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Para los ejecutivos, el trabajo no es simplemente asegurar que "las cosas se hagan"; es asegurar que se hagan las cosas correctas, en el momento adecuado, y de la manera correcta.

El Ejecutivo Eficaz enseña que el papel del liderazgo en cada organización es establecer objetivos claros, enfocar sus fortalezas en las prioridades y tomar decisiones difíciles sobre qué hacer y qué no hacer en diferentes circunstancias. Estas no son habilidades innatas. Son habilidades que se pueden aprender a través del estudio, la práctica y la experiencia.

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A leader can improve their decision-making skills by setting clear objectives, focusing their strengths on priorities, and making tough choices about what to do and what not to do in different circumstances. These skills can be learned through study, practice, and experience.

A leader can ensure they are making the right tough choices by setting clear objectives, focusing their strengths on priorities, and making decisions about what to do and what not to do in different circumstances. These skills can be learned through study, practice, and experience.

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La efectividad se puede aprender

Un ejecutivo debe primero ser capaz de gestionarse a sí mismo de manera efectiva antes de poder gestionar a otros, haciendo de la efectividad un hábito. La efectividad es una habilidad que se aprende con la práctica. Al centrarse en qué comportamientos son efectivos y utilizar esos comportamientos de manera consistente, la efectividad se convierte en un hábito. Se requiere un esfuerzo consciente para aprender a ser efectivo, y requiere cinco hábitos básicos.

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To start executive habits, you need to focus on self-management and effectiveness. Here are some steps to follow:

1. Self-awareness: Understand your strengths, weaknesses, and how you work best. This will help you manage your time and resources effectively.

2. Prioritization: Not all tasks are created equal. Identify what tasks are most important and focus on those. This is a key habit of effective executives.

3. Consistency: Make effectiveness a habit by consistently practicing effective behaviors. This could be anything from time management to decision making.

4. Continuous learning: The business world is constantly changing, and so should you. Always be open to learning and improving.

5. Leadership: As an executive, your role is not just to manage but to lead. Develop your leadership skills and inspire your team.

Remember, these habits take time to develop and require conscious effort. Practice them consistently and you'll become a more effective executive.

To start executive habits, you need to focus on self-management and effectiveness. Here are some steps to consider:

1. Self-Management: Understand your strengths and weaknesses. Use your strengths to your advantage and work on improving your weaknesses.

2. Prioritization: Identify what needs to be done and prioritize tasks based on their importance and urgency.

3. Consistency: Practice effective behaviors consistently. This will help you develop habits that lead to effectiveness.

4. Decision Making: Make informed decisions based on data and facts, not just on intuition.

5. Time Management: Use your time wisely. Avoid unnecessary meetings and focus on tasks that bring value to your organization.

Remember, effectiveness is a skill that can be learned and improved over time. It requires conscious effort and practice.

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  • Gestión del tiempo
  • Enfocarse en las contribuciones y resultados
  • Construir sobre las fortalezas en lugar de las debilidades
  • Establecer prioridades
  • Tomar decisiones efectivas

Gestión del tiempo

  • El tiempo es el recurso que debe ser gestionado efectivamente para poder construir los otros hábitos — La mayoría de los ejecutivos son autodirigidos. Cómo utilizan su tiempo depende en gran medida de ellos y requiere una constante conciencia de cómo se gasta el tiempo. Los ejecutivos dedican mucho tiempo a la planificación, informes, reuniones y recursos humanos. Cuanto mayor es la organización, más tiempo se dedica a esas áreas. La mejor manera de manejar el tiempo es centrarse en tres puntos clave.
  • Monitoreo del tiempo — Al registrar la cantidad de tiempo dedicado a tareas y proyectos específicos, es fácil ver a dónde va todo ese tiempo. Las actividades del día a día deben recibir la mayor atención debido a su frecuencia.
  • Controlar el tiempo — Cuando los ejecutivos comienzan a preguntar qué actividades son necesarias, qué tareas son ineficientes y preguntas similares, comienzan a encontrar bloques de tiempo que se desperdician. Si se hace de manera objetiva, este proceso resultará en la reestructuración de las actividades o en su eliminación por completo.
  • Consolidar el tiempo — Los ejecutivos efectivos deben aprender a planificar su tiempo. Entre todas esas reuniones e informes hay bloques de tiempo. Al saber dónde existen estas "ventanas" de tiempo, es posible reservar bloques ininterrumpidos para completar actividades.

Contribuciones y resultados

Lo que alguien contribuye a una organización debe medirse por los resultados. Al centrarse en las contribuciones y asumir la responsabilidad de los resultados, se facilita ver oportunidades para el autodesarrollo. Comprender qué contribuciones son productivas y qué áreas necesitan mejora hace posible establecer altos estándares y metas ambiciosas. Analizar y ajustar las contribuciones conduce a resultados más efectivos.

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Some ways to measure the results of an organization's efforts include analyzing the contributions of its members, setting high standards and ambitious goals, and continuously fine-tuning these contributions for more effective results. It's also important to take responsibility for the results and use them as opportunities for self-development.

An executive can balance the need for results with the need for employee development by focusing on contributions and taking responsibility for the results. This approach allows for the identification of opportunities for self-development. By understanding what contributions are productive and what areas need improvement, it is possible to set high standards and ambitious goals. Regular analysis and fine-tuning of contributions can lead to more effective results and employee development.

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Construyendo sobre las fortalezas

Cuando los ejecutivos reclutan personas con fortalezas particulares, pueden crear una base sólida para su propia efectividad. El objetivo aquí es centrarse específicamente en las fortalezas que una organización necesita en roles específicos e ignorar las debilidades. Al reclutar a alguien para un rol particular que coincide con sus fortalezas, las debilidades se vuelven irrelevantes. No se concentre en problemas y limitaciones; enfóquese en oportunidades y habilidades. La clave es contratar personas con cualidades excepcionales, no generalistas.

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In the book 'The Effective Executive', the concept of focusing on strengths in recruitment is emphasized. The idea is to recruit individuals based on their specific strengths that align with the needs of the organization and the role they are being hired for. This approach allows the organization to build a strong foundation for effectiveness. Instead of focusing on the weaknesses or limitations of individuals, the emphasis is on their abilities and potential. The goal is to hire people with exceptional qualities specific to the role, rather than generalists. This way, any weaknesses become irrelevant as the strengths of the individual are utilized to their full potential.

Potential obstacles companies might face when focusing on strengths in recruitment include the risk of overlooking other important skills or attributes, the possibility of creating a homogeneous team lacking diversity, and the challenge of identifying true strengths in the recruitment process. To overcome these, companies could ensure a balanced approach by considering both strengths and potential areas for development during recruitment. They could also promote diversity by considering different types of strengths and backgrounds. Lastly, they could use reliable assessment tools and techniques to accurately identify candidates' strengths.

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Estableciendo prioridades

Las personas efectivas comprenden qué actividades son las más importantes y tienen el mayor impacto. Estas prioridades son las cosas que simplemente deben hacerse. Deberían ser lo primero en lo que respecta a la gestión del tiempo, y deben tener atención indivisa. La multitarea suena genial, pero completar estas tareas importantes una a la vez a menudo produce mejores resultados. Al combinar tiempo, fortalezas y recursos en centrarse en una prioridad específica, en realidad hace que los esfuerzos sean más eficientes en el tiempo.

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A small business can use the key topics of focusing on priorities and effective time management covered in The Effective Executive to grow by first identifying the most important activities that have the greatest impact on their business. These should be the top priority and should receive undivided attention. Multitasking may seem efficient, but focusing on completing these important tasks one at a time often yields better results. By allocating time, strengths, and resources to a specific priority, efforts become more time efficient, leading to growth.

The actionable takeaways from "The Effective Executive" for entrepreneurs or managers are:

1. Prioritize tasks: Understand what activities are the most important and have the greatest impact. These should be the first to be addressed in time management.

2. Avoid multitasking: Multitasking may sound efficient, but focusing on completing important tasks one at a time often produces better results.

3. Utilize resources effectively: Combine time, strengths, and resources in focusing on a specific priority to make efforts more time efficient.

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Tomar decisiones efectivas

Los ejecutivos tienen la responsabilidad de tomar decisiones que tienen un impacto significativo en la organización y en las personas que trabajan allí. Las decisiones deben ser más que simplemente resolver problemas para ser efectivas. Estas decisiones deben basarse en principios sólidos con una comprensión de cómo afectan a toda la organización. Los ejecutivos efectivos entienden que los compromisos son parte del proceso de toma de decisiones y que todas las decisiones requieren mucho pensamiento sobre cómo se pondrá en efecto esa decisión. Por encima de todo, las decisiones deben ser implementadas y aceptadas antes de que puedan ser efectivas.

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The theories presented in "The Effective Executive" challenge existing paradigms in executive decision-making by emphasizing the importance of not just making decisions, but making the right decisions. It suggests that effective decision-making is not just about problem-solving, but also about understanding the broader impact of decisions on the organization. It also highlights the importance of compromise and thoughtful implementation in the decision-making process. This challenges the traditional view of executive decision-making as a top-down, unilateral process.

The Effective Executive presents several innovative ideas about executive decision-making. One of the key ideas is that decision-making is not just about problem-solving, but it should be based on sound principles and an understanding of how they affect the whole organization. The book emphasizes that compromises are a part of the decision-making process and that all decisions require a lot of thought on how that decision will be put into effect. Above all, decisions must be implemented and accepted before they can be effective. Another surprising idea is that the role of leadership is not just to ensure that things get done, but to ensure the right things get done, at the right time, and in the right way.

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