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Suchen Sie nach Möglichkeiten, Geschäftsprobleme zu durchdenken und zu lösen? Unsere Geschäftsstrategien und Rahmenbedingungen (Teil 4), die neueste einer vierteiligen Sammlung, bietet die besten Werkzeuge, um die perfekten Lösungen zu finden. Sie enthält Folien für die McKinsey-Richtlinienmatrix, Kostenmuster, Wettbewerbsbenchmarking, Markteintrittsbewertung, Stakeholder-Analyse und vieles mehr.

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RACI stands for Responsible, Accountable, Consulted, and Informed. It's a matrix used to clarify roles and responsibilities in business processes and projects to prevent confusion. Responsible refers to the person who does the work to complete the task. Accountable is the person who is ultimately answerable for the correct and thorough completion of the task. Consulted are the people who provide input into the decision-making process and are actively involved in the task. Informed are those who need to be kept 'in the loop' about progress or decisions, but they do not need to be formally consulted, nor do they contribute directly to the task or decision. This tool is not mentioned in the content provided, but it's a valuable tool for business problem-solving and decision-making.

The McKinsey Directional Policy Matrix is a tool that helps businesses strategize their product portfolio. For a business dealing in polyhouses producing seedlings for farmers, this matrix can help identify which products are stars (high market share and high market growth), cash cows (high market share, low market growth), question marks (low market share, high market growth), or dogs (low market share, low market growth).

Cost Patterns can be used to analyze the cost structure of the business. It can help identify fixed costs (like the cost of polyhouses), variable costs (like seeds, water, labor), and semi-variable costs. This analysis can help in identifying cost-saving opportunities and pricing strategies.

Creating these slides would involve gathering data about the business's products, market share, market growth, and costs. This data can then be visualized using the McKinsey Directional Policy Matrix and Cost Patterns.

Remember, these tools are just a starting point. They need to be complemented with a deep understanding of the business, the market, and the competitive landscape.

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Wenn es um Investitionen geht, stehen Unternehmen vor der Herausforderung begrenzter Ressourcen, aber auch vieler Möglichkeiten. Für diversifizierte Unternehmen ist die Entscheidung, in welche Produkte investiert werden soll, noch schwieriger. Dieses Problem wurde von der GE/McKinsey-Matrix angesprochen. Zu dieser Zeit hatte General Electric viele nicht zusammenhängende Produkte und erzielte nicht die gewünschten Renditen aus seinen Investitionen. Sie konsultierten McKinsey, und die resultierende Richtlinienmatrix wurde erstellt. Sie bewertet Chancen auf der Grundlage der Attraktivität der Branche und der Wettbewerbsfähigkeit.

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The GE McKinsey Matrix is a nine-cell matrix used by companies for product portfolio analysis. It helps businesses decide where to invest. For Google, we can consider three of its products: Google Search, Google Glass, and Google Plus.

1. High Industry Attractiveness, High Competitive Strength: Google Search. It's in a highly attractive industry with a lot of users and advertisers. Google's competitive strength here is very high, as it's the leading search engine worldwide.

2. High Industry Attractiveness, Low Competitive Strength: Google Glass. The wearable tech industry is attractive with high growth potential. However, Google Glass didn't perform well due to issues like high price and privacy concerns.

3. Low Industry Attractiveness, High Competitive Strength: Google Plus. The social networking industry is highly competitive with dominant players like Facebook. Despite Google's strength, Google Plus didn't attract many users and was eventually shut down.

4. Low Industry Attractiveness, Low Competitive Strength: This could be a hypothetical product in a saturated market where Google doesn't have a unique offering.

Remember, the matrix is used for strategic decision-making, guiding where to invest, develop, or divest.

The GE McKinsey Matrix is a strategic business tool that helps companies decide where to invest among multiple business units or product lines. It evaluates opportunities based on two dimensions: industry attractiveness and business unit strength.

For Google products, the matrix could be applied as follows:

1. Industry Attractiveness: This could include factors such as market size, growth rate, profitability, and competitive intensity. For example, the search engine market, where Google Search operates, is highly attractive due to its large size and high growth rate.

2. Business Unit Strength: This could include factors such as market share, brand strength, technological capability, and quality of personnel. For example, Google Maps has a high market share and strong brand, making it a strong business unit.

By plotting Google's products on the GE McKinsey Matrix, Google can identify which products to invest in (high industry attractiveness and high business unit strength), which to maintain (high in one dimension but low in the other), and which to divest (low in both dimensions).

Remember, the matrix is a strategic tool and should be used in conjunction with other tools and analysis to make informed business decisions.

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Je größer der Kreis auf diesem Blasendiagramm ist, desto besser ist die Gelegenheit, angesichts der bestehenden Fähigkeiten einer Organisation geeignet. Damit können Sie sehen, welche Möglichkeiten Priorität haben sollten und welche möglicherweise abgestoßen werden müssen. (Folie 6)

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Um herauszufinden, wo jede Gelegenheit auf dem Blasendiagramm zu plotten ist, verwenden Sie diese Tabelle zur Bewertung. Erstellen Sie eine Liste von Faktoren, die nach Wichtigkeit gewichtet sind.Bewerten Sie dann jeden Faktor von 1-5 oder 1-10. Berechnen Sie schließlich die Gesamtpunktzahl. (Folie 5)

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While specific company examples are not provided in the content, bubble chart strategy is widely used in various industries for opportunity assessment. For instance, a multinational corporation might use it to evaluate potential markets. The size of the bubble could represent the potential profit or market size, while the position could indicate the company's current capabilities or market share in that region. This allows the company to prioritize opportunities and make strategic decisions. However, without specific context, it's hard to provide a real-world example.

There are several alternative methods to the bubble chart strategy for assessing business opportunities. One such method is the SWOT analysis, which evaluates the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of a business. Another method is the PESTEL analysis, which considers political, economic, social, technological, environmental, and legal factors. The Porter's Five Forces model is also a popular tool for assessing the competitive environment of a business. Additionally, the Ansoff Matrix can be used to determine growth strategies by analyzing existing and potential products in current and future markets.

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Die Fähigkeit, Kosten zu senken, kann für bestimmte Unternehmen der größte Wettbewerbsvorteil sein. Durch die Analyse von Kostenmustern kann das Management besser budgetieren, um Kosten zu reduzieren und den Gewinn zu maximieren. Es ermöglicht ihnen auch, realistische Produktions- und Verkaufsziele zu setzen. Es gibt zwei Hauptarten von Kosten: variable und feste.

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While the content does not provide a specific example, a well-known case of a company using cost pattern analysis to reduce costs and increase profit is Walmart. Walmart's cost pattern analysis involves a deep understanding of their fixed and variable costs. They use this information to negotiate better deals with suppliers, optimize their logistics and inventory management, and pass savings onto customers while still maintaining profitability. This strategy has helped Walmart become one of the largest and most profitable retailers in the world.

Alternative strategies to cost pattern analysis for setting realistic production and sales goals could include market analysis, competitor analysis, and demand forecasting. Market analysis involves studying the dynamics of the market in which the company operates, including customer needs and preferences, to set goals that align with market trends. Competitor analysis involves studying the strategies and performance of competitors to identify opportunities and threats, and set goals accordingly. Demand forecasting involves predicting future demand for the company's products or services, which can help in setting production and sales goals.

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  • Variable Kosten ändern sich in der Regel proportional zu Änderungen im Volumen der Aktivität. Zum Beispiel, wenn mehr Fahrräder produziert und verkauft werden, werden die gesamten variablen Kosten höher sein.
  • Feste Kosten hingegen ändern sich nicht mit dem Volumen der Aktivität. Dies beinhaltet Kosten wie Gehälter für Angestellte, Gebäudemiete oder Versicherungen.
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Yes, a real-world example of how changes in volume of activity can significantly impact a company's total variable cost is the airline industry. When an airline increases its number of flights, it incurs more fuel costs, which are variable costs. Similarly, if the airline decreases its number of flights, it will incur less fuel costs. Another example is the manufacturing industry. If a company produces more units of a product, it will need more raw materials, which are a variable cost. Conversely, if it produces fewer units, it will need less raw materials.

Businesses can manage their fixed costs through various strategies. They can negotiate for lower rates or discounts with their suppliers or landlords. They can also consider subleasing unused space or assets to generate additional income. Another strategy is to review insurance policies to ensure they are not over-insured. Businesses can also consider outsourcing certain functions if it is more cost-effective. Lastly, they can implement energy-saving measures to reduce utility bills.

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Diese Diagramme zeigen einige gängige Muster, die diese Kosten berücksichtigen. Sie können erwarten, dass die Kostenstruktur für einen Lebensmittelladen im Vergleich zu einem Softwareunternehmen stark unterschiedlich ist. Aber unabhängig von der Art des Geschäfts ist die Vertrautheit mit dem Verhalten der Kosten und deren Verschiebungen für die Preisbewertung, Kostensenkung und Budgetierung von Ausgaben unerlässlich.(Folie 26)

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A good example of a company using cost behavior understanding for pricing, cost-cutting, and budgeting is Amazon. Amazon's pricing strategy is dynamic and changes based on various factors such as demand, competition, and cost of goods sold. They use cost behavior analysis to understand how their costs change with the level of output or activity. This helps them in setting competitive prices and maximizing profits.

For cost-cutting, Amazon uses its understanding of cost behavior to identify areas where costs can be reduced without affecting the quality of service. For instance, they have automated many of their warehouses which has significantly reduced their labor costs.

In terms of budgeting, Amazon uses cost behavior analysis to forecast future costs based on projected levels of activity. This helps them in planning their financial resources effectively.

A software company can use several strategies to understand the behavior of costs and manage their budget. Firstly, they can use cost accounting to identify the costs associated with each project or product. This can help them understand where their money is going and identify areas for cost reduction. Secondly, they can use financial modeling to predict future costs based on past data. This can help them plan their budget more accurately. Thirdly, they can use benchmarking to compare their costs with those of similar companies in the industry. This can help them identify areas where they are spending more than necessary. Lastly, they can use software tools for budget management and cost tracking, which can provide real-time insights into their spending.

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Das Benchmarking Ihres Unternehmens gegenüber anderen in der Branche kann helfen zu identifizieren, wie erfolgreich Ihr Unternehmen im Vergleich ist, wo es sich auszeichnet und wo es zurückbleibt. Durch die Aufstellung einer Liste von kritischen Erfolgsfaktoren können Sie eine Reihe von Standards erstellen, um sich mit Ihrem Wettbewerb zu messen und die Unterschiede zu erkennen.

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While the content does not provide specific examples, there are numerous companies that have successfully used competitive benchmarking to improve their business strategies. For instance, Toyota is known for its benchmarking practices to improve its production system. They studied Ford's production lines to develop their own Lean Manufacturing system. Similarly, Walmart used benchmarking to analyze its competitors' strategies and improve its supply chain efficiency. Google also uses benchmarking to compare its data centers' efficiency to industry standards. These examples illustrate how companies can use competitive benchmarking to identify areas of improvement and develop strategies to gain a competitive edge.

Some alternative strategies to competitive benchmarking include self-assessment, peer reviews, and performance metrics. Self-assessment involves evaluating your own business processes and performance without comparing to others. Peer reviews involve getting feedback from colleagues or industry peers. Performance metrics involve tracking key performance indicators (KPIs) relevant to your business, such as sales growth, customer satisfaction, and operational efficiency.

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Hier wird jedem Erfolgsfaktor ein Gewicht für die Wichtigkeit gegeben und dann von den Kunden bewertet. Stellen Sie die Punkte für jeden Erfolgsfaktor unter den Unternehmen dar, die die größten Wettbewerber sind. Die grauen Punkte zeigen die Wettbewerberbewertungen an, während die blauen Punkte die Bewertungen Ihrer Kunden sind. Machen Sie schnell visuelle Vergleiche, indem Sie die gezeichneten Linien betrachten, um zu sehen, was funktioniert und was nicht. (Folie 12)

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Market Entry Assessment provides several benefits in business strategies and frameworks. It helps in understanding the dynamics of the new market, including competition, customer preferences, and regulatory environment. This understanding aids in making informed decisions about whether to enter the market, what strategy to adopt, and how to allocate resources. It also helps in identifying potential risks and devising mitigation strategies. Furthermore, it provides insights into potential partnerships or acquisitions that could facilitate market entry.

Visual comparisons of competitor scores and customer scores can enhance business decision making by providing a clear and concise overview of how a company is performing in comparison to its competitors. This can highlight areas where the company is excelling or falling behind, allowing for targeted improvements. It can also identify trends and patterns that may not be immediately apparent in numerical data. This visual representation can make it easier for decision makers to understand the data and make informed decisions.

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Die Markteintrittsanalyse wird verwendet, um zu bewerten, ob ein Unternehmen in einen Markt eintreten oder neue Produkte in bestehenden Märkten anbieten sollte. In diesem Fall werden häufig Wachstumsaussichten, Fähigkeiten und Schwierigkeiten berücksichtigt. In den meisten Fällen verbessert sich die Produktleistung im Laufe der Zeit. Aber eine zu große Verbesserung kann tatsächlich zum Niedergang eines Unternehmens führen.Jetzt klingt das kontraintuitiv, aber hier ist der Grund... (Folie 11)

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Dieses Paradoxon wird als "Dilemma des Innovators" bezeichnet: Ein Produkt oder eine Technologie entwickelt sich so weit, dass die durchschnittlichen Verbraucher keinen Bedarf an der überdurchschnittlichen Leistung haben. An diesem Punkt sind diese Kunden nicht bereit, einen höheren Preis für die bessere Leistung zu zahlen. Tatsächlich würden sie lieber eine weniger fortschrittliche Technologie zu einem niedrigeren Preis kaufen. Es gibt einen bestimmten Leistungsbereich, den Kunden nutzen können, und jenseits dieses Punktes beginnen sowohl Verbraucher als auch das Unternehmen, sinkende Renditen zu sehen.

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Sobald ein Produkt den Punkt unerfüllter Bedürfnisse erreicht, könnte es an der Zeit sein, über eine Neuausrichtung nachzudenken. Auf diese Weise können Sie sicherstellen, dass das Unternehmen sich auf Aktivitäten konzentriert, die den Bedürfnissen der Kunden gerecht werden und höhere Gewinne versprechen.

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Zu den Stakeholdern gehören Personen, Führungskräfte, Organisationen und andere Parteien, die von einem Projekt betroffen sein könnten oder Einfluss auf dessen Ergebnis haben könnten. Sie können sowohl innerhalb als auch außerhalb einer Organisation sein. Hier ordnen wir die Stakeholder nach Macht und Interesse. Halten Sie diejenigen zufrieden und beobachten Sie diejenigen, die wenig Interesse haben, aber diejenigen, die am engsten zu beobachten sind, sind diejenigen mit hoher Macht und hohem Interesse. Kommunizieren Sie oft mit diesen Stakeholdern. Oder wenn Sie ein einfacheres Design wünschen, listet diese Matrix alle mit nur den wichtigen Details auf.(Folien 16-17)

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Competitive benchmarking in the business industry has several practical applications. It allows companies to compare their performance with that of their competitors, identify areas where they are underperforming, and develop strategies to improve. It can also help businesses understand industry standards and trends, and set realistic goals based on these benchmarks. Furthermore, it can provide insights into competitors' strategies and tactics, which can be used to anticipate their moves and respond effectively. Lastly, it can foster a culture of continuous improvement within the organization, as employees strive to meet or exceed the benchmarks.

The McKinsey Directional Policy Matrix is a framework used in strategic management to categorize and prioritize business units or product portfolios. It differs from other business frameworks in its approach and focus. Unlike the BCG Matrix which only considers market growth and market share, the McKinsey Matrix also takes into account other factors such as industry attractiveness and business unit strength. This makes it a more comprehensive tool for strategic planning. However, it may be more complex and time-consuming to use compared to simpler frameworks.

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Geschäftsauswirkungsanalyse (BIA)

Die Geschäftsauswirkungsanalyse hat viel mit Risikoprävention und Szenarioplanung im Falle einer Störung zu tun. Sie kann helfen, sich auf Aufs und Abs in der makroökonomischen Welt vorzubereiten. Mit dieser Tabelle können Sie die Informationen abbilden, die zur Entwicklung von Wiederherstellungsstrategien nach einer Störung benötigt werden, wie zum Beispiel die benötigte Zeit zur Wiederherstellung und die Wichtigkeit einer solchen Wiederherstellung. In unserer unsicheren Wirtschaft ist dieses Tool wichtiger denn je.(Folie 13)

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