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A sua equipe precisa de melhores maneiras de vender? Não perca suas metas de vendas devido a leads mal qualificados ou controles de vendas deficientes. Extraia de nossa compilação das melhores práticas de vendas que inclui estruturas como modelos de precificação dinâmica, qualificação de prospectos, gestão do ciclo de vida do contrato, análise ABC e mais.

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These sales practices can help in improving sales team performance by providing a structured approach to selling. Dynamic pricing models allow for flexibility in pricing based on market conditions. Prospect qualification ensures that the sales team is focusing on leads that are most likely to convert. Contract lifecycle management helps in managing the sales process from initiation to completion, ensuring that no steps are missed. ABC analysis helps in identifying the products that bring the most revenue and focusing on selling them. All these practices combined can lead to improved sales performance.

The benefits of using a sales strategies toolkit include better ways to sell, avoiding missed sales targets due to misqualified leads or poor sales controls, and the ability to extract from a compilation of best sales practices. This can include frameworks like dynamic pricing models, prospect qualification, contract lifecycle management, ABC analysis, and more.

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Além das ferramentas mencionadas acima, você também pode ter acesso a funis de conversão AIDA, análise de portfólio, mapas de jornada do comprador e vendedor, precificação baseada em valor e radares de marketing. Também compartilharemos como empresas como Facebook e TikTok, Ford e Microsoft usam essas estratégias para seus próprios funis de vendas.

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Some case studies of successful implementation of these strategies include companies like Facebook and TikTok, Ford, and Microsoft. They have effectively used tools such as AIDA conversion funnels, portfolio analysis, buyer and seller journey maps, value-based pricing and marketing radars for their sales funnels.

These strategies can be adapted for different industries by understanding the specific needs and characteristics of each industry. The tools mentioned, such as AIDA conversion funnels, portfolio analysis, buyer and seller journey maps, value-based pricing and marketing radars, are versatile and can be tailored to fit different business models and customer behaviors. Companies like Facebook, TikTok, Ford, and Microsoft have successfully used these strategies by adapting them to their specific industry requirements.

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Destaques da ferramenta

Modelo de precificação dinâmica

O aspecto mais importante de qualquer estratégia de vendas é a sua precificação. Isso é especialmente verdadeiro quando você realiza vendas B2B.

Embora muitas pessoas conheçam o Facebook e o TikTok como redes sociais, eles são na verdade ambos negócios B2B com anunciantes como seu principal cliente. Facebook, Google, TikTok e muitas outras redes sociais que incorporam um modelo de receita de anúncios usam um método conhecido como precificação dinâmica para cobrar dos clientes diferentes taxas dependendo do tamanho da audiência que desejam alcançar. Esses anunciantes então competem com outros vendedores pelos melhores preços.

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Businesses can adapt to the dynamic pricing model of social networks by understanding the model's mechanics and strategizing accordingly. They should be aware of peak times when ad costs may rise due to increased competition and plan their ad campaigns during off-peak times to save costs. They should also continuously monitor their ad performance and adjust their bidding strategy based on the results. Additionally, businesses can leverage the targeting capabilities of these platforms to reach a specific audience, which can lead to more effective ad spend.

Dynamic pricing affects the relationship between social networks and advertisers by creating a competitive environment. Advertisers compete with each other for the best prices to reach a larger audience. This method allows social networks to charge different rates depending on the size of the audience the advertiser wants to reach.

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Desde que a pandemia acelerou os gastos online para $26.7 trilhões em 2020, o custo inicial médio de 1000 impressões para um anúncio do Facebook aumentou junto. Por exemplo, o CPM inicial médio em 2019 era de cerca de $5.12, mas em maio de 2020, subiu para $7.19. Em outubro de 2021, o CPM médio do Facebook é de $11. Agora compare isso com o TikTok, que gera $1.3 bilhão em vendas de anúncios por ano. Em 2020, o Facebook gerou cerca de $84 bilhões. Na verdade, para cada dólar por usuário que o TikTok faz, o Twitter faz cinco, o YouTube faz sete, e o Facebook e Instagram fazem nove.

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The differences in ad revenue per user for different social media platforms indicate the varying profitability and effectiveness of advertising on these platforms. For instance, Facebook and Instagram generate nine dollars per user, which is significantly higher than TikTok's one dollar per user. This suggests that advertisers might get a higher return on investment when advertising on Facebook or Instagram compared to TikTok. However, it's important to consider other factors such as the target audience, content type, and engagement rates on these platforms.

The potential for growth in ad revenue for platforms like TikTok is significant. Despite currently generating less ad revenue per user compared to platforms like Twitter, YouTube, Facebook, and Instagram, TikTok's user base is rapidly growing, which could lead to increased ad sales. Furthermore, as the platform continues to innovate and attract more advertisers, it could potentially increase its revenue per user.

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Para resolver esse problema, o TikTok lançou ferramentas aprimoradas para os anunciantes direcionarem melhor os anúncios, permitir que as empresas vendam de forma mais eficiente através da plataforma e testará em seguida assinaturas e dicas para complementar a receita de anúncios tanto para a plataforma quanto para seus criadores. Com mais opções, o TikTok criará uma maior precificação dinâmica com ferramentas que lembram as lançadas pelo YouTube em 2018. Se tiverem o mesmo efeito, o TikTok poderá ver sua receita de anúncios crescer 7x ou mais — especialmente agora que acaba de atingir 1 bilhão de usuários ativos mensais.

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The introduction of new tools significantly impacted TikTok's ad revenue growth. TikTok launched improved tools for advertisers to better target ads and allow businesses to sell more efficiently through the platform. They also planned to test subscriptions and tips to complement ad revenue for both the platform and its creators. With more options, TikTok created greater dynamic pricing with tools similar to those rolled out by YouTube in 2018. If these tools have the same effect, TikTok could see its ad revenue grow by 7x or more, especially now that it has reached 1 billion monthly active users.

TikTok's dynamic pricing model is designed to provide advertisers with improved tools for better ad targeting, efficient selling, and the potential for subscriptions and tips to supplement ad revenue. This model is similar to YouTube's advertising framework rolled out in 2018, which also provides a variety of options for advertisers. However, the specific features and effectiveness may vary between the two platforms.

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O modelo de precificação dinâmica é uma estratégia de precificação flexível para vendas B2B onde os preços flutuam com base no mercado e nas demandas do cliente. Com a precificação dinâmica, você pode adicionar vários pontos de preço para diferentes segmentos de clientes para que você não perca vendas.

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Compare o modelo de precificação dinâmica, à direita, com um modelo de precificação estática, com um único ponto de preço, à esquerda.Com a precificação estática, existe apenas um bloco de receita que cresce com base no número de contratos. O espaço negativo ao redor é todas as vendas perdidas que poderiam ter sido fechadas em diferentes pontos de preço. No quadrado de precificação dinâmica, você pode ver que quanto mais variados e flexíveis forem os pontos de preço, mais dinâmica pode ser a sua precificação e menos receita você perde.(Slide 16)

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Varied and flexible price points can contribute to the growth of revenue by capturing a wider range of customers with different purchasing capacities. This approach, known as dynamic pricing, allows businesses to maximize their sales by adjusting prices based on factors such as demand, customer behavior, or market conditions. By offering different price points, businesses can attract a broader customer base, including those who might not have been able to afford the product or service at a single, static price point. This strategy can lead to increased sales volume and, consequently, higher revenue.

ABC analysis is a method of categorizing items into three categories, A, B, and C, based on their importance. 'A' items are the most important, 'B' items are less important, and 'C' items are the least important. This method can be applied in sales strategies to prioritize customers or products. 'A' customers or products could be those that generate the most revenue, 'B' could be those that generate moderate revenue, and 'C' could be those that generate the least revenue. This allows a sales team to focus their efforts on the most profitable areas.

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É por isso que o Facebook consegue gerar tanta receita - ele aceita qualquer oferta em qualquer ponto de preço de qualquer vendedor, e, portanto, só perde receita se os vendedores saírem insatisfeitos com seus resultados ou se os concorrentes oferecerem melhores taxas — o que o TikTok agora tentará fazer.

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Qualificação de prospectos

A segunda ferramenta mais importante em vendas é uma forte ferramenta de captação de leads. Por exemplo, se você quer precificar de acordo com uma persona alvo, como você sabe quem é essa persona?

Para determinar qual prospecto vale a pena investir tempo, muitas indústrias usam um representante de desenvolvimento de vendas para qualificar leads inbound. Inbound sempre será mais leal porque veio até você. Empresas que vendem timeshares têm táticas de vendas únicas: porque oferecem pacotes de férias gratuitos para os clientes assistirem a um seminário, já qualificaram que seu lead é barato. À medida que os representantes de vendas tentam vender a eles uma taxa de assinatura alta, produtos caros como um timeshare, eles usam táticas específicas voltadas para um segmento de clientes mais frugal.

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Selling high subscription fee products to a frugal customer segment can be challenging due to the customer's inherent resistance to spending and their demand for high value. Some challenges include: convincing the customer of the product's value, overcoming their price sensitivity, and building trust. These can be overcome by: 1) Demonstrating clear value: Show how the product can save them money in the long run or provide significant benefits that outweigh the cost. 2) Offering flexible payment options: This can make the product seem more affordable. 3) Building trust: Provide excellent customer service and show that you understand their needs and concerns.

Dynamic pricing models and prospect qualification can significantly enhance a company's sales strategy. Dynamic pricing allows companies to adjust prices based on various factors such as demand, competition, and customer behavior, thereby maximizing profitability. On the other hand, prospect qualification helps in identifying potential customers who are most likely to convert, ensuring that the sales team's efforts are directed towards the most promising leads. This combination of strategies can lead to increased sales and improved efficiency.

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Além de seus parques temáticos e filmes, a Disney vende um produto similar com seus pacotes de férias como parte de seu Disney Vacation Club. A adesão a este clube pode custar cerca de $20,000 com um contrato que tem uma data de término variável. A Disney qualifica leads para determinar qual nível de adesão vender com um sistema chamado pontos.

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The Disney Vacation Club's points system is a key component of their membership structure. It's a flexible system that allows members to use their points to book vacations at different times of the year, in different types of accommodations, and for different lengths of stay. The number of points required for a vacation depends on these factors. Members receive an annual allotment of points, and they can borrow points from the next year or rent additional points if needed. The points system is designed to provide flexibility and variety to members.

ABC analysis is a method of categorizing inventory items into three categories: A, B, and C. Category A items are the most valuable and require close monitoring, B items are less valuable but still significant, and C items are the least valuable. This method can enhance business strategy in the context of sales by helping businesses prioritize their resources. They can focus more on selling and promoting A items, which generate the most revenue, and less on C items, which generate the least. This can lead to increased sales and profitability.

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Uma maneira de qualificar leads online é com um campo de formulário que pede aos leads em potencial para assistir a um vídeo de introdução online ou obter um DVD gratuito. Esses micro-compromissos ajudam a decifrar quem está nisso a longo prazo versus aqueles que estão apenas navegando. Além de eliminar leads ruins, também pode transformar bons leads em uma venda, pois quanto mais um cliente investe em algo, mais ele o deseja e não se contenta com outras opções.

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The Sales Strategies Toolkit can provide several benefits to a sales team. It can help in better qualifying leads, thus reducing the time and resources spent on unproductive prospects. The toolkit also offers best practices and frameworks such as dynamic pricing models and prospect qualification, which can enhance the effectiveness of the sales process. Additionally, it can help in improving sales controls, thereby preventing missed sales targets due to poor management. Overall, the toolkit can lead to more efficient and effective sales operations.

ABC analysis is a method used in inventory management that categorizes items into three categories: A, B, and C. 'A' items are the most valuable products that provide the highest profit margin. 'B' items are less valuable but still contribute significantly to the overall profit. 'C' items are the least valuable. This method helps sales teams to focus their efforts on selling 'A' items to maximize profits. It also aids in better inventory control, ensuring that 'A' items are always in stock. However, it's important to note that while 'C' items may contribute less to profits, they often make up the bulk of inventory and ignoring them could lead to customer dissatisfaction.

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A Disney então tentará fazer com que os membros de seu clube de férias assistam a um seminário ou agendem uma ligação telefônica para serem vendidos por telefone, e usam contratos longos pagos ao longo de vários anos para prender os clientes em seu programa com pontos de preço tão baixos quanto $70 por mês com financiamento e pagamentos iniciais como se estivessem comprando uma hipoteca. Da mesma forma que um banco usa pontuações de crédito para qualificar leads, a Disney considera o crédito de um cliente em seu processo de qualificação de leads também. Quem diria que férias eram tão sérias?

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Disney's sales strategies and traditional banking methods share similarities in their approach to customer acquisition and retention. Both use long-term contracts to lock customers into their programs. Disney, for instance, sells vacation club memberships with contracts paid out over several years, similar to a mortgage. They also consider a customer's credit in their lead qualification process, much like how banks use credit scores to qualify leads. This ensures a level of financial commitment and stability from the customer, thereby reducing the risk of default.

Disney's lead qualification process involves considering a customer's credit, similar to how a bank uses credit scores to qualify leads. They try to get their vacation club members to attend a seminar or schedule a phone call to be sold over the phone. They use long contracts paid out over several years to lock customers into their program at price points as low as $70 a month with financing and down payments, similar to buying a mortgage.

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Para suas próprias necessidades de captação de leads, use uma ferramenta de qualificação de prospectos.Esta visualização inclui diferentes dimensões que um vendedor precisa perguntar, começando por qualquer critério específico da indústria ou empresa, a estrutura organizacional da empresa do lead e quem é o tomador de decisões, quaisquer problemas de negócios, eventos convincentes ou o senso de urgência do cliente, o prazo do lead e finalmente seu orçamento. Os leads podem então ser pontuados e julgados à medida que são qualificados pela equipe de marketing, entregues à equipe de vendas e qualificados como prontos para interagir com um representante. (Slide 8)

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Lead scoring is a methodology used to rank prospects against a scale that represents the perceived value each lead represents to the organization. The process involves assigning values, often in the form of numerical "points," to each lead based on various attributes such as the lead's industry, job role, or actions they've taken on your website. This helps sales teams prioritize their leads and focus on those with the highest potential for conversion. Effective lead scoring can contribute to sales management by ensuring that high-quality leads are passed on to the sales team, improving efficiency and conversion rates.

A prospect qualification tool aids in lead sourcing and sales strategy by providing a structured approach to evaluate potential leads. It includes various dimensions a salesperson needs to consider, such as industry-specific criteria, the organizational structure of the lead's company, the decision-maker, any business issues, compelling events or the client's sense of urgency, the lead's timeframe, and their budget. This allows leads to be scored and judged as they are qualified by the marketing team, then handed over to the sales team, and finally qualified as ready to interact with a representative. This process ensures that only the most promising leads are pursued, improving efficiency and effectiveness of the sales strategy.

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Esta jornada de MQL para SAL para SQL é uma jornada, então os leads devem ser rastreados de acordo com onde estão na jornada. Compartilhar este slide pode ajudar a manter todos os departamentos e representantes unificados com as informações corretas. Sem essa unidade, a maioria dos leads que você gera na verdade se perde na confusão.

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Gestão do ciclo de vida do contrato

Então, digamos que você qualificou leads e até fez uma venda. Como você acompanha todos os seus contratos em andamento do início ao fim?

Gestão do ciclo de vida do contrato, ou CLM, é uma ferramenta que decompõe o ciclo de vida de um contrato em suas dez etapas, começando com o pedido de contrato até as renovações de contrato.

Contratos estão no centro do negócio principal da Microsoft, pois todos os anos a empresa tem que negociar mais de 1 milhão de acordos de serviço com grandes clientes para seus computadores e suíte de produtos 365. A Microsoft usou um serviço de terceiros para suas próprias necessidades de CLM, onde mais de 100.000 contratos são criados a cada ano com mais de 400 atributos únicos por contrato e mais de 20.000 visualizações externas por mês. No entanto, a empresa descobriu que não tinha um método unificado para digitalizar esses contratos, não tinha visão sobre seus dados de gestão de contratos e toda vez que mudava sua solução de gestão de contratos, abria novos riscos e seus usuários tinham que se adaptar a novas interfaces e complexidades. Então, a Microsoft incorporou o sistema de Gestão de Contratos Icertis baseado em API em sua plataforma de nuvem Azure para criar um sistema CLM inteligente e automatizado que pode migrar entre plataformas de gestão de contratos. Como a maioria dos advogados passa 90% do seu tempo no Word, Powerpoint e Outlook, o CLM da Microsoft fez todo o sentido.

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A company that could benefit from implementing a similar contract management system is Amazon. Amazon deals with a multitude of suppliers, vendors, and third-party sellers, which likely involves a significant number of contracts. Implementing a unified contract management system like the one used by Microsoft could help Amazon streamline its contract management process, reduce risks associated with switching platforms, and provide valuable insights from contract-management data. This could lead to improved efficiency, reduced costs, and better decision-making.

Microsoft's contract management system enhances their business strategy by providing a unified method for digitizing contracts, offering insight over contract-management data, and reducing risks associated with switching contract management solutions. The system, incorporated onto Microsoft's Azure cloud platform, is an intelligent, automated Contract Lifecycle Management (CLM) system that can migrate between contract management platforms. This system is particularly beneficial as it aligns with the work habits of legal professionals who spend the majority of their time in Word, PowerPoint, and Outlook.

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Ao conduzir sua própria gestão do ciclo de vida do contrato, você também pode usar esta visualização de fluxo de trabalho para acompanhar onde você está em seu processo de CLM e fazer anotações de acordo.(Slide 5)

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Controle de vendas com análise ABC

Agora, nem todas as vendas são criadas iguais, e sua equipe de vendas terá diferentes segmentos de clientes e produtos para gerenciar. Para facilitar para eles, considere uma análise ABC.

O caminhão da série F da Ford tem sido o veículo mais vendido nos EUA por 43 anos consecutivos.O Boston Consulting Group descobriu que em 2019, a série F gerou $42 bilhões em receita e que, se a Ford separasse esta empresa por conta própria, seria uma das maiores do país em termos de receita bruta. No entanto, apesar de ter milhares de caminhões totalmente completos em suas fábricas prontos para serem vendidos, a atual escassez de microchips levou a Ford a conseguir vender apenas 158.235 caminhões da série F durante o segundo trimestre.

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The current microchip shortage has significantly impacted the sales of Ford's F-Series trucks. Despite having thousands of otherwise totally complete trucks at its factories ready to be sold, the shortage led to Ford only being able to sell 158,235 F-Series trucks during Q2. This situation has likely affected Ford's revenue and market position.

Ford used several strategies to make the F-Series the best-selling vehicle in the US for 43 years. Firstly, they focused on quality and durability, making the F-Series a reliable choice for consumers. Secondly, they offered a wide range of models and options to cater to different customer needs. Thirdly, Ford invested heavily in marketing and branding, positioning the F-Series as a symbol of American strength and resilience. Lastly, they maintained strong relationships with dealers and provided excellent customer service, ensuring a positive buying experience for consumers.

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A popularidade do F-150 é a razão pela qual a Ford escolheu criar o F-150 Lightning. Se apenas um por cento dos compradores de F-150 optassem por um modelo elétrico, o caminhão superaria basicamente metade do campo de veículos elétricos existentes. Até agora, a empresa já tem mais de 100.000 reservas, e o entusiasmo recente levou a empresa a investir $11,4 bilhões em três novas fábricas de baterias e uma fábrica de caminhões. Então, como a Ford conseguiu fazer uma aposta tão audaciosa?

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Contract lifecycle management could be applied in the context of Ford's new investments by ensuring that all contracts related to these investments are properly managed from initiation through to completion. This includes the negotiation of terms, signing, renewals, and termination of contracts. It could also involve the use of technology to automate and streamline these processes, reducing the risk of errors and ensuring compliance with all relevant regulations. This could be particularly important for Ford's new investments in battery factories and a truck plant, where there may be numerous contracts with suppliers, contractors, and other parties.

Prospect qualification could play a significant role in Ford's sales strategy for the F-150 Lightning. It would help Ford identify potential customers who are most likely to be interested in an electric version of the F-150. This could include current F-150 owners who are environmentally conscious, tech-savvy consumers who are attracted to the latest innovations, or businesses looking to reduce their carbon footprint. By focusing on these qualified prospects, Ford could increase its chances of converting interest into sales, thereby maximizing the return on its investment in the F-150 Lightning.

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Uma Análise ABC pode ajudar as equipes de vendas a determinar investimentos em produtos específicos e segmentos de clientes que geram as vendas mais valiosas. O eixo y representa a porcentagem do valor acumulado que um tipo de cliente traz, enquanto o eixo x representa a proporção de clientes nesse segmento. (Slide 28)

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The main components of ABC Analysis in sales are the products or customer segments and their corresponding value contribution. The analysis categorizes these components into three categories: A, B, and C. 'A' items are the most valuable products or customers that provide the highest profit or revenue. 'B' items are less valuable but still significant. 'C' items are the least valuable. The aim is to identify and focus on the 'A' items that drive the most valuable sales.

ABC Analysis is a sales strategy that focuses on categorizing items into three categories: A, B, and C. Category A includes items that have the highest value for the business, B items are of lesser value, and C items are of the least value. This strategy helps businesses prioritize their resources and focus on the most valuable items. Other sales strategies may focus on different aspects such as customer segmentation, dynamic pricing, or prospect qualification. For example, dynamic pricing models adjust prices based on market demand and competition, while prospect qualification focuses on identifying potential customers who are most likely to convert. Each strategy has its own strengths and is used based on the specific needs and goals of the business.

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O Segmento A são seus produtos ou clientes mais valiosos. Eles contribuem significativamente para o lucro geral sem consumir muitos recursos. No caso da Ford, seriam as pré-encomendas do F-150 Lightning, os primeiros adotantes prontos e dispostos a comprar o EV a um preço premium.

O Segmento B são os produtos ou clientes intermediários. Com algum impulso, eles podem ser desenvolvidos para o segmento A. Neste caso, poderiam ser os atuais motoristas da série F a gasolina que querem comprar um caminhão este ano, mas se contiveram devido à capacidade limitada ou ao preço.

O Segmento C são as transações menores que são necessárias, mas não contribuem muito para o valor. É aqui que a maioria dos produtos ou clientes se encontra, e como líder de vendas, você deve se esforçar para automatizar suas vendas o máximo possível para reduzir os custos indiretos. Empresas automotivas como a Ford planejam fazer isso com os próximos serviços de assinatura para atualizações de software para carros conectados ou manutenção atual do concessionário necessária a cada X quantidade de milhas.

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Ford could benefit from the sales strategies toolkit by automating sales for Segment C, which consists of smaller transactions that are necessary but don't contribute much value. This could be achieved through subscription services for software updates for connected cars or current dealership maintenance required at every certain amount of miles. By automating these sales, Ford could reduce overhead costs and increase efficiency.

Yes, there are case studies that demonstrate the effectiveness of automating sales for Segment C. One such example is the automotive industry. Companies like Ford are planning to automate their sales processes for certain services. They plan to introduce subscription services for software updates for connected cars and for regular dealership maintenance. This automation is aimed at reducing overhead costs and improving efficiency.

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Painel de indicadores de desempenho para meta de vendas

Então, você conhece seus tipos de clientes, tem seu ciclo de vida do contrato sob controle. Agora, como você garante que atingirá suas metas de vendas?

Para acompanhar seus leads convertidos, você pode usar nosso Painel de Indicadores de Desempenho para metas de vendas.

À esquerda, acompanhe sua taxa de conversão de leads ao longo do funil de vendas.

No meio, use um gráfico de barras para acompanhar seus leads convertidos totais nos últimos trinta dias e use uma visualização de gráfico de pizza para acompanhar sua proporção de oportunidade de vitória.

À direita, visualize o desempenho de vários representantes de vendas e suas várias taxas de conversação.Todas essas ferramentas estão vinculadas a uma planilha onde você pode importar seus dados.(Slide 33)

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Além disso, se você precisa de uma ferramenta para acompanhar sua equipe de vendas B2C, você pode usar este slide para comparar seu progresso de vendas anterior, seu desempenho de vendas em relação às cotas e até mesmo acompanhar o inventário. Você também pode monitorar as vendas semanais e de onde seus clientes estão comprando produtos em várias regiões.(Slide 34)

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The Sales Strategies Toolkit can assist in achieving sales targets by providing a compilation of best sales practices. These include dynamic pricing models and prospect qualification frameworks. It can also be used as a tool to track your B2C sales team's progress, compare previous sales performance against quotas, and monitor weekly sales and customer buying patterns across various regions.

Tracking inventory in sales is crucial for several reasons. Firstly, it helps in maintaining an optimal stock level, preventing overstocking or understocking situations. This ensures that the products are always available for customers when they want to purchase, thus improving customer satisfaction and loyalty. Secondly, it aids in accurate financial forecasting by providing insights into sales trends and product demand. This information can be used to make informed decisions about production and procurement. Lastly, inventory tracking can highlight issues in the supply chain, allowing for timely resolution and preventing potential sales loss.

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Para mais Kit de Estratégias de Vendas, baixe este framework para suas necessidades. Você ganhará mais ferramentas como funis de conversão AIDA, análise de portfólio, mapas de jornada de compra e venda, precificação baseada em valor e radar de marketing. Além disso, se você gostar deste conjunto de ferramentas, confira nosso outro Sales Strategy que você também pode baixar e personalizar de acordo com suas necessidades.

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The Sales Strategies Toolkit has several practical applications in the sales industry. It provides a compilation of best sales practices that can help teams improve their selling techniques. The toolkit includes dynamic pricing models and prospect qualification frameworks that can help in setting competitive prices and identifying potential customers. It also offers tools like AIDA conversion funnels, portfolio analysis, buyer and seller journey maps, and value-based pricing which can aid in understanding customer behavior, analyzing product performance, mapping customer journeys, and setting prices based on perceived value. Additionally, the toolkit can be customized to meet specific needs, making it a versatile resource for sales teams.

A company that could benefit from the Sales Strategies Toolkit is a startup company in the tech industry, for example, a new software development firm. This company could use the toolkit to develop effective sales strategies, such as dynamic pricing models and prospect qualification, which are crucial for startups to gain a foothold in the market. The AIDA conversion funnels and value-based pricing tools could help them attract and retain customers, while the seller journey maps could help them understand and improve their sales process.

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