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Votre entreprise doit élaborer un plan concis mais fiable pour rouvrir le bureau après Covid. Utilisez notre Guide de Réouverture du Bureau pour communiquer vos priorités, votre stratégie, votre calendrier et vos protocoles de sécurité. Apaisez l'anxiété de vos employés et guidez-les à travers les mesures préventives et les ressources supplémentaires qui leur seront fournies pendant cette période sensible.

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There are several ways to ensure a safe and clean office environment upon reopening. First, a thorough cleaning and disinfection of the entire office space should be done. This includes all common areas, workstations, and high-touch surfaces. Second, implement safety protocols such as social distancing, wearing of masks, and regular hand sanitizing. Third, provide employees with resources and training on how to maintain cleanliness and safety in the office. Lastly, consider implementing a staggered work schedule to limit the number of people in the office at any given time.

A company can prepare for potential Covid outbreaks after reopening by developing a comprehensive plan that includes a clear communication strategy, a timeline for reopening, safety protocols, and preventative measures. The company should also provide additional resources to employees during this sensitive time to ease their anxiety.

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Covid-19 a changé à jamais le contrat social entre les employeurs et les employés. Le bien-être émotionnel des employés est une priorité plus grande que jamais, et les attentes en matière de sécurité physique, émotionnelle, financière et numérique sur votre lieu de travail sont plus élevées que jamais. Comment répondre à ce moment?

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Employers can use the Office Reopening Guide to effectively plan and communicate their reopening strategy by following its guidelines and recommendations. The guide can provide a roadmap for ensuring physical, emotional, financial, and digital safety in the workplace. It can also help employers understand how to prioritize the emotional wellbeing of employees in the new normal. The guide can be used to develop a comprehensive plan that addresses these expectations and communicates them effectively to employees.

To ensure an inclusive office reopening plan, employers can consider the following: 1. Conduct surveys to understand the needs and concerns of all employees. 2. Develop flexible work policies that accommodate different needs, such as remote work options for those who are unable to return to the office. 3. Implement safety measures that address physical, emotional, financial, and digital safety. 4. Provide clear communication about the reopening plan and any changes to policies or procedures. 5. Offer support for employees' emotional wellbeing, such as mental health resources or stress management programs.

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Avec un plan solide, soutenu par des métriques faciles à lire, des calendriers et des directives, vous pouvez atteindre des objectifs réalistes pour rouvrir qui ont du sens pour votre entreprise. Utilisez le Guide de Réouverture du Bureau pour établir des attentes mesurées avec un plan structuré qui démontre quels critères doivent être remplis pour rouvrir selon des considérations calculées.

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A business can ensure that its reopening plan is backed up by solid data by setting realistic goals and using easy-to-read metrics, timelines, and guidelines. It should also have a structured plan that demonstrates what criteria need to be met to reopen according to calculated considerations.

Some examples of criteria that need to be met for office reopening could include ensuring the safety and health of employees, having a solid plan in place, meeting certain health guidelines set by local or national health authorities, and having the necessary resources and infrastructure to support a safe and efficient work environment. It's also important to have clear communication and guidelines for employees about the reopening process.

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Points forts de la présentation

Nos priorités

Commencez par un aperçu des priorités de l'organisation et des étapes clés qu'elle prendra. Cela aide à faire le bilan de l'endroit où se trouve l'organisation maintenant et définit les phases de mise en œuvre. Il est important de souligner que la principale préoccupation de l'organisation pendant tout ce processus est la sécurité et le bien-être des employés.

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An organization can ensure the safety and well-being of its employees during the reopening process by first outlining its priorities and key steps. This allows the organization to assess its current situation and define the phases of implementation. The organization should emphasize that the primary concern throughout this process is the safety and well-being of the employees.

Having a concise plan for office reopening can have several benefits. It can help ensure the safety and well-being of employees, which is the primary concern during this process. It can also help the organization take stock of its current situation and define the phases of implementation. Furthermore, it can provide an overview of the organization's priorities and the key steps it will take, which can help in efficient and effective reopening.

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Bien que les priorités de chaque organisation puissent différer, certaines communes se concentrent sur la manière dont le lieu de travail changera en fonction de la réouverture, comment le flux de travail changera à mesure que la réouverture se produit, et comment le risque sera géré avec des plans de contingence et de meilleurs processus pour une meilleure préparation à l'avenir en cas de nouvelles épidémies. (Diapositive 3)

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To prepare for future outbreaks, organizations can implement several strategies. First, they can develop contingency plans that outline steps to take in the event of another outbreak. This includes identifying key roles and responsibilities, establishing communication protocols, and setting up remote work capabilities. Second, organizations can invest in technology and infrastructure that support remote work and virtual collaboration. This ensures business continuity even when physical offices are closed. Third, organizations can conduct regular risk assessments to identify potential threats and vulnerabilities, and develop strategies to mitigate these risks. Lastly, organizations can provide training and resources to employees to help them adapt to new ways of working and to ensure their health and safety.

Managing workflow shifts during the reopening of offices can be effectively done by clear communication and planning. It's important to establish a detailed plan that outlines the changes in workflow and how tasks will be distributed among the team. This plan should be communicated to all team members to ensure everyone understands their roles and responsibilities. Additionally, contingency plans should be in place to manage risks and ensure business continuity in case of further outbreaks. Regular meetings and updates can also help in managing workflow shifts effectively.

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Temps de rapport

Démontrez visuellement à la direction de l'entreprise et aux employés à quoi ressemblera chaque phase de réouverture et quand elle aura lieu. L'objectif est de fixer des attentes et de fournir à chaque partie prenante la même compréhension de ce que chaque phase impliquera.

Cette visualisation de calendrier aide à démontrer le calendrier prévu de chaque phase sur une période de six mois. Comme les calendriers peuvent changer rapidement en raison des taux de vaccination et d'infection locaux, il est essentiel d'avoir un calendrier flexible qui n'est pas fixé autour de dates exactes mais peut être repoussé en fonction de jalons spécifiques si nécessaire. (Diapositive 6)

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Des visualisations supplémentaires démontrent quel pourcentage de chaque département sera réintégré sur le lieu de travail à travers les multiples phases. (Diapositive 7)

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Outils et ressources supplémentaires

Pour rouvrir correctement, une organisation aura besoin d'une poignée d'outils qu'elle pourra ensuite partager avec les principaux intervenants pour clarifier comment chaque décision est prise:

  • Une évaluation des risques quantifie le niveau de risque d'exposition auquel chaque département est confronté, de faible à élevé, avec des répartitions en pourcentage sur le risque d'exposition associé à travers les équipes, les clients, ou les voyages d'affaires (Diapositive 10)
  • Une organisation devra suivre quelles ressources et fournitures garder sur place, fournir aux employés à distance, avoir à portée de main pour les configurations de bureau hybrides (Diapositive 14)
  • Communiquer les protocoles de dépistage et de test pour fixer les attentes des employés et les mettre à jour fréquemment afin que les actions des employés ne deviennent pas trop relâchées. (Diapositive 15)
  • Fournir une réponse planifiée sur la façon de gérer un test positif sur le lieu de travail, qui servira de guide systématique que tous les gestionnaires et employés peuvent suivre (Diapositive 17)
  • Vous pouvez également vouloir fournir des ressources supplémentaires par le biais de leur département des ressources humaines pour aider les employés à faire face à tous les changements, protocoles et stress pendant cette période (Diapositive 19)
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In case of a positive Covid-19 test in the workplace, the following strategies can be implemented:

1. Immediate isolation of the infected employee: The employee who has tested positive should be sent home immediately to avoid further spread of the virus.

2. Contact tracing: Identify and inform individuals who may have come into contact with the infected employee.

3. Deep cleaning: Thoroughly clean and disinfect the workspace and common areas used by the infected employee.

4. Communication: Inform the team about the situation without breaching confidentiality laws.

5. Re-evaluation of safety protocols: Review and enhance safety measures if necessary.

6. Mental health support: Provide resources for employees to cope with stress and anxiety during this time.

An organization can effectively communicate screening and testing protocols to its employees by setting clear expectations and updating them frequently. This ensures that employees do not become too relaxed about the protocols. The organization should also provide a planned response for how to handle a positive test in the workplace, acting as a systematic guideline that all managers and employees can follow. Additional resources may also be provided through the HR department to help employees cope with the changes, protocols, and stress during this time.

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Jours de maladie et congés payés

Les temps de quarantaine et de récupération ont changé la façon dont les RH calculent le temps de maladie. Communiquez comment les jours de maladie et les congés payés fonctionneront à l'avenir pour aider les gestionnaires et les employés à suivre les congés et à tenir compte de la différence entre les jours de maladie réguliers, les jours fériés, les jours de congé payé et les jours de quarantaine liés à covid. (Diapositive 18)

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Regular sick days are typically used when an employee is ill and unable to work. Holidays are predetermined days off recognized by the company. PTO (Paid Time Off) days are a pool of days that employees can use at their discretion for vacation, personal time, or illness. Covid-related quarantine days are specific to situations where an employee is required to self-isolate due to potential exposure to Covid-19. The key differences lie in the purpose of the time off and how they are accounted for by HR. It's important to note that the specifics may vary based on company policy and local labor laws.

The calculation of sick time in the HR department has changed due to quarantine and recovery times by distinguishing between regular sick days, holidays, PTO days, and covid-related quarantine days. This helps managers and employees track time off and account for the different types of leave.

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Questions fréquemment posées

Même avec toutes ces ressources, les employés auront encore des questions. Incluez une diapositive de questions fréquemment posées pour aborder toute autre spécificité de votre bureau. Chaque individu aura ses propres préoccupations en matière de protocoles de sécurité, qu'il s'agisse de vaccinations, de préoccupations interpersonnelles ou de toute autre question de réouverture du lieu de travail non couverte dans l'exemple. (Diapositive 20)

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The Office Reopening Guide is a comprehensive resource designed to communicate reopening strategies effectively to the entire team. It covers priorities, timelines, screening, and testing protocols. Compared to other resources, it stands out for its concise and clear communication. However, the effectiveness of this guide compared to others would depend on the specific needs and circumstances of your organization. It's always recommended to review multiple resources and choose or customize the one that best fits your organization's needs.

The Office Reopening Guide aligns with the company's post-Covid operations strategy by providing a comprehensive plan for safely reopening the office. It includes priorities, strategy, timeline, screening, and testing protocols. It also addresses employees' concerns and questions about safety protocols, vaccinations, and interpersonal concerns. This guide is a crucial part of the company's strategy to ensure a smooth transition back to office work after Covid.

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