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Need to visualize your data? We've created this new Ultimate Charts (Part 3) spreadsheet template in Excel and Google Sheets that you can download and customize to your needs. It includes customizable marimekko charts to visualize resource allocation or a product portfolio, bubble charts to analyze market size and sales revenue, Pareto charts to assess productivity and customer feedback, box and whisker charts for stock analysis, vertical bar charts to visualize changes over time, and histogram charts to visualize the distribution of numbers, unique values, and date ranges.

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There are several ways to analyze customer feedback. You can use sentiment analysis to understand the emotions behind the feedback. Text analytics can be used to identify common themes or topics. You can also use customer feedback to create a Net Promoter Score (NPS) which measures customer loyalty. Additionally, you can use customer journey mapping to understand the overall experience of your customers. Finally, you can use data visualization tools to identify trends and patterns in the feedback.

In addition to box and whisker charts, other ways to visualize stock analysis could include line charts to track stock prices over time, candlestick charts to provide detailed information about price movements within a specific time period, volume bars to show the number of shares traded during a certain period, moving average lines to show stock price trends over a specific period, and Bollinger Bands to provide a relative definition of high and low prices.

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Histogram charts

First up is the Histogram charts. There are nine unique histograms in this spreadsheet; three to assess the distribution of a text and a numeric… Three to assess the distribution of two text values… and three to assess the distribution of a text and date value.

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Say you're a scientist, and you have a list of data that involves a specific gender and height. The first three histograms visualize the count of each height by gender, the distribution of the two genders, or the distribution of all the heights. But remember: these inputs can be customized to anything you want; say you run a warehouse, and you want to organize related parts by their respective sizes; delete the inputs in blue, and replace them with your specifications. Histograms work by separating data into groupings called bins. Here, we provide a simple filter to decide how to slice the data.

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Key considerations when deciding how to slice data in a histogram include understanding the nature of the data, the distribution of the data, and the specific information you want to extract from the data. It's also important to consider the size and range of the bins, as these can significantly impact the visualization and interpretation of the data.

Apart from the standard method of slicing data in histograms by separating them into bins, you can also customize the inputs to slice data based on specific criteria. For instance, in a warehouse setting, you could organize parts by their respective sizes. Additionally, you can use filters to decide how to slice the data.

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All you have to do is define how many bins you want to see, and the charts will slice the data into the appropriate groupings. Note: keep in mind that these histogram charts only support up to twenty unique text values.

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Now say you have a list of values - like you have a list of data of genders and eye color, and you want to find the distribution of each unique eye color by each gender. The histograms divide the data into bins based on the number of unique.

Vertical bar charts

Next up are Vertical bar charts. These two sample datasets track salary changes over two years across both organization types and roles, as well as changes in Market Share from year to year for multiple product types as selected by the filters.

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As you can see, two products and their respective market share gain can be compared against one another in the vertical bars charts. Remember - this data can be fully customized to match your specific use case.

Pareto charts

Next up are Pareto charts, which get their name from the Pareto principle, which states that for many outcomes, 80% of the consequences stem from 20% of the causes. This is a prioritization tool to help identify the most important next step. In the sample datasets, we have a customer feedback Pareto analysis that counts the occurrences of different reasons customers unsubscribe, and a productivity Pareto analysis that counts the number of monthly bottlenecks that interrupt company productivity.

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Pareto charts can be used in strategic planning in various ways. They can help identify the most significant factors in a set of data. For instance, they can be used to prioritize problems or causes in order to take corrective action. They can also be used to highlight the most important factors in a process, project, or product. This can help in focusing on areas that could provide the greatest improvement. They can also be used to compare the before and after effects of changes made in a process or system.

Pareto charts can be used in various ways for process improvement. They can be used to identify and prioritize problem areas in a process, as they visually display which factors are more significant. They can also be used to analyze data collected from different sources to identify patterns of problems or areas for improvement. Additionally, Pareto charts can be used to monitor the effectiveness of process improvement measures by tracking changes in the relative frequency of identified issues over time.

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Box and whisker charts

Another uncommon but helpful chart type is the Box and whisker chart. Also referred to as "stock charts," these sample datasets track the volume, open, high, low, and close of a given stock over time, but remember, these charts are meant to be fully customized to your needs.

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Bubble charts

Next up are Bubble charts, with sample datasets to track revenue by number of years in the market of multiple companies, as well as the percent of profitability by sales for a series of products and regions. For these or any of the previous charts in this template, if you need more rows to enter more data, add new rows above the gray borderline.

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To add more data to these chart templates, you need to add new rows above the gray borderline.

Bubble charts can be used to track product profitability by representing three dimensions of data. Each entity with its triplet (v1, v2, v3) of associated data is plotted as a disk that expresses two of the vi values through the disk's xy location and the third through its size. For example, in the context of product profitability, the x-axis could represent the number of years in the market, the y-axis could represent the revenue, and the size of the bubble could represent the percent of profitability by sales. This allows for a visual representation of the product's performance in the market.

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Marimekko charts

Finally, similar to stacked bar charts are Marimekko charts, also known as "mekko charts," to track both resource allocation by store locations over time, and the breakdown of a product portfolio's sales by each product across multiple regions.

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Marimekko charts like these can compare values, measure each one's composition, and show the distribution across multiple dimensions. Unlike other charts in this dataset, these charts support up to ten rows of unique entries.

Charts are the lifeblood of data visualization and analysis - without them, insights become much harder to dissect. To use all these charts today, you can download and customize this Ultimate Charts (Part 3) spreadsheet template in Microsoft Excel or Google sheets right now. After that, go check out our Pricing Strategies spreadsheet template for more charts to help you visualize your analysis as you price your next product.

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