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Deseja que o seu trabalho não apenas se destaque, mas também permaneça na memória do seu público? Visuais memoráveis podem tornar suas apresentações mais impactantes e motivadoras do que aquelas sem. Com nossa compilação Fundos de Vídeo (Parte 5), selecione visuais tematicamente curados em uma variedade de tópicos sugeridos e relevantes para 2022. Esses fundos complementarão seu conteúdo com narrativa visual, comprovadamente eficaz para ajudar executivos a lembrar pelo menos 65% do que aprendem.

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The statistic that executives remember at least 65% of what they learn through visual storytelling is significant because it highlights the power of visual aids in communication and learning. Visual storytelling can make information more digestible and easier to remember, which is particularly important in business settings where complex ideas are often discussed. This statistic underscores the importance of incorporating visual elements into presentations to ensure the information is retained by the audience.

The use of thematically curated visuals in presentations contributes to making them memorable by enhancing the audience's ability to understand and retain the information being presented. Visuals can help to simplify complex information, making it easier to digest. They also add an element of interest, which can keep the audience engaged and attentive. Furthermore, visuals can evoke emotions, which has been shown to improve memory recall. Lastly, thematically curated visuals ensure a consistent and relevant visual narrative throughout the presentation, which can help to reinforce the key messages.

The suggested and relevant topics for video backgrounds in 2022 could include themes related to current global trends, such as sustainability, diversity and inclusion, remote work, digital transformation, and mental health. Other popular themes could be based on aesthetics like minimalism, abstract art, or nature-inspired visuals. It's also important to consider the context of the presentation, the audience, and the message you want to convey when choosing a video background.

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Relatório de Sustentabilidade

De acordo com a Reuters, as ações de empresas que têm alta classificação em sustentabilidade alcançaram ganhos recordes em 2021, com o índice MSCI World ESG Leaders subindo 23% até meados de dezembro. Este foi o seu maior ganho anual de sempre. Comparado com o retorno de 14,4% do Índice Mundial MSCI, o crescimento da consciência e interesse dos investidores neste ano teve um impacto significativo. E como a Bloomberg projeta que os ativos globais de ESG ultrapassem $53 trilhões até 2025, a sustentabilidade está claramente aqui para ficar — então não perca a oportunidade de promover os esforços da sua empresa nesta área importante. (Slide 4)

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Investor awareness and interest in sustainability have significant implications for businesses and the stock market. As investors become more conscious of environmental, social, and governance (ESG) factors, they are increasingly investing in companies that rate highly on sustainability. This trend has led to record gains for such companies, as evidenced by the 23% rise in the MSCI World ESG Leaders' index in 2021. Furthermore, with global ESG assets projected to surpass $53 trillion by 2025, this interest in sustainability is not just a passing trend but a long-term shift in investor behavior. Therefore, companies that prioritize sustainability are likely to attract more investment and achieve higher market performance.

Companies can promote their sustainability efforts in several ways. Firstly, they can integrate sustainability into their business strategy and communicate this to their stakeholders. This can be done through annual sustainability reports, press releases, and dedicated sections on their websites. Secondly, they can engage with their customers through marketing campaigns that highlight their commitment to sustainability. Thirdly, they can participate in sustainability-related events and forums to showcase their efforts. Lastly, they can seek recognition through sustainability awards and certifications, which can enhance their reputation and credibility.

Bloomberg projects that global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) assets will surpass $53 trillion by 2025.

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Mercados emergentes

Por outro lado, 2021 terminou mal para os mercados emergentes. A Barrons informou que o ETF iShares MSCI Emerging Markets perdeu 12% do seu valor desde 1º de julho. Isso é comparado com o S&P 500, que ganhou 9%. Isso se deve em grande parte à inflação global que eleva as taxas de juros, recuperações intermitentes da pandemia e reformas em mercados como a China. No entanto, muitos veem o segundo semestre de 2022 como vantajoso para os mercados emergentes, uma vez que a inflação atinge o pico e o Federal Reserve dos EUA aperta. Os mercados emergentes se tornarão então mais atraentes para investidores e empresas. Portanto, os mercados emergentes são um tópico quente a considerar em suas apresentações e estratégias de crescimento para o segundo semestre de 2022. (Slide 8)

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Emerging markets can be incorporated into growth strategies for the second half of 2022 by focusing on the potential advantages they offer. As global inflation peaks and the US Federal Reserve tightens, these markets are expected to become more attractive to investors and businesses. Companies can leverage this by investing in these markets, forming partnerships with local businesses, or expanding their operations to these regions. It's also important to stay informed about the economic and political developments in these markets, as they can significantly impact business strategies.

Emerging markets are considered attractive to investors and businesses for several reasons. Firstly, they often offer higher growth potential than developed markets. This is because they are usually in a phase of rapid industrialization and development, which can lead to high economic growth rates. Secondly, they provide diversification benefits. Investing in emerging markets can help to spread risk as these markets may not be closely correlated with developed markets. Thirdly, they may offer attractive valuations. Companies in emerging markets may be undervalued compared to their counterparts in developed markets, providing opportunities for investors to buy at lower prices and potentially earn higher returns. Lastly, as these markets develop and mature, there can be significant opportunities for businesses to enter and establish a presence, gaining early mover advantage.

The expectations for emerging markets in the second half of 2022 are generally positive. Many experts believe that emerging markets will become more attractive to investors and businesses once global inflation peaks and the US Federal Reserve tightens its policies. This is because these factors are expected to drive up interest rates, which can make investments in emerging markets more profitable. However, these predictions are subject to various global factors, including the ongoing recovery from the pandemic and reforms in markets like China.

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Transformação digital

Desde a pandemia, a transformação digital global disparou. A consultoria de tecnologia Veritis projeta que a transformação digital global poderia levar a um mercado de $1 trilhão até 2025. A principal editora de tecnologia ZDNet acredita que as principais tendências que impulsionarão a transformação digital em 2022 incluem locais de trabalho híbridos e conectados e hiper-automatização que poderia acelerar o tempo de entrada no mercado de um produto ou empresa. Por exemplo, após o ano passado, mais de 44% das organizações implementaram iniciativas de automação e 54% querem usar a automação para melhorar a eficiência operacional em 2022. Se você ainda não tem um, precisa de um plano de transformação digital para o próximo ano. (Slide 11)

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Hyper-automation can accelerate a product or company's time-to-market by streamlining and automating processes, reducing manual tasks, and increasing operational efficiency. It allows for faster product development and delivery by automating repetitive tasks, improving accuracy, and reducing the time spent on these tasks. This leads to quicker decision-making, faster responses to market changes, and ultimately, a shorter time-to-market.

Having a digital transformation plan in 2022 is crucial for several reasons. Firstly, the global digital transformation market is projected to reach a size of $1 trillion by 2025, indicating a significant growth opportunity for businesses. Secondly, trends such as hybrid, connected workplaces and hyper-automation are expected to drive digital transformation in 2022. These trends can accelerate a product or company's time-to-market, making businesses more competitive. Lastly, many organizations are implementing automation initiatives to improve operational efficiency. Without a digital transformation plan, businesses may miss out on these opportunities and fall behind in the rapidly evolving digital landscape.

The pandemic has significantly influenced the implementation of automation initiatives in organizations. It has accelerated the global digital transformation, leading to an increase in automation initiatives. For instance, over 44% of organizations have implemented automation initiatives after the pandemic. Furthermore, 54% of organizations aim to use automation to improve operational efficiency in 2022. The pandemic has made it clear that having a digital transformation plan is crucial for organizations.

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Flexibilidade no trabalho

A Gartner estimou que o uso de plataformas colaborativas aumentou 44% entre 2019 e 2021.Ao mesmo tempo, a empresa de pesquisa e consultoria também previu que 51% dos trabalhadores globais "do conhecimento" e 32% de todos os trabalhadores em todo o mundo estarão totalmente remotos até o final de 2021. A McKinsey também estimou que 20% da força de trabalho global poderia trabalhar em casa sem qualquer impacto na produtividade. Como relatou a ZDNet, a diferença entre trabalho remoto, híbrido e flexível precisará ser mais definida à medida que entramos em 2022. A revista Wired apontou que os planos de flexibilidade no local de trabalho precisam definir "quando" trabalhamos, bem como "onde". Não importa qual seja o seu plano, não se esqueça da flexibilidade no local de trabalho na política de 2022 da sua empresa. (Slide 12)

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Workplace flexibility can significantly enhance a company's business strategy in several ways. Firstly, it can increase employee satisfaction and productivity. When employees have the flexibility to work in a way that suits their personal needs and lifestyle, they are likely to be happier and more productive. Secondly, it can reduce overhead costs. If employees are working remotely or on flexible schedules, companies can save on office space and other related costs. Thirdly, it can help companies attract and retain top talent. Many professionals today value workplace flexibility and are more likely to choose employers that offer it. Lastly, it can improve business continuity. In situations like the COVID-19 pandemic, companies with flexible work policies were able to continue operations with minimal disruption.

Yes, there are numerous case studies that demonstrate the effectiveness of collaborative platforms in increasing productivity. For instance, Gartner estimated that the use of such platforms increased by 44% between 2019 and 2021. McKinsey also estimated that 20% of the global workforce could work from home without any impact on productivity, suggesting that collaborative platforms play a significant role in maintaining productivity levels. However, it's important to note that the effectiveness of these platforms can vary depending on the specific circumstances and needs of each organization.

The main components of a successful workplace flexibility plan include clear communication, trust, and adaptability. Clear communication is essential to ensure all employees understand the expectations and guidelines of the flexibility plan. Trust is crucial as employers need to trust their employees to complete their tasks efficiently and effectively, regardless of their location. Adaptability is also key as both employers and employees need to be able to adapt to changes and unexpected situations. Additionally, the plan should define when and where work is to be done, and it should be regularly reviewed and updated to ensure it continues to meet the needs of the organization and its employees.

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Estratégias de inovação

A Gartner também previu que as empresas precisam se concentrar em estratégias de inovação que incluem hiper-automatização, engenharia de IA e engenharia de decisão para ajudá-las a crescer. A inteligência de decisão usa frameworks de tomada de decisão e dados para impulsionar as decisões. Estes serão apoiados por esforços de hiper-automatização, que usam muitas ferramentas e plataformas automatizadas juntas em uníssono. Como essas tendências continuarão a acelerar à medida que chegamos a 2025, elas são importantes para planejar para o próximo ano. (Slide 15)

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Iniciativas futuras

Com tantas tecnologias emergentes no horizonte com o potencial de perturbar a paisagem de negócios que conhecemos hoje, é importante destacar seus planos para iniciativas futuras. Por exemplo, preste atenção nas tendências voltadas para o futuro que surgem nas áreas de automação, IA, manufatura e cadeia de suprimentos, tecnologias sustentáveis e áreas emergentes como web3 e o metaverso. Pense em como você pode incorporar o potencial dessas mudanças em seu negócio principal à medida que elas crescem por conta própria, e planeje até cinco anos à frente com um roteiro de transformação de onde você poderia ir uma vez que a tecnologia alcance. Para mais ajuda com isso, confira nosso framework de Inovação e Transformação. Pensar à frente pode muitas vezes compensar.(Slide 20)

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