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¿Cuál es la mejor manera de presentar una idea de negocio? En este artículo, explicaremos qué es un Lienzo de Modelo de Negocio, cómo usarlo, cómo personalizar nuestra plantilla para crear la suya propia y, si lee hasta el final, aprenderá cómo LinkedIn utiliza un Modelo de Negocio Canvas para crear y evaluar nuevas ideas de negocio. Nuestra plantilla personalizable incluye algunas de las mejores herramientas de Modelo de Negocio Canvas disponibles hoy en día, como múltiples formatos de canvas, análisis RFM, estructura de costos y flujos de ingresos, actividades y recursos clave, canales y veinticinco otras herramientas.

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A real example of a business model canvas could be that of a company like Airbnb.

Customer Segment: People looking for temporary accommodation, owners who want to rent their space.

Value Proposition: Offering a platform where owners can rent their space to travelers.

Channels: Website and mobile application.

Customer Relationship: 24/7 support, user-friendly platform.

Revenue Streams: Service fees for each booking.

Key Resources: Online platform, user community.

Key Activities: Platform management, marketing, customer service.

Key Partnerships: Apartment owners, travel agencies.

Cost Structure: Development and maintenance of the platform, marketing, personnel.

This is a simplified example, but it gives an idea of how a business model canvas can be used to describe a company's business model.

An example of a Business Model Canvas (BMC) in French could be the following:

1. Value Proposition: What problem are you solving for your customers? What products or services do you offer?

2. Customer Segments: Who are your target customers?

3. Channels: How do you reach your customers?

4. Customer Relationships: How do you interact with your customers?

5. Revenue Streams: How do you make money?

6. Key Resources: What are the resources necessary to execute your business model?

7. Key Activities: What are the essential activities to execute your business model?

8. Key Partnerships: Who do you work with to execute your business model?

9. Cost Structure: What are the costs associated with running your business model?

Each company will have a unique BMC depending on its specifics.

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Modelo de negocio canvas

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Un modelo de negocio canvas es un lenguaje compartido que se utiliza para describir, visualizar y cambiar un modelo de negocio. En La Generación de Modelos de Negocio, Alexander Osterwalder dice que "sin un lenguaje compartido, es difícil desafiar sistemáticamente las suposiciones sobre el modelo de negocio de uno e innovar con éxito." El canvas describe cómo una empresa Crea, Entrega y Captura valor. Esta presentación tiene cinco versiones del modelo de negocio canvas para adaptarse a sus necesidades. Un modelo de negocio canvas estándar consta de nueve bloques de construcción: socios clave, actividades clave, recursos clave, propuestas de valor, relaciones con los clientes, canales, segmentos de clientes, estructuras de costos y flujos de ingresos.(Diapositiva 4

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The presentation mentions five versions of the business model canvas. However, the specific versions are not detailed in the provided content. A standard business model canvas comprises nine building blocks: key partners, key activities, key resources, value propositions, customer relationships, channels, customer segments, cost structures, and revenue streams.

To customize a business model canvas to suit specific business needs, you need to understand the nine building blocks of the canvas: key partners, key activities, key resources, value propositions, customer relationships, channels, customer segments, cost structures, and revenue streams. Once you understand these, you can tailor them to your specific business needs. For example, if your business heavily relies on partnerships, you might want to expand the 'key partners' section. Similarly, if your business has a unique value proposition, you might want to elaborate on that in the 'value propositions' section. Remember, the business model canvas is a flexible tool and can be adapted to fit your business needs.

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Una visualización alternativa utiliza notas adhesivas para organizar el lienzo. El usuario también puede copiar y pegar fácilmente las notas para agregar más. Cada una puede ser completada, descartada o reemplazada de una manera manejable para probar nuevas ideas. (Diapositiva 3)

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El lienzo de modelo de negocio lean es más útil para las startups que necesitan generar y evaluar rápidamente diferentes planes, ya que incluye secciones de problema y solución para ayudar a comparar ideas alternativas. (Diapositiva 7)

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The problem and solution sections in the lean business model canvas are crucial for comparing alternative ideas. The problem section allows you to identify and articulate the key issues that your business idea aims to solve. This helps in understanding the market need for your product or service. The solution section, on the other hand, allows you to outline how your business idea addresses these problems. By comparing the problem and solution sections of different business ideas, you can assess which idea best addresses a market need and has the most viable solution.

The Business Model Canvas can be customized to suit different market needs by adjusting its elements based on the specific requirements of the market. For instance, the value proposition, customer segments, channels, customer relationships, revenue streams, key resources, key activities, key partnerships, and cost structure can all be tailored to reflect the market needs. An alternative visualization like using post-it notes can help in organizing and trying out new ideas. For startups, the lean business model canvas can be used which includes problem and solution sections to help compare alternative ideas.

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Análisis RFM

Las empresas necesitan saber a quién planean atender antes de que puedan desarrollar una relación con sus clientes. Ahí es donde entra el análisis RFM. RFM significa recencia, frecuencia y monetario, un marco único para visualizar la información demográfica. Los clientes se puntúan según la recencia de su compromiso puntuado en el eje X, con la frecuencia de sus compras o compromiso en el eje Y. 1 es una frecuencia o recencia baja, mientras que 5 representa una alta frecuencia o recencia. (Diapositiva 10)

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RFM (Recency, Frequency, Monetary) analysis can significantly enhance a company's business strategy by providing a clear understanding of customer behavior. It allows companies to segment their customers based on the recency of their engagement, the frequency of their purchases, and the monetary value of their transactions. This information can be used to develop targeted marketing strategies, improve customer retention, and increase sales. It can also help in identifying high-value customers and understanding their buying patterns, which can lead to more effective resource allocation.

Implementing RFM (Recency, Frequency, Monetary) analysis can present several challenges. Firstly, it requires a comprehensive and accurate customer database, which can be difficult to maintain. Secondly, it may not account for all customer behaviors or preferences, as it primarily focuses on transactional data. Lastly, it can be difficult to interpret and apply the results of RFM analysis in a meaningful way. These challenges can be overcome by ensuring the quality and completeness of the customer database, supplementing RFM analysis with other customer insights, and investing in training or expert resources to interpret and apply the results.

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Al trazar a los clientes en este gráfico, puedes ver su valor monetario y su importancia para tu organización. Es una forma cuantitativa de identificar demografías en términos de cuánto dinero pueden generar, en contraposición a las demografías cualitativas como la edad o el género.Otra forma efectiva de cuantificar las relaciones con los clientes es mediante una puntuación de satisfacción del cliente. Esta puntuación permite a las empresas ver qué métodos o canales son los más demandados. Por ejemplo, según estas puntuaciones de satisfacción de muestra, sería prudente asignar menos recursos al soporte por correo electrónico y telefónico y más al soporte de chat. (Diapositiva 17)

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The Business Model Canvas aligns with digital transformation initiatives by providing a structured framework to identify and prioritize the key elements of a business model. It helps in understanding the current business model and identifying areas where digital technologies can be implemented for improvement. For instance, in the 'Channels' block, a company might identify opportunities to digitize their distribution channels. Similarly, in the 'Customer Relationships' block, digital technologies might be used to enhance customer service, like the example given in the content about shifting resources to chat support. It's a tool that aids in the strategic planning of digital transformation.

Companies can implement the Business Model Canvas in their operations by first identifying the key elements of their business such as key partners, key activities, value propositions, customer relationships, customer segments, key resources, channels, cost structure, and revenue streams. Each of these elements should be clearly defined and understood. Then, these elements are plotted on the Business Model Canvas, which provides a visual representation of the business model. This allows companies to easily see how each element interacts with the others, identify potential areas of improvement, and make strategic decisions. It's also a dynamic tool, meaning it should be updated as the business evolves.

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Estructura de costos

Otra parte clave de un modelo de negocio canvas es desglosar la estructura de costos de su negocio. Este diagrama de árbol de estructura de costos visualiza los gastos, el costo de los bienes vendidos y las ganancias brutas y netas en relación con las ventas. Dado que algunas organizaciones pueden tener más gastos generales para visualizar que otras, los usuarios pueden agregar o eliminar tantos de los gráficos circulares como sea necesario. (Diapositiva 28)

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Companies can implement the cost structure tree diagram of the Business Model Canvas in their operations by first identifying all the costs associated with their business. These costs can be categorized into different sections such as expenses, cost of goods sold (COGS), and overheads. Once these costs are identified, they can be visualized using a tree diagram. This diagram can be customized according to the company's needs, with the ability to add or delete as many sections as necessary. The diagram helps in understanding the relation between different costs and the overall sales, thereby aiding in better financial management and decision making.

Understanding the cost structure in the Business Model Canvas enhances business strategy by providing a clear picture of where the company's money is going. It helps identify the most significant costs and how they relate to revenue generation. This understanding can lead to strategic decisions, such as cost reduction initiatives, pricing strategies, and investment in profitable areas. It also allows for better financial planning and risk management. Furthermore, it can highlight inefficiencies in the business model, prompting changes to improve profitability.

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El diagrama de flujos de ingresos aquí divide los ingresos entre diferentes fuentes. A cada fuente o categoría se le asigna un porcentaje, con subcategorías debajo de cada una. Por ejemplo, una empresa como Apple podría separar los flujos de ingresos en diferentes tipos de bienes físicos y diferentes tipos de servicios, mientras que una empresa como Spotify podría usar los ingresos por publicidad como un flujo y las suscripciones como otro. (Diapositiva 11)

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The revenue stream diagram in the Business Model Canvas helps in understanding a company's income sources by dividing the company's revenue into different sources or categories. Each source or category is allotted a percentage, which allows for a clear visualization of where the company's income is coming from. For instance, a company like Apple might separate revenue streams into different types of physical goods and different kinds of services, while a company like Spotify might use ad revenue as one stream and subscriptions as another. This breakdown helps in understanding the proportion of income coming from each source, thereby providing insights into the company's business model and profitability.

The Business Model Canvas aligns with digital transformation initiatives by providing a structured framework to identify and assess the impact of digital technologies on different aspects of a business model. It helps in understanding how digital transformation can create new value propositions, customer relationships, channels, and revenue streams. It also aids in identifying areas where digital technologies can improve operational efficiency and effectiveness. The canvas can be used to map out current state, desired future state, and the transition path for digital transformation.

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Actividades clave

Las actividades clave son otro bloque de construcción importante del lienzo de negocios.Las actividades clave se pueden dividir en actividades continuas que se repiten de manera recurrente o actividades únicas que solo necesitan realizarse unas pocas veces al año. (Diapositiva 20-21)

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Los recursos clave son los que hacen posibles las actividades clave. Se dividen en recursos físicos, intelectuales, humanos y financieros. Los recursos físicos incluyen todo, desde fábricas hasta equipos, mientras que los intelectuales suelen incluir patentes. Los humanos incluyen todos los tipos de empleados, y los financieros incluyen capital privado, cualquier subsidio o becas. Enumere la cantidad dedicada a cada recurso y el ROI esperado de cada uno. Los usuarios pueden dejar en blanco cualquiera de estos si no están seguros del valor. Por ejemplo, dado que los gobiernos planean invertir más en el desarrollo de vehículos de nueva energía durante la próxima década, una compañía de vehículos podría destacar los subsidios gubernamentales como un recurso financiero clave. (Diapositiva 23)

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The Business Model Canvas describes how a company creates, captures, and delivers value through nine building blocks. These include: Key Partnerships, Key Activities, Key Resources, Value Propositions, Customer Relationships, Channels, Customer Segments, Cost Structure, and Revenue Streams. Each block represents a specific aspect of the business. For instance, 'Value Propositions' describes the unique value a company offers to its customers, 'Key Resources' outlines the assets necessary to deliver this value, and 'Revenue Streams' explains how the company captures value through monetization strategies.

The Business Model Canvas can help a company modify its business model to better suit market needs by providing a structured framework that allows for a comprehensive view of the current business model. This includes key areas such as key resources, value propositions, customer segments, channels, customer relationships, revenue streams, and cost structure. By analyzing these areas, a company can identify potential gaps or areas of improvement. It can also help in brainstorming and testing new business models. The visual nature of the canvas makes it easier to understand and communicate changes, making it a valuable tool for strategic planning and decision-making.

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La última parte del lienzo de negocios que destacaremos son los canales. Los canales cubren cómo y dónde las empresas entregan su valor a los clientes. Los canales de distribución son donde se pueden vender productos o servicios. Cada tipo de distribución se puede comparar aquí.(Diapositiva 14)

Los canales de marketing son cómo las empresas dan a conocer y entregan su mensaje o propuesta de valor. Aquí se proporciona una clara visualización del tablero. Para obtener una mirada más detallada sobre cómo crear un plan de marketing para activar sus canales de marketing, consulte nuestra presentación de plantilla Plan de Marketing relacionada y vea el video acompañante para aprender más. (Diapositiva 15)

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There are numerous resources available to learn more about creating a marketing plan. These include online courses, books, webinars, and workshops. Websites like Coursera, Udemy, and LinkedIn Learning offer courses on marketing plan creation. Books such as "Marketing Plan Handbook" by Robert W. Bly and "The Marketing Plan: How to Prepare and Implement It" by William M. Luther are also helpful. Additionally, you can find webinars and workshops on sites like Eventbrite or Meetup.

A marketing plan to activate marketing channels can be created by following these steps:

1. Identify your target audience: Understand who your customers are, their needs, and preferences.

2. Choose the right marketing channels: Based on your target audience, choose the most effective channels to reach them. These could be social media, email marketing, content marketing, SEO, etc.

3. Develop a content strategy: Plan what type of content you will share on each channel to engage your audience and promote your product or service.

4. Set clear goals and KPIs: Define what success looks like for each channel and how you will measure it.

5. Monitor and adjust: Regularly review the performance of each channel and adjust your strategy as needed.

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Finalmente, los canales de soporte son importantes para mantener las relaciones post-venta. Un fuerte canal de soporte proporciona una ventaja competitiva. Empresas como Slack o IBM son conocidas por su continuo apoyo a los clientes, lo que es lo que mantiene a los clientes regresando. (Diapositiva 16)

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Estudio de caso: LinkedIn

LinkedIn actualmente tiene más de 650 millones de usuarios de más de 200 países. Los socios clave de LinkedIn incluyen centros de datos para soportar la plataforma en línea, empleadores, universidades y desarrolladores de cursos educativos. Las actividades clave de LinkedIn incluyen el mantenimiento de su plataforma en línea, la retención de su base de usuarios y la construcción de asociaciones. Su recurso clave es, por supuesto, la propia plataforma en línea.

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The main components of LinkedIn's business model include its online platform, user base, and partnerships. The online platform is a key resource that supports all its activities. The user base, which currently stands at over 650 million users from over 200 countries, is crucial for LinkedIn's operations. The company also builds partnerships with key partners such as data centers, employers, universities, and educational course developers to support its business model.

LinkedIn's business model aligns with digital transformation initiatives in several ways. Firstly, its entire platform is online, which is a key aspect of digital transformation. Secondly, LinkedIn's key activities include maintaining its online platform and retaining its user base, which involves continuous digital innovation. Lastly, LinkedIn's key partners include data centers to support the online platform, which is a crucial part of digital infrastructure.

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LinkedIn tiene múltiples segmentos de clientes: su comunidad de usuarios, empleadores en busca de empleados y anunciantes.Cada uno de estos segmentos tiene su propia propuesta de valor, que puede ser mostrada en el lienzo. Para los usuarios, la propuesta sería una forma de mostrar sus habilidades a los reclutadores de manera fácil. Para los empleadores, es una base de datos global y accesible de candidatos. Para los anunciantes, es una audiencia comprometida y herramientas de medición.

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LinkedIn's multi-segment customer approach enhances its business strategy by catering to the needs of different customer segments, thereby expanding its user base and increasing its revenue streams. For instance, it provides a platform for users to showcase their skills to recruiters, offers employers a global and accessible database of candidates, and provides advertisers with an engaged audience and measurement tools. This diversified approach allows LinkedIn to maximize its market reach and profitability.

The Business Model Canvas can be used in the recruitment industry in several ways. It can help recruitment agencies to clearly define their value proposition, customer segments, and revenue streams. For example, their value proposition could be their expertise in sourcing candidates, their customer segments could be the companies they serve, and their revenue streams could be the fees they charge for their services. It can also help them to identify key resources, activities, and partners, as well as cost structure and channels. This can lead to a better understanding of their business and can aid in strategic decision-making.

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El mayor canal de distribución de LinkedIn es su sitio web y aplicación móvil. Pero sus canales van más allá de eso, con canales de soporte como Sales Navigator y Sales Solutions que buscan mantener las relaciones con los clientes. Mantener estas relaciones con la base de usuarios a través de los canales de soporte es una forma clave en que LinkedIn hace crecer su comunidad en línea y obtiene una ventaja competitiva. Sus flujos de ingresos incluyen publicaciones de trabajo de pago por clic, suscripciones premium y soluciones de marketing. Cada uno de estos componentes puede ser listado en el modelo de negocio canvas y cambiado según se evalúen para el éxito. Echa un vistazo a nuestro video de arriba para ver cómo todo esto se ve en un modelo de negocio canvas.

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The Business Model Canvas helps in evaluating the success of different revenue streams by providing a structured framework to list out and assess each revenue stream. It allows businesses to visualize and understand the contribution of each revenue stream to the overall business model. For instance, pay-per-click job postings, premium subscriptions, and marketing solutions can be listed out separately on the canvas. The performance of each can then be evaluated based on metrics such as revenue generated, growth rate, customer feedback, etc. This helps in identifying which revenue streams are performing well and which ones need improvement. The canvas can be updated regularly to reflect changes in the business strategy or market conditions.

LinkedIn's use of support channels like Sales Navigator and Sales Solutions significantly enhances its business strategy. These tools are designed to maintain and strengthen customer relationships, which is crucial for LinkedIn's growth and competitive advantage. Sales Navigator is a tool that helps sales professionals find and build relationships with LinkedIn members, while Sales Solutions offers a range of tools to help businesses leverage LinkedIn's network for sales and marketing. By providing these services, LinkedIn not only increases its user engagement but also creates additional revenue streams.

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¿Desea un Modelo de Negocio Canvas fácil de usar? Descargue la presentación Lienzo de Modelo de Negocio para más diapositivas como Estrategia de socio clave, Evaluación de socio clave, Gráfico de segmentación de clientes, Estrategia de creación de valor, Modelo de negocio lean canvas, y muchos más. Y, si desea más visualizaciones de canvas de negocios, puede consultar nuestras otras Colección de Lienzos de Negocios para más.

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Yes, there are numerous case studies that demonstrate the effectiveness of the Business Model Canvas. Companies like Uber, Airbnb, and Spotify have used this tool to define and innovate their business models. It helps businesses to visualize their current model, identify areas of strength and weakness, and experiment with future possibilities. However, the specific case studies are not provided in this resource.

The main components of the Business Model Canvas are: Key Partners, Key Activities, Key Resources, Value Propositions, Customer Relationships, Channels, Customer Segments, Cost Structure, and Revenue Streams.

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