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Rivolta nell'organizzazione Book Summary preview
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Il sottotitolo di questo libro lo riassume abbastanza bene: Come impedire alla società di soffocare le persone e strangolare i profitti. Le idee qui sono irriverenti, umoristiche e, soprattutto, pertinenti. Creatività. Iniziativa. Audacia. Queste sono le qualità che la maggior parte dei professionisti vorrebbe che i loro dipendenti e colleghi possedessero. Ma troppo spesso, questi stessi professionisti non si rendono conto che è la società o l'organizzazione stessa a soffocare queste importanti qualità.

Questions and answers

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The ideas in 'Up the Organization' have significant potential to be implemented in real-world scenarios to foster creativity and initiative. The book emphasizes the importance of creativity, initiative, and boldness in the workplace, and criticizes corporations that stifle these qualities. By implementing the book's ideas, companies can encourage these qualities in their employees, leading to increased innovation and productivity. However, the success of these ideas in the real world would depend on the specific context and the willingness of the organization to embrace change and challenge traditional corporate structures.

A manufacturing company can apply the innovative approaches discussed in 'Up the Organization' by fostering an environment that encourages creativity, initiative, and boldness. This can be achieved by reducing bureaucratic hurdles, promoting open communication, and rewarding innovative ideas. The company can also implement strategies to prevent the stifling of these qualities, such as providing employees with the freedom to express their ideas without fear of retribution. Additionally, the company can focus on creating a culture that values and rewards innovation and creativity, thereby boosting employee morale and increasing profits.

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Rivolta nell'organizzazione sfida i lettori a umanizzare l'azienda portando fuori il meglio dalle persone con cui lavorano, mettendosi da parte.


"La maggior parte delle persone nelle grandi aziende oggi sono amministrate, non guidate. Sono trattate come personale, non come persone."

Finché le aziende tratteranno i dipendenti come merci invece che come risorse, il pensiero progressista e la creatività non avranno mai luogo. Per far sentire i dipendenti come se avessero uno scopo, hanno bisogno di un leader che si preoccupa. Per far sentire i dipendenti come se i loro contributi fossero apprezzati, hanno bisogno di un leader che è coinvolto e dà feedback. Quello che i dipendenti NON hanno bisogno sono amministratori che semplicemente controllano e regolano.

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The concept of treating employees as assets rather than commodities is about recognizing the unique value and potential of each individual in an organization. Unlike commodities, which are interchangeable, assets have distinct qualities that can be nurtured and developed for the benefit of the organization. This approach encourages progressive thinking and creativity, as employees feel valued and appreciated. They are more likely to feel a sense of purpose and contribute their best efforts when they are treated as assets. This involves leaders who are caring, involved, and provide constructive feedback, rather than simply policing and regulating.

The lessons from "Up the Organization" can be applied in today's business environment by treating employees as assets rather than commodities. This involves fostering a culture of creativity, initiative, and boldness. Leaders should show care for their employees, be involved in their work, and provide constructive feedback. This approach discourages the stifling of people and strangling of profits by promoting progressive thinking and creativity. It also discourages the practice of simply policing and regulating employees, which can be detrimental to a company's growth and profitability.

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"Se le persone vengono al lavoro eccitate. . . se stanno commettendo errori liberamente e senza paura. . . se si stanno divertendo. . . se si stanno concentrando su come fare le cose piuttosto che preparare rapporti e partecipare a riunioni - allora da qualche parte avete dei leader."

Troppo spesso, i leader e i manager hanno così paura di lasciare le redini, anche solo per un attimo. Sembrano pensare che controllare le persone sia la stessa cosa che controllare l'azienda, ma semplicemente non è vero. Solo quando un manager riesce a creare un'atmosfera di creatività senza giudizio, i dipendenti troveranno entusiasmo nel loro lavoro. I dipendenti vogliono lavorare e vogliono contribuire. Non vogliono che il loro manager tenga loro la mano o stia sopra la loro spalla. A volte la cosa migliore che un leader può fare è semplicemente farsi da parte.

Questions and answers

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A startup can use the key topics or framework covered in "Up the Organization" to grow by fostering an environment that encourages creativity, initiative, and boldness. This can be achieved by letting go of the reins and allowing employees to contribute without feeling overly controlled or judged. This approach can lead to increased enthusiasm and productivity among employees, ultimately contributing to the growth of the startup.

The theories presented in "Up the Organization" challenge the traditional corporate management practices by advocating for a more hands-off approach. The book suggests that managers often stifle creativity and initiative by trying to control their employees too closely. Instead, it proposes that managers should create an environment where employees feel free to express their ideas without fear of judgment. This approach challenges the existing paradigm of top-down management and promotes a culture of innovation and enthusiasm among employees.

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"I manager devono avere la disciplina di non continuare a tirare su i fiori per vedere se le loro radici sono sane."

Se un dipendente sta svolgendo bene il suo lavoro, perché andare a scavare? Alcuni manager sentono di dover avere le mani in tutto, anche quando tutto va bene. Alla fine, i comportamenti e i risultati di un dipendente sono tutto ciò che conta davvero. Perché qualcuno fa quello che fa, cosa pensa quando lo fa, e altri fattori sottostanti semplicemente non sono importanti quando i risultati ci sono.

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In 'Up the Organization', the concept of employee performance is centered around the idea that results are what truly matter. It suggests that managers should not overly concern themselves with the underlying factors of an employee's actions, such as their thought processes or motivations, as long as the results are satisfactory. The book advocates for a hands-off approach where managers do not interfere unnecessarily in an employee's work, especially when they are performing well. This approach encourages creativity, initiative, and boldness in employees, which can lead to increased productivity and profitability for the organization.

The ideas from "Up the Organization" can be implemented in real-world scenarios by encouraging creativity, initiative, and boldness in the workplace. Managers should focus on the results produced by their employees rather than micromanaging their every move. This can lead to a more productive and profitable organization.

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Se non è rotto, non cercare di ripararlo.

La direzione aziendale dovrebbe essere un albero pieno di gufi - ululando quando la gestione si dirige nella parte sbagliata della foresta. Sono ancora non persuaso che sappiano nemmeno dove sia la foresta."

I veri leader devono essere coinvolti e devono capire con cosa hanno a che fare i loro dipendenti su base giornaliera.Sfortunatamente, più alto è il livello di gestione o leadership, più i leader sembrano essere fuori contatto.Se i dipendenti non hanno un collegamento con i leader senior e la loro visione, come possono essere attesi a collegarsi con la visione dell'azienda?

Questions and answers

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The lessons from "Up the Organization" can be applied in today's business environment by encouraging leaders to be more involved and understand what their employees deal with on a daily basis. This can be achieved by promoting open communication, fostering a culture of trust and respect, and providing opportunities for employees to share their ideas and feedback. Leaders should also demonstrate their commitment to the company's vision and values, and ensure that these are clearly communicated and understood by all employees. This will help to enhance the connection between leaders and employees, and ultimately lead to a more engaged and motivated workforce.

Up the Organization" emphasizes the importance of leaders being involved and understanding their employees' daily experiences. The book suggests that disconnected leaders can lead to a disengaged workforce, as employees may struggle to connect with the company's vision if they don't feel a connection with senior leaders. This implies that effective leadership and employee engagement are closely linked, with the former being a key driver of the latter. Leaders should therefore strive to be more involved and in touch with their employees, as this can foster a stronger connection with the company's vision and ultimately boost engagement and productivity.

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