find a profitable exit strategy.

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Destaques do slide

Use este slide para listar todas as barreiras de entrada artificiais (estratégicas) e naturais barreiras de entrada. Estas incluem altos custos de instalação e de P&D, preços predatórios, efeitos de rede, propriedade ou controle e outras barreiras.

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Com este slide, compartilhe seu conhecimento e dados sobre barreiras de saída. Estas barreiras incluem ativos altamente especializados e altos custos de saída: baixas de ativos e custos de fechamento e a perda de boa vontade do cliente.

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Preencha este slide com exemplos de barreiras de entrada e saída respaldados por dados quantitativos para apoiar suas descobertas. Incluímos a análise das barreiras de entrada e saída para o rival da Amazon, Alibaba, abaixo.

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Businesses can adopt several strategies to overcome entry and exit barriers. For entry barriers, they can invest in research and development to innovate and differentiate their products or services. They can also leverage network effects by building a large user base that adds value to their offering. Predatory pricing, where the price of a product is set low to drive competitors out of the market, can also be used. For exit barriers, businesses can avoid investing in highly specialized assets that are difficult to sell off. They should also plan for potential exit costs such as asset write-offs, closure costs, and the potential loss of customer goodwill.

Quantitative data can support the analysis of entry and exit barriers by providing concrete evidence and measurable insights. For instance, high set-up and R&D costs can be quantified to determine the financial barrier for new entrants. Similarly, exit costs such as asset write-offs and closure costs can be calculated. Quantitative data can also help in understanding the impact of strategic barriers like predatory pricing and network effects. By analyzing such data, businesses can make informed decisions about entering or exiting a market.

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Visão geral

De acordo com a Investopedia, barreiras de entrada é um conjunto de fatores que impedem ou dificultam a entrada de novos participantes em um mercado ou setor industrial e limitam a concorrência. E barreiras de saída são obstáculos que impedem uma empresa de sair de um mercado, de acordo com a Accounting Tools.

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Exemplos de barreiras de entrada:

  • Capital intensivo
  • Padrões governamentais e requisitos de permissão
  • Propriedade intelectual
  • Altos custos de mudança
  • Acordos de distribuição
  • Acordos de fornecedor
  • Identidade de marca estabelecida

Exemplos de barreiras de saída:

  • Potencial de melhoria
  • Custos de redundância
  • Habilidades especializadas
  • Altos custos fixos
  • Custos de fechamento
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MBA Boost recomenda o seguinte método para identificar as barreiras de entrada e saída para o seu negócio:

  1. Identificar barreiras – descubra os fatores que tornam uma indústria acessível ou inacessível para novos entrantes. Além disso, liste os fatores que impediriam a saída de um negócio de uma indústria.
  2. Analisar o tamanho das barreiras – quando você mede os recursos e conexões necessários, pode controlar e superar melhor as barreiras de entrada. Também faz sentido identificar os custos diretos e residuais para a saída.
  3. Determinar a importância das barreiras – compare os níveis de recursos, habilidades, tecnologia e outros fatores com os necessários para superar as barreiras de entrada. Em seguida, identifique as etapas necessárias para os incumbentes aumentarem as barreiras de entrada. Por último, compare o custo de saída com o benefício e identifique as etapas necessárias para reduzir as barreiras de saída.
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To compare the cost of exit against the benefit, one needs to conduct a thorough cost-benefit analysis. This involves calculating the total cost of exit, including direct and residual costs, and comparing it with the potential benefits of staying in the industry. The benefits could be in terms of revenue, market share, or strategic advantages. If the cost of exit is higher than the benefits, it might be more advantageous to stay in the industry. To lower exit barriers, one can consider strategies such as selling assets, transferring employees, or negotiating termination clauses in contracts.

Incumbents can raise entry barriers in several ways. First, they can increase the level of resources, skills, and technology required to enter the industry, making it more difficult for new entrants to compete. Second, they can establish strong relationships with suppliers and customers, creating a network that is difficult for new entrants to penetrate. Third, they can lobby for regulatory changes that make entry more difficult. Lastly, they can engage in aggressive pricing strategies, such as predatory pricing, to deter new entrants.

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Estudo de caso


O rival da Amazon, Alibaba, é um ótimo "rato de laboratório" para olhar as barreiras de entrada. Embora a empresa chinesa especializada em comércio eletrônico, varejo, Internet e tecnologia tenha vários impulsionadores de entrada chave, como o crescimento explosivo do mercado de comércio eletrônico chinês e a expansão global, a "Forbes" lista algumas barreiras de entrada importantes para a empresa.

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Yes, there are several case studies that demonstrate the effectiveness of Alibaba's approach to overcoming entry barriers. One of the most notable is its entry into the Chinese e-commerce market. Alibaba capitalized on the explosive growth of this market and used innovative strategies to overcome potential barriers. Additionally, Alibaba's global expansion is another case study that showcases its ability to overcome entry barriers in different markets. However, it's important to note that each market has its own unique set of entry barriers and a strategy that works in one market may not necessarily work in another.

Understanding entry and exit barriers is crucial for a company's business strategy as it helps in assessing the competitive landscape of the market. Entry barriers include factors that make it difficult for new competitors to enter the market, such as high startup costs, regulatory requirements, or strong brand loyalty among consumers. Understanding these can help a company to fortify its position and prevent new competitors from entering the market. Exit barriers, on the other hand, are factors that prevent a company from leaving a market, such as high exit costs or contractual obligations. Understanding these can help a company to plan its exit strategy in a way that minimizes losses. Therefore, understanding both entry and exit barriers can enhance a company's strategic planning and decision-making.

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A primeira é a baixa taxa de monetização no mobile. A plataforma móvel do Alibaba tem uma taxa de monetização mais baixa (1,96%) em comparação com a taxa de monetização de desktop (aproximadamente 3,2%), devido ao seu menor tamanho de tela.

Outro problema que está afetando os mercados chineses do Alibaba, relata a "Forbes", é a presença massiva de produtos falsificados. Alguns anos atrás, a empresa foi criticada pela autoridade reguladora chinesa State Administration for Industry and Commerce (SAIC) por não fazer o suficiente para impedir atividades ilegais em seu mercado Taobao. Além disso, a American Apparel and Footwear Association tinha preocupações relacionadas à venda de produtos falsificados no mercado C2C do Alibaba. Em maio de 2015, a Kering, que possui as marcas de luxo Gucci e Saint Laurent, entrou com uma ação contra o Alibaba por violação de marca registrada e falsificação.

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Regulatory authorities like the State Administration for Industry and Commerce (SAIC) in China play a crucial role in controlling the sale of counterfeit products on online platforms. They enforce laws and regulations related to intellectual property rights and consumer protection. They can issue warnings, impose fines, and even shut down businesses that violate these laws. They also work with online platforms to improve their internal controls and mechanisms for detecting and removing counterfeit listings. However, the effectiveness of these measures can vary and counterfeit products remain a significant issue on many online platforms.

The lawsuit filed by Kering against Alibaba for trademark infringement and counterfeiting had a significant impact on Alibaba's business operations. It brought to light the issue of counterfeit products on Alibaba's marketplaces, which had been a concern for various stakeholders, including China's regulatory authority and the American Apparel and Footwear Association. This led to increased scrutiny and criticism of Alibaba, which in turn may have forced the company to take more stringent measures to combat the sale of counterfeit products on its platforms. This could have involved additional resources and changes in their operations and policies.

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A última barreira a mencionar é a crescente tendência de negócios para consumidor (B2C) no mercado de comércio eletrônico chinês, que afeta as chances de expansão do Alibaba dentro do mercado.

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