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¿Desea que su trabajo no solo destaque sino que también permanezca en la memoria de su audiencia? Las imágenes memorables pueden hacer que sus presentaciones sean más impactantes y motivadoras que aquellas sin ellas. Con nuestra Fondos de Video (Parte 5) compilación, seleccione entre imágenes temáticamente seleccionadas en una variedad de temas sugeridos y relevantes para 2022. Estos fondos complementarán su contenido con narración visual, lo cual ha demostrado ayudar a los ejecutivos a recordar al menos el 65% de lo que aprenden.

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Visual storytelling plays a significant role in making presentations unforgettable because it enhances the audience's ability to remember the information presented. It does this by engaging multiple senses, making the content more impactful and motivational. Visual storytelling can help executives remember at least 65% of what they learn, as it creates a strong connection between the information and the viewer, making the content more memorable and easier to recall.

Video backgrounds can make presentations more memorable and motivational by enhancing visual storytelling. They add a dynamic and engaging element to the presentation, capturing the audience's attention and making the content more impactful. They can also help to reinforce the message or theme of the presentation, making it more memorable. Furthermore, visuals are proven to help people remember at least 65% of what they learn, thus making the presentation more effective.

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Destacados de la herramienta

Informe de Sostenibilidad

Según Reuters, las acciones de las empresas que tienen una alta calificación en sostenibilidad alcanzaron ganancias récord en 2021, ya que el índice MSCI World ESG Leaders aumentó un 23% a mediados de diciembre. Esta fue su mayor ganancia anual. Comparado con el retorno del 14.4% del índice MSCI World, el crecimiento de la conciencia e interés de los inversores este año tuvo un impacto significativo. Y dado que Bloomberg proyecta que los activos globales de ESG superarán los $53 billones para 2025, la sostenibilidad está claramente aquí para quedarse, así que no pierda la oportunidad de promover los esfuerzos de su empresa en esta área importante. (Diapositiva 4)

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Sustainability can have a significant impact on a company's stock performance. Companies that rate highly on sustainability have seen record gains in their stocks. For instance, in 2021, the MSCI World ESG Leaders index, which includes companies that perform well on environmental, social, and governance (ESG) factors, rose 23%, its highest annual gain ever. This was significantly higher than the 14.4% return of the MSCI World Index. The growth of investor awareness and interest in sustainability has been a key driver of this trend. Furthermore, global ESG assets are projected to surpass $53 trillion by 2025, indicating that sustainability is a key factor for investors.

There are several effective ways to promote a company's sustainability efforts in presentations. First, clearly communicate your company's sustainability goals and the steps taken to achieve them. Use data and visuals to illustrate your progress. Second, share success stories and case studies that demonstrate the impact of your sustainability efforts. Third, highlight the benefits of sustainability, not just for the environment, but also for the business, such as cost savings, improved brand reputation, and increased customer loyalty. Lastly, engage your audience with interactive elements, such as Q&A sessions, to address any questions or concerns they may have about your sustainability initiatives.

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Mercados emergentes

Por el contrario, 2021 ha terminado mal para los mercados emergentes. Barrons informó que el ETF iShares MSCI Emerging Markets perdió el 12% de su valor desde el 1 de julio. Esto se juzga en comparación con el S&P 500, que ganó el 9%. Esto se debe en gran medida a la inflación global que eleva las tasas de interés, las recuperaciones intermitentes de la pandemia y la reforma en mercados como China. Sin embargo, muchos ven la segunda mitad de 2022 como ventajosa para los mercados emergentes una vez que la inflación alcance su punto máximo y la Reserva Federal de los EE. UU. se ajuste. Los mercados emergentes se volverán entonces más atractivos para los inversores y las empresas. Por lo tanto, los mercados emergentes son un tema candente a considerar en sus presentaciones y estrategias de crecimiento para la segunda mitad de 2022. (Diapositiva 8)

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China's market reform plays a significant role in the global emerging markets scenario. It is one of the largest emerging markets and its economic policies and reforms can significantly impact the global economy. For instance, reforms that open up China's market to foreign investors can attract more global capital, boosting the overall emerging markets. Conversely, any instability or restrictive policies can deter investors, negatively impacting emerging markets. However, it's important to note that the impact can vary based on the specific nature of the reforms and the current global economic conditions.

Emerging markets can be incorporated into growth strategies for 2022 by considering their potential advantages. Despite the poor performance of emerging markets in 2021 due to global inflation, pandemic recoveries, and market reforms, they are expected to become more attractive in the second half of 2022 once inflation peaks and the US Federal Reserve tightens. Businesses can leverage these markets by investing in them, forming partnerships, or expanding their operations. It's also important to keep an eye on the political and economic stability of these markets, as well as the local consumer behavior and market trends.

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Transformación digital

Desde la pandemia, la transformación digital global ha florecido. La firma de consultoría tecnológica Veritis proyecta que la transformación digital global podría llevar a un tamaño de mercado de $1 billón para 2025. El principal editor de tecnología ZDNet cree que las principales tendencias que impulsarán la transformación digital en 2022 incluyen lugares de trabajo híbridos y conectados y la hiper-automatización que podría acelerar el tiempo de llegada al mercado de un producto o empresa. Por ejemplo, después del año pasado, más del 44% de las organizaciones han implementado iniciativas de automatización y el 54% desea utilizar la automatización para mejorar la eficiencia operativa en 2022. Si aún no tiene uno, necesita un plan de transformación digital para el próximo año. (Diapositiva 11)

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Automation can improve operational efficiency in organizations in several ways. Firstly, it can reduce the time taken to perform tasks by automating repetitive and mundane tasks, thereby freeing up employees to focus on more strategic and value-adding activities. Secondly, automation can reduce errors and improve the accuracy of tasks, as machines are less likely to make mistakes compared to humans. Thirdly, automation can lead to cost savings, as it can reduce the need for manual labor. Lastly, automation can improve the scalability of operations, as it allows organizations to handle larger volumes of work without a proportional increase in manpower.

A digital transformation plan is crucial for a company as it helps to keep up with the rapidly evolving technological landscape. It allows businesses to leverage new technologies to improve operational efficiency, accelerate time-to-market, and stay competitive. For instance, automation, a key aspect of digital transformation, has been implemented by over 44% of organizations to enhance operational efficiency. Moreover, digital transformation could lead to significant market growth, with projections suggesting a $1 trillion market size by 2025. Therefore, not having a digital transformation plan could result in missed opportunities and potential business growth.

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Flexibilidad laboral

Gartner estimó que el uso de plataformas colaborativas aumentó un 44% entre 2019 y 2021. Al mismo tiempo, la firma de investigación y consultoría también pronosticó que el 51% de los trabajadores globales "de conocimiento" y el 32% de todos los trabajadores en todo el mundo estarán completamente remotos para finales de 2021. McKinsey también ha estimado que el 20% de la fuerza laboral global podría trabajar desde casa sin ningún impacto en la productividad. Como informó ZDNet, la diferencia entre el trabajo remoto, híbrido y flexible necesitará ser más definida a medida que entramos en 2022. La revista Wired señaló que los planes de flexibilidad en el lugar de trabajo necesitan definir "cuándo" trabajamos así como "dónde". No importa cuál sea su plan, no olvide la flexibilidad en el lugar de trabajo en la política de su empresa para 2022. (Diapositiva 12)

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Companies can implement workplace flexibility in their operations by first defining what flexibility means for them. This could mean allowing employees to work remotely, offering flexible working hours, or a combination of both. They should then communicate this policy clearly to all employees. Companies can also use collaborative platforms to facilitate remote work and ensure productivity. It's also important to regularly review and update the policy based on feedback from employees and changes in the business environment.

Workplace flexibility aligns with the trend of digital transformation in several ways. Firstly, digital transformation enables remote and flexible work by providing the necessary tools and platforms for collaboration and communication. Secondly, it allows for a more efficient use of resources, as employees can work from anywhere, reducing the need for physical office space. Lastly, digital transformation can improve productivity, as it allows employees to work at times that suit them best, leading to increased job satisfaction and performance.

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Estrategias de innovación

Gartner también predijo que las empresas necesitan centrarse en estrategias de innovación que incluyan hiper-automatización, ingeniería de IA y ingeniería de decisiones para ayudarles a crecer. La inteligencia de decisiones utiliza marcos de toma de decisiones y datos para impulsar las decisiones. Estos estarán respaldados por esfuerzos de hiper-automatización, que utilizan muchas herramientas y plataformas automatizadas juntas en unísono. Como estas tendencias continuarán acelerándose a medida que llegamos a 2025, son importantes para planificar para el próximo año. (Diapositiva 15)

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Decision intelligence is a discipline that includes, but is not limited to, traditional business decision-making frameworks. It uses a combination of technology, applications, and practices, such as data science, machine learning, and decision theory, to inform decision-making processes. Traditional business decision-making frameworks, on the other hand, often rely on established business rules and practices, and may not incorporate the same level of data analysis and predictive modeling. However, both are aimed at improving business outcomes through better decision-making.

Common challenges in applying decision-making frameworks include lack of data, lack of understanding of the framework, and resistance to change. Overcoming these challenges involves ensuring adequate data collection and analysis, training and educating stakeholders on the framework, and fostering a culture of change and innovation. It's also important to integrate decision-making frameworks with other strategies like hyper-automation and AI engineering, as mentioned in the content.

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Iniciativas futuras

Con tantas tecnologías emergentes en el horizonte con el potencial de alterar el panorama empresarial que conocemos hoy, es importante destacar sus planes para futuras iniciativas. Por ejemplo, preste atención a las tendencias enfocadas en el futuro que surgen en las áreas de automatización, IA, fabricación y cadena de suministro, tecnologías sostenibles y áreas emergentes como web3 y el metaverso. Piense en cómo puede incorporar el potencial de estos cambios en su negocio principal a medida que crecen por sí mismos, y planifique hasta cinco años por delante con una hoja de ruta de transformación de a dónde podría ir una vez que la tecnología se ponga al día. Para obtener más ayuda con eso, consulte nuestro marco de Innovación y Transformación. Pensar con anticipación a menudo puede ser beneficioso. (Diapositiva 20)

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Thinking ahead is often beneficial for a business because it allows the business to prepare for future trends and changes in the industry. This includes emerging technologies, changes in consumer behavior, and shifts in the market. By planning ahead, businesses can position themselves to take advantage of these changes, rather than being caught off guard. This can lead to increased competitiveness, improved efficiency, and better decision making. Furthermore, thinking ahead can help businesses identify potential risks and develop strategies to mitigate them.

Emerging areas like web3 and the metaverse are expected to play significant roles in future business planning. They represent new platforms and technologies that can disrupt traditional business models. Businesses can leverage these technologies to create new products, services, and experiences for their customers. For instance, web3, which is the next generation of the internet, allows for decentralized and transparent transactions, opening up possibilities for decentralized finance (DeFi) and other blockchain-based applications. The metaverse, on the other hand, is a virtual reality space where users can interact with a computer-generated environment and other users. It provides businesses with opportunities to create immersive digital experiences for their customers. Therefore, businesses need to pay attention to these trends and think about how they can incorporate the potential of these changes into their core business as they grow into their own. This could involve planning up to five years ahead with a transformation roadmap.

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