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Your company needs to deliver a concise yet reliable plan to reopen the office after Covid. Use our Office Reopening Guide to communicate your priorities, strategy, timeline, and safety protocols. Set your employee's anxiety at ease and walk them through the preventative measures and additional resources that will be provided to them during this sensitive time.

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There are several ways to ensure a safe and clean office environment upon reopening. First, a thorough cleaning and disinfection of the entire office space should be done. This includes all common areas, workstations, and high-touch surfaces. Second, implement safety protocols such as social distancing, wearing of masks, and regular hand sanitizing. Third, provide employees with resources and training on how to maintain cleanliness and safety in the office. Lastly, consider implementing a staggered work schedule to limit the number of people in the office at any given time.

A company can prepare for potential Covid outbreaks after reopening by developing a comprehensive plan that includes a clear communication strategy, a timeline for reopening, safety protocols, and preventative measures. The company should also provide additional resources to employees during this sensitive time to ease their anxiety.

Some ways to gather employee feedback about the reopening plan could include conducting surveys, organizing virtual town hall meetings, setting up suggestion boxes, or having one-on-one meetings with employees. It's important to create a safe space where employees feel comfortable sharing their thoughts and concerns.

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Covid-19 has forever changed the social contract between employers and employees. The emotional wellbeing of employees is a greater priority than ever before, and expectations for physical, emotional, financial, and digital safety in your workplace are higher than ever before. How do you meet this moment?

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Employers can use the Office Reopening Guide to effectively plan and communicate their reopening strategy by following its guidelines and recommendations. The guide can provide a roadmap for ensuring physical, emotional, financial, and digital safety in the workplace. It can also help employers understand how to prioritize the emotional wellbeing of employees in the new normal. The guide can be used to develop a comprehensive plan that addresses these expectations and communicates them effectively to employees.

To ensure an inclusive office reopening plan, employers can consider the following: 1. Conduct surveys to understand the needs and concerns of all employees. 2. Develop flexible work policies that accommodate different needs, such as remote work options for those who are unable to return to the office. 3. Implement safety measures that address physical, emotional, financial, and digital safety. 4. Provide clear communication about the reopening plan and any changes to policies or procedures. 5. Offer support for employees' emotional wellbeing, such as mental health resources or stress management programs.

Employers can ensure the digital wellbeing of employees in the new workplace environment by implementing policies and practices that promote a healthy digital culture. This could include setting boundaries for work hours to prevent burnout, providing training on digital tools and cybersecurity, encouraging regular breaks from screens, and promoting open communication about digital stress and challenges.

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With a solid plan, backed up by easy-to-read metrics, timelines, and guidelines, you can meet realistic goals to reopen that makes sense for your business. Use the Office Reopening Guide to set measured expectations with a structured plan that demonstrates what criteria need to be met to reopen according to calculated considerations.

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A business can ensure that its reopening plan is backed up by solid data by setting realistic goals and using easy-to-read metrics, timelines, and guidelines. It should also have a structured plan that demonstrates what criteria need to be met to reopen according to calculated considerations.

Some examples of criteria that need to be met for office reopening could include ensuring the safety and health of employees, having a solid plan in place, meeting certain health guidelines set by local or national health authorities, and having the necessary resources and infrastructure to support a safe and efficient work environment. It's also important to have clear communication and guidelines for employees about the reopening process.

Some strategies for setting measured expectations for office reopening include creating a solid plan with clear metrics, timelines, and guidelines. This plan should outline the criteria that need to be met for the office to reopen, taking into account various considerations such as health and safety guidelines, employee comfort, and business needs. It's also important to communicate this plan effectively to all stakeholders.

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Slide highlights

Our priorities

Begin with an overview of the organization's priorities and the key steps it will take. This helps take stock of where the organization is now and defines the phases of implementation. It's important to establish that the organization's primary concern during this entire process is the safety and well-being of the employees.

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An organization can ensure the safety and well-being of its employees during the reopening process by first outlining its priorities and key steps. This allows the organization to assess its current situation and define the phases of implementation. The organization should emphasize that the primary concern throughout this process is the safety and well-being of the employees.

Having a concise plan for office reopening can have several benefits. It can help ensure the safety and well-being of employees, which is the primary concern during this process. It can also help the organization take stock of its current situation and define the phases of implementation. Furthermore, it can provide an overview of the organization's priorities and the key steps it will take, which can help in efficient and effective reopening.

Some strategies for setting employee's anxiety at ease during office reopening include clear communication about safety measures, providing flexibility in work arrangements, offering mental health support, and involving employees in decision-making processes. It's also important to be understanding and empathetic, acknowledging that this is a difficult time for everyone.

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While each organization's priorities may differ, some common ones focus on how the workplace will change in accordance with the reopening, how the workflow will shift as reopening occurs, and how risk will be managed with contingency plans and build better processes for future readiness in case of further outbreaks. (Slide 3)

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Reporting time

Visually demonstrate to company management and employees what each phase of reopening will look like and when it will occur. The goal is to set expectations and provide every stakeholder with the same understanding of what each phase will entail.

This calendar visualization helps demonstrate the expected timeline of each phase over a six-month period. Because timelines can change rapidly due to local vaccination and infection rates, it's vital to have a flexible timetable that isn't hard-set around exact dates but can be pushed back according to specific milestones as needed. (Slide 6)

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Additional visualizations demonstrate what percentage of each department will be phased back into the workplace across the multiple phases. (Slide 7)

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Tools and additional resources

To reopen properly, an organization will need a handful of tools that they can then share with key stakeholders to clarify how each decision is determined:

  • A hazard assessment quantifies the level of exposure risk each department faces from low to high, with percentage breakdowns on the associated risk of exposure across teams, clients, or business travel (Slide 10)
  • An organization will need to track which resources and supplies to keep on-site, provide for remote employees, have on-hand for hybrid office settings (Slide 14)
  • Communicate screening and testing protocols to set employee expectations and update them frequently so employee actions don't become too relaxed. (Slide 15)
  • Provide planned response for how to handle a positive test in the workplace, which will act as a systematic guideline that all managers and employees can follow (Slide 17)
  • You may also want to provide additional resources through their HR department to help employees cope with all the changes, protocols, and stress during this time (Slide 19)
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Sick days and PTO

Quarantine and recovery times have changed the way HR calculates sick time. Communicate how sick days and PTO will work going forward to help managers and employees track time off and account for the difference between regular sick days, holidays, PTO days, and covid-related quarantine days. (Slide 18)

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Frequently asked questions

Even with all of these resources, employees will still have questions. Include a frequently asked questions slide to address any other specifics to your office. Each individual will have their own concerns with safety protocols, whether it's over vaccinations, inter-personal concerns, or any other workplace reopening questions not covered in the example. (Slide 20)

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