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¿Alguna vez te has preguntado qué hay detrás del éxito de algunas de las marcas más icónicas del mundo? ¿Cómo logran resonar tan profundamente con los consumidores, mantener el dominio del mercado y encabezar las listas de "los mejores lugares para trabajar"? Fusión revela algo de la magia detrás de estas organizaciones detallando las formas únicas en que casan su marca y su cultura corporativa. Esto es "fusión" - uniendo tu marca externa y cultura interna tan estrechamente que no pueden ser desenlazadas. Esto es crucial para cualquiera que desee relevancia en el paisaje competitivo de hoy. Los datos muestran que las empresas que han Fusionado su marca y cultura tienen un rendimiento mejor que aquellas que no lo han hecho, disfrutando de mejores resultados financieros, mayores aprobaciones de clientes y una mayor satisfacción de los empleados.

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Fusion, in the context of business, refers to the integration of a company's external brand and internal culture. It is closely related to concepts like brand equity and corporate identity. Brand equity refers to the value a strong brand brings to a company, while corporate identity is about the image a company projects to its stakeholders. Fusion enhances both these concepts by ensuring that the brand image is not only projected externally, but is also ingrained in the company's culture. This alignment leads to better financial results, higher customer approvals, and improved employee satisfaction.

Leadership plays a crucial role in achieving fusion. They are responsible for creating and maintaining a culture that aligns with the brand's values and mission. They also need to ensure that this culture is integrated into every aspect of the business, from internal operations to customer interactions. This requires a deep understanding of the brand, clear communication, and consistent actions. By doing so, leaders can create a strong alignment between the brand and the culture, leading to improved performance, customer approval, and employee satisfaction.

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Le mostraremos estudios de caso de Nike, Netflix, FedEx, LinkedIn, Amazon, Ford, Volkswagen y muchos otros. Aprenda cómo aprovechan los fundamentos de la fusión de marca y cultura: encontrar un propósito general y valores fundamentales para lograr una ventaja competitiva. Obtenga una visión de las causas y efectos de sus increíbles revoluciones y fantásticas caídas, todas arraigadas en su éxito o fracaso para fusionar la marca y la cultura. Revelaremos las formas concretas en que lograron esto, desde repensar las operaciones centrales y el diseño organizacional, hasta el diseño intencional de la experiencia del empleado, rituales corporativos, rutinas y más.

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Companies can rethink their core operations and organizational design to better fuse their brand and culture by finding an overarching purpose and core values. They can intentionally design the employee experience, corporate rituals, and routines. These changes can lead to competitive advantages, as seen in case studies from companies like Nike, Netflix, FedEx, LinkedIn, Amazon, Ford, and Volkswagen.

Companies can maintain their market dominance through the fusion of brand and culture by finding an overarching purpose and core values. This can be achieved by re-thinking core operations and organizational design, intentional design of employee experience, corporate rituals, routines, and more. Case studies from companies like Nike, Netflix, FedEx, LinkedIn, Amazon, Ford, Volkswagen, and many others show that their competitive advantage, incredible turnarounds, and even fantastic downfalls are all rooted in their success or failure to fuse brand and culture.

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Este resumen de libro detalla una multitud de estudios de caso que demuestran el poder de la fusión de la marca y la cultura. El fuerte sentido de propósito de Nike impregna su cultura y marca y sirve como la base para su éxito y dominio del mercado en el campo de la ropa deportiva. Netflix experimentó un giro dramático debido a su retorno a sus valores fundamentales y la alineación de sus acciones con su misión. FedEx, Amazon y LinkedIn tienen valores fuertes que ayudan a unificar corporaciones complejas en medio de actividades de fusión y adquisición. Los estudios de caso de Ford y Volkswagen revelan el impacto desmedido del liderazgo del CEO en la cultura interna. Y, las historias de Adobe, Airbnb, Salesforce, MGM Resorts y Patagonia demuestran los diversos esfuerzos tácticos que pueden acercar a las organizaciones tanto a la fusión de la marca y la cultura como al éxito de la línea de fondo al mismo tiempo.

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A company's culture and brand can significantly impact its innovation and creativity. A strong and well-defined culture can foster an environment that encourages innovative thinking and creative problem-solving. Similarly, a strong brand can inspire employees to think creatively about how to uphold and enhance the brand's reputation and value. Companies like Nike, Netflix, FedEx, Amazon, and LinkedIn have demonstrated this through their success and market dominance, which is largely attributed to their strong cultures and brands.

Not aligning a company's culture and brand can lead to a lack of cohesion and unity within the organization, which can negatively impact employee morale and productivity. It can also lead to a disconnect between the company's public image and its internal operations, which can damage its reputation and customer trust. Furthermore, it can hinder the company's ability to effectively navigate changes and challenges, such as mergers and acquisitions.

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Fusionando marca y cultura

"Hoy en día, muchos líderes están empezando a reconocer lo que los más astutos han sabido desde siempre: la cultura y la marca son... los mayores impulsores de los resultados duros que deben producir todos los días."

Por qué importa

Cuando la marca y la cultura están en sincronía una con la otra, la organización crea una imagen sin fisuras tanto para los clientes como para los empleados. La imagen externa de la empresa está en armonía con la experiencia de trabajar para y con esa empresa. Como resultado, todo funciona de manera más fluida y exitosa.

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The fusion of brand and culture can significantly affect a company's ability to adapt to market changes. When the brand and culture are aligned, it creates a consistent image for customers and employees. This consistency can make it easier for the company to adapt to changes as it provides a solid foundation on which to base decisions and strategies. It can also enhance the company's credibility and trustworthiness in the eyes of customers, making them more likely to remain loyal during times of change.

The fusion of brand and culture can significantly affect a company's sustainability. When the brand and culture are aligned, it creates a consistent image for both customers and employees. This alignment can lead to smoother operations and greater success, which in turn contributes to the company's sustainability.

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Líderes empresariales globales como el ex CEO de GE, Jack Welch, el fundador del Grupo Virgin, Richard Branson, y Herb Kelleher de Southwest Airlines, todos exponen las virtudes de fusionar la marca y la cultura. Una breve lista de los beneficios incluye lo siguiente: "mejor rendimiento financiero", márgenes más altos, menos "rotación" de empleados, empleados más talentosos y comprometidos, y clientes más felices que se mantienen con usted a largo plazo debido al valor y la "autenticidad" de su marca. Además, una vez que la marca y la cultura se fusionan con éxito, se convierte en un increíble activo y "ventaja competitiva" para una empresa. Al construir su marca y cultura, han creado algo de "valor intangible", algo que los distingue de los competidores que no pueden copiar o ofrecer su distinta marca y cultura.

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Authenticity plays a crucial role in creating a successful fusion of brand and culture. It helps in building trust and loyalty among customers, which leads to stronger financial performance and higher margins. Authenticity in a brand's culture attracts talented and engaged employees, reduces turnover, and results in happier customers who stick with the brand for the long term. Once brand and culture are successfully fused with authenticity, it becomes a competitive advantage for a company, creating an intangible value that sets them apart from competitors.

The fusion of brand and culture contributes to a company's competitive advantage in several ways. It leads to stronger financial performance and higher margins. It reduces employee turnover and attracts more talented and engaged employees. It also results in happier customers who stick with the company for the long term due to the value and authenticity of the brand. Once brand and culture are successfully fused, it becomes an incredible asset for a company, creating something of intangible value that sets them apart from competitors who can't copy or offer their distinct brand and culture.

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Un ejemplo de una empresa que ignoró la alineación de la marca y la cultura en su detrimento fue Uber. Uber fue el epítome del éxito de las startups hasta que una ex empleada, una ingeniera mujer, detalló sus experiencias en la empresa en una publicación de blog pública. Mientras que la marca de Uber representaba un "ethos populista" y un "carácter progresista", la mujer cuyas denuncias de acoso sexual fueron repetidamente ignoradas y minimizadas por el departamento de RRHH de Uber reveló el verdadero "comportamiento discriminatorio, primitivo y depredador" que era una gran parte de la cultura interna de Uber.

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The Uber case teaches us the importance of aligning a company's brand image with its internal culture. When there's a disconnect, it can lead to significant reputational damage. Uber's brand was seen as progressive and populist, but allegations of sexual harassment and discrimination revealed a culture that was far from these values. This discrepancy led to a loss of trust among consumers and employees, damaging Uber's brand. Therefore, it's crucial for companies to ensure their internal culture matches their external image to maintain credibility and trust.

The misalignment of brand and culture can severely damage a company's reputation. In the case of Uber, while the brand was portrayed as progressive and populist, the internal culture was revealed to be discriminatory and predatory. This discrepancy led to a public outcry and loss of trust among consumers, negatively impacting Uber's reputation and market position.

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Cómo lograr la fusión de marca y cultura

Las excusas son infinitas para despriorizar los esfuerzos de cambio cultural. Sin embargo, no existe una cultura "correcta" a seguir, por lo que si piensas que tu cultura corporativa particular es una excepción que no puede ser "arreglada", piénsalo de nuevo. Tomemos a Amazon, por ejemplo. Su marca innovadora, rápida y competitiva se refleja internamente en una cultura corporativa que causa agotamiento en el trabajador promedio de "9 a 5". En lugar de modificar la cultura para hacer a los empleados más cómodos, sin embargo, el liderazgo de Amazon respalda la cultura porque se alinea con su marca y, por lo tanto, tiene sentido para el cliente. Otra "falacia cultural" es que los ejecutivos de recursos humanos son los únicos responsables de la cultura interna. Si los cambios van a tener éxito, sin embargo, deben vivir y respirar en la suite ejecutiva y resonar a un nivel mucho más profundo que los cambios en las políticas de RRHH.

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Traditional sectors like manufacturing or retail can apply the innovative approaches of companies like Amazon in aligning their brand and corporate culture by first understanding their own brand and what it stands for. They should then create a culture that reflects their brand values. This could mean fostering an environment of innovation, competitiveness, and fast-paced decision making, similar to Amazon. It's also important to note that culture change should not be solely the responsibility of human resources but should be supported by the leadership at all levels. This ensures that the changes resonate deeply within the organization and are not just superficial HR policies.

Amazon is a prime example of a company that has successfully aligned its corporate culture with its brand. Their innovative, fast-paced, competitive brand is reflected internally in a corporate culture that may cause burnout for the average employee. However, Amazon's leadership supports the culture because it aligns with their brand and therefore makes sense to the customer. This alignment between corporate culture and brand is crucial for the success of a company.

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El resto de este resumen del libro detallará los pasos específicos que las organizaciones han tomado para alcanzar la fusión de marca y cultura. El primer paso es definir lo que algunos de los elementos centrales significan para su organización: propósito, valores, marca y cultura. Escribir el "propósito general" y nombrar los "valores centrales" puede ayudar a señalar el camino hacia la categoría de marca más apropiada para la organización.

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While the book Fusion doesn't provide specific examples, many successful companies have implemented brand-culture fusion. For instance, Apple Inc. has successfully fused its brand and culture. Its brand of innovation, quality, and sleek design is reflected in its corporate culture that encourages creativity and attention to detail. Similarly, Google's brand of providing user-friendly, efficient, and reliable search services is mirrored in its culture of innovation, openness, and emphasis on user experience.

The concept of brand-culture fusion contributes to the success of iconic brands by aligning the brand's purpose, values, and culture. This alignment creates a strong and consistent brand identity that resonates deeply with consumers. It also helps the brand to maintain market dominance and become a desirable place to work. The first step towards achieving brand-culture fusion is defining the core elements of the organization such as its purpose, values, brand, and culture.

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Luego, hay cinco tipos principales de actividades a seguir para alinear la marca con la cultura, y detallaremos un estudio de caso real para cada uno: 1) operaciones y cambio organizacional, 2) experiencia del empleado, 3) rituales y artefactos, y 4) compromiso de la marca del empleado, y 5) construcción de la marca desde el interior hacia el exterior.

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Fusion suggests that iconic brands have influenced corporate strategies through the alignment of brand and culture by implementing five main types of activities. These include operations and organizational change, enhancing the employee experience, establishing rituals and artifacts, promoting employee brand engagement, and building the brand from the inside out. Each of these activities helps to create a strong brand culture that resonates with both employees and consumers, thereby influencing corporate strategies.

The book 'Fusion' uses case studies to illustrate the alignment of brand and culture through five main types of activities. These include operations and organizational change, employee experience, rituals and artifacts, employee brand engagement, and brand-building from the inside out. Each of these activities is detailed with an actual case study, providing real-world examples of how companies have successfully aligned their brand and culture.

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Estableciendo las bases

"Para lograr la fusión de la marca y la cultura, debes articular un único propósito general y un conjunto de valores fundamentales para impulsar, alinear y guiar todo lo que tu empresa hace interna y externamente."

Propósito general

Nike: inspiración e innovación para cada atleta

La historia del éxito de Nike, como se relata en Shoe Dog, comienza con un hombre, el fundador Phil Knight, y su obsesión con un propósito que sentía tan apasionadamente que no renunciaría a su sueño, sin importar el costo. Él dice "Creía que si las personas salían y corrían unos pocos kilómetros todos los días, el mundo sería un lugar mejor, y creía que estos zapatos eran mejores para correr." Eventualmente, esta profunda fe en el propósito de su empresa llevó a Nike a ser una de las marcas deportivas más icónicas y populares del mundo. Y hoy, el propósito de Nike sigue siendo el mismo, aunque se articula de manera un poco diferente: "Brindar inspiración e innovación a cada atleta en el mundo." Esta "misión" o propósito está estrechamente vinculado a su lema externo "Just Do It." El propósito de Nike se arraiga profundamente en la organización y es un ejemplo de caso que revela cómo, una vez que identificas con precisión el propósito de tu organización, puede desbloquear un valor increíble.

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A clear and passionate purpose, like that of Nike's founder Phil Knight, contributes significantly to the success and value of a company. It provides a guiding principle that shapes the company's strategies, decisions, and actions. It inspires and motivates employees, fostering a strong internal culture. It also resonates with customers, creating a strong brand identity and loyalty. In the case of Nike, Knight's belief in the power of running and the superiority of his shoes led to the creation of a globally recognized brand that continues to inspire and innovate for athletes around the world.

Iconic brands like Nike use several strategies to resonate with consumers and maintain market dominance. One of the key strategies is having a clear and compelling purpose. For Nike, this purpose is to bring inspiration and innovation to every athlete in the world. This purpose is deeply ingrained in the organization and is closely tied to their external slogan 'Just Do It'. Another strategy is the relentless pursuit of this purpose, as demonstrated by Nike's founder Phil Knight. His unwavering belief in his company's purpose led to Nike becoming one of the world's most iconic and popular sports brands. These strategies, coupled with continuous innovation and understanding of consumer needs, help iconic brands like Nike maintain their market dominance.

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Dado que su propósito es tan ampliamente aceptado y adoptado dentro de la organización, puede servir como un punto de unión en una variedad de escenarios. El prominente diseñador de zapatos de Nike, Tinker Hatfield, describe cómo el propósito de inspiración e innovación impacta su trabajo, "...Nos estamos preguntando todo el tiempo: ¿Qué podemos hacer para mejorar lo que hemos hecho en el pasado?" El propósito permea otras operaciones comerciales más mundanas en Nike también. Knight explicó una vez cómo persiguen la innovación en todas las áreas del negocio, como la publicidad: "Necesitamos una forma de asegurarnos de que las personas escuchen nuestro mensaje a través de todo el ruido... eso significa publicidad innovadora." El director de aprendizaje de Nike, Andre Martin, también articula cómo encarna la misión en su trabajo de brindar educación y oportunidades de aprendizaje a los empleados de Nike, diciendo que se esfuerza por, "liberar el potencial humano... para que todos en la organización puedan hacer más trabajo que importa." Por último, el propósito de Nike se aprovecha de formas más creativas también. En medio de las crisis de raza y las preocupaciones por la violencia policial en 2016, el CEO de Nike, Mark Parker, habló sobre los problemas en una carta a los empleados. "Para servir a cada atleta individual y completamente, en cientos de países donde hacemos negocios, necesitamos equipos que reflejen la diversidad de nuestros consumidores y una cultura de inclusión que respete las comunidades en las que vivimos y trabajamos." Un propósito general, identificado con precisión y claramente articulado, puede crecer, sostener e impulsar su organización hacia adelante, como lo ha hecho para Nike.

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Nike's Chief Learning Officer, Andre Martin, embodies the company's mission in his work by striving to "unleash human potential". His goal is to enable everyone in the organization to do more work that matters. This is achieved by providing education and learning opportunities to Nike employees, which aligns with the company's overall mission of inspiration and innovation.

Nike uses innovative advertising strategies to ensure their message is heard through the advertising clutter. They constantly strive to improve and innovate in all areas of their business, including advertising. This involves creating unique, memorable, and impactful ads that resonate with their target audience and stand out from the competition. They also leverage their widely accepted and adopted purpose of inspiration and innovation to unify their advertising efforts and make their message more compelling.

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Poniendo el propósito en palabras

Algunos ejemplos de primera clase de declaraciones de "propósito" o "misión" revelan que aunque estas declaraciones pueden ser referidas como el "propósito superior" de una empresa, no tienen que ser socialmente conscientes para ser efectivas. Tomemos algunos ejemplos.

  • Amazon – "Convertirse en la empresa más centrada en el cliente del planeta."
  • Facebook – "Hacer el mundo más abierto y conectado."
  • Ford – "Construir un coche para la gran multitud."
  • Johnson & Johnson – "Cuidar del mundo, una persona a la vez."
  • Squarespace – "Dar voz a las ideas."
  • Starbucks – "Inspirar y nutrir el espíritu humano: una persona, una taza y un vecindario a la vez."
  • Zappos – "Entregar felicidad al mundo."

Entonces, ¿cómo se define el propósito de su organización? Algunas tácticas rápidas para poner el suyo en palabras son las siguientes:

  • Pretenda que mañana, alguien va a pulsar un interruptor y su organización desaparecerá. ¿Qué se echará de menos? ¿Qué ofrece su empresa al mundo que ya no existirá?
  • Haga la pregunta de los "Cinco Porqués", como se describe en el libro Construido para Durar. Comience con una declaración general sobre lo que hace o produce su empresa y comience a preguntar "por qué". Haga esto cinco veces, o hasta que sienta que ha articulado su propósito mayor.
  • Utilice la narración de historias. Describa a un amigo cómo la vida de un cliente es diferente, ahora que él o ella ha comenzado a usar sus productos o servicios.

Sabrás que has acertado cuando tu declaración sea tanto "enfocada" como "flexible". Debería dirigir a los empleados hacia una visión específica mientras también permite la flexibilidad para la adaptación según lo consideren conveniente. Esto es crucial, ya que "La verdadera oportunidad no reside en articular lo que está permitido... sino lo que es posible."

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The Fusion book presents several innovative ideas. One of the most surprising is the concept of "focused flexibility" in vision statements. This means that while a vision should guide employees towards a specific goal, it should also allow for adaptation as they see fit. The book suggests that the real opportunity doesn't lie in articulating what is allowed, but in exploring what is possible. This approach encourages creativity and innovation, and can lead to unexpected and beneficial outcomes.

The resource "Fusion" has influenced corporate strategies and business models by providing insights into how successful brands resonate with consumers, maintain market dominance, and top the "best places to work" lists. It emphasizes the importance of a focused and flexible vision that directs employees while allowing for adaptation. This approach opens up possibilities rather than merely outlining what is allowed, thereby influencing businesses to rethink their strategies and models.

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Valores fundamentales

Si el propósito es el "por qué", entonces los valores fundamentales de una organización son el "cómo". Los valores fundamentales son "los principios y prioridades esenciales y duraderos que prescriben la mentalidad y el comportamiento deseados de todos los que trabajan en su empresa". Estos pueden volverse fácilmente insípidos y prosaicos. Por ejemplo, el 90% de las declaraciones de valor de las empresas "hacen referencia al comportamiento ético o utilizan la palabra 'integridad'". El 88% incluye "compromiso con los clientes", y el 76% dice que el "trabajo en equipo" y la "confianza" son importantes. Entonces, ¿cómo se articulan los valores en palabras que sean únicas y memorables? Primero, es importante distinguir entre "valores fundamentales" y "valores de categoría". Los valores de categoría son valores que cualquier empresa en una industria dada tendría lógicamente. Por ejemplo, "todos los restaurantes de comida rápida deben encarnar los valores de velocidad y conveniencia". En cambio, piense más profundamente sobre cómo espera que sus empleados realicen su trabajo, y "utilice un estilo de voz que represente de manera única a su organización". Los ejemplos incluyen:

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The style of voice can represent an organization's core values by reflecting the unique mindset and behavior that the organization wants to instill in its employees. It's a way of articulating the company's values in a unique and memorable manner. The voice style can embody the core values by being consistent with them in tone, language, and messaging. For instance, a company that values innovation might have a creative and forward-thinking voice style. Similarly, a company that values professionalism might have a formal and respectful voice style. It's about making the company's values tangible and relatable through the way it communicates.

Core values and category values in an organization serve different purposes. Core values are the essential and enduring principles that prescribe the desired mindset and behavior of everyone who works at the company. They define how the organization operates and what it stands for. On the other hand, category values are values that any company in a given industry would logically have. For example, all fast food restaurants must embody the values of speed and convenience. These values are more industry-specific and less about the individual organization's identity.

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  • Compañía WD-40 – "Valoramos la creación de recuerdos positivos duraderos en todas nuestras relaciones" y "Valoramos hacerlo mejor de lo que es hoy".
  • Google – "Concéntrate en el usuario y todo lo demás seguirá", "Puedes ser serio sin un traje", y "Lo genial simplemente no es suficiente".
  • Illumina – "Somos abiertos - física y filosóficamente".

Netflix - "Reed Hastings dejó de escuchar"

Para subrayar la importancia de mantenerse fiel a los valores fundamentales, es útil analizar el caso de Netflix, y cómo lograron recuperarse después de una caída en 2011 que fue resultado de tomar decisiones que no estaban en línea con sus valores.

En 2010, las acciones de Netflix estaban en auge. Sin embargo, al año siguiente, perdieron casi un millón de clientes y el precio de sus acciones cayó un 77% en un período de cuatro meses. El CEO de Netflix, Reed Hastings, había decidido recientemente eliminar la oferta que permitía a los clientes tanto transmitir videos como alquilar DVDs físicos de Netflix. En cambio, quería ofrecer esas suscripciones de manera independiente y aumentar el precio de ambas. Los clientes no pudieron contener su ira, especialmente a la luz del hecho de que Netflix había publicado recientemente un "manifiesto" como testimonio de la cultura de Netflix. Entre los valores fundamentales esbozados en el manifiesto, Netflix subrayó la importancia de las "comunicaciones" y la "escucha" - "'Escuchas bien, en lugar de reaccionar rápido, para que puedas entender mejor.'"

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Yes, there are several examples of companies that have made drastic changes to their services. One such example is Apple, which transitioned from a computer manufacturer to a mobile device company with the launch of the iPhone in 2007. This move was initially met with skepticism but ultimately proved to be a game-changer, catapulting Apple to become one of the most valuable companies in the world. Another example is Microsoft, which shifted its focus from software sales to cloud computing with the launch of Azure in 2010. This strategic shift has been instrumental in Microsoft's resurgence in the tech industry. However, not all drastic changes yield positive results. For instance, Kodak's late transition to digital photography led to its bankruptcy in 2012.

In Netflix's manifesto, communication and listening are emphasized as core values. Communication is vital in any organization as it facilitates the exchange of information, fosters understanding, and ensures that everyone is aligned towards the same goals. In the context of Netflix, it's particularly important given the dynamic nature of their business which requires constant innovation and adaptation. Listening, on the other hand, is crucial for understanding - be it customer needs, employee feedback, or market trends. Netflix's emphasis on 'listening well, instead of reacting fast' underscores their commitment to thoughtful decision-making based on comprehensive understanding, rather than hasty reactions.

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Hastings fue duramente criticado por no escuchar y tomar una decisión precipitada sin entender completamente las opiniones de sus clientes sobre el tema. Un artículo de CNET sobre el tema lo dejó perfectamente claro, comenzando diciendo que, "Reed Hastings dejó de escuchar, y ahí es cuando comenzaron los problemas", continuando para describir cómo Hastings había ignorado tanto a los clientes como a los colegas que acudieron a él con sus dudas sobre la decisión. La decisión fue finalmente revertida y desde entonces, Netflix ha obviamente recuperado terreno. Pero, sin embargo, este período en la historia de su compañía revela cuán importante es, financieramente y de otra manera, permanecer fiel a los valores fundamentales.

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The story of Netflix's decision reversal serves as a stark reminder of the importance of staying true to a company's core values. When Netflix's CEO, Reed Hastings, made a decision without fully understanding his customers' opinions, it led to a backlash. The decision was ultimately reversed, showing that ignoring the core values and not listening to customers can lead to negative consequences. However, Netflix rebounded, demonstrating that acknowledging mistakes and realigning with core values can help a company recover and maintain its market position.

One of the key lessons from Reed Hastings' decision-making process at Netflix is the importance of listening to customers and colleagues. Hastings was criticized for making a hasty decision without fully understanding his customers' opinions. This led to a decision that was ultimately reversed. This incident highlights the significance of staying true to one's core values and considering the opinions of customers and stakeholders before making major decisions.

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Aprovechando los valores fundamentales – FedEx, LinkedIn, y Amazon

Historias de FedEx, LinkedIn y Amazon también revelan el poder de los valores fundamentales. En la década de 2000, FedEx realizó varias adquisiciones importantes que cambiaron la cara de su empresa, adquiriendo los centros de servicios de oficina de Kinko's y RPS, una "empresa de transporte de carga". Mientras muchos empleados luchaban con la identidad de la empresa durante este período de tiempo, el vicepresidente de comunicaciones corporativas Eric Jackson vio esto como una oportunidad para unificar la nueva firma con un conjunto de valores redefinidos. El titular de su esfuerzo fue "Operar independientemente. Competir colectivamente. Gestionar colaborativamente." Esta iniciativa ayudó a FedEx a unificar la nueva organización y empoderar a cada negocio para continuar haciendo lo que los hizo exitosos en el pasado, mientras se identificaban con un modelo operativo de FedEx más grande.

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FedEx managed to unify their organization and empower each business after major acquisitions by redefining their core values. The vice president of corporate communications, Eric Jackson, saw the acquisitions as an opportunity to unify the new firm with a set of redefined values. The headline of his effort was "Operate independently. Compete collectively. Manage collaboratively." This initiative helped FedEx unify the new organization and empower each business to continue doing what made them successful in the past, while identifying with a larger FedEx operating model.

FedEx managed to unify their new organization after major acquisitions by redefining their core values. The vice president of corporate communications, Eric Jackson, saw the acquisitions as an opportunity to unify the new firm with a set of redefined values. The headline of his effort was "Operate independently. Compete collectively. Manage collaboratively." This initiative helped FedEx unify the new organization and empower each business to continue doing what made them successful in the past, while identifying with a larger FedEx operating model.

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De manera similar, Nicole Leverich, directora senior de comunicaciones corporativas en LinkedIn, atribuye los valores de la empresa al éxito de la integración de diecinueve adquisiciones entre 2010 y 2017. Ella dice, "Si los valores no son aceptados, entendidos y adoptados, es fácil que desaparezcan en una adquisición." Sin embargo, como describe Leverich, el propósito y los valores de LinkedIn nunca vacilaron durante este período de tiempo, y ella dice, "Cuando mantienes todas esas cosas iguales, es más fácil que las adquisiciones sean exitosas."

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The lessons from the book Fusion can be applied to improve corporate communications in today's business environment by emphasizing the importance of company values. As seen in the example of LinkedIn, maintaining consistent company values even during periods of change, such as acquisitions, can lead to successful integration. This is because when values are accepted, understood, and embraced, they provide a stable foundation that can guide communication and decision-making processes. Therefore, to improve corporate communications, businesses should ensure that their values are clearly communicated and understood across the organization.

Corporate culture plays a crucial role in the success of iconic brands. It helps in resonating deeply with consumers and maintaining market dominance. A strong corporate culture is often the backbone of a successful brand, as it sets the tone for the company's values, work ethic, and approach to problem-solving. It also contributes to employee satisfaction and retention, which can directly impact productivity and profitability. For instance, LinkedIn's unwavering purpose and values have been credited for the successful integration of numerous acquisitions.

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Por último, Ardine Williams, vicepresidenta de operaciones de personal de Amazon, describe cómo un conjunto de valores centrales sólidos en Amazon ha permitido a los empleados tener éxito en movimientos y transiciones internas. Amazon tiene una variedad de modelos de negocio bajo un mismo techo, desde el servicio de computación en la nube Amazon Web Services hasta su presencia minorista en línea. Williams dice, "Cada negocio es diferente, pero cómo medimos, innovamos, evaluamos e interactuamos es consistente." Esto permite a los empleados interesados en ocupar puestos en otras unidades de negocio realizar con éxito esas transiciones.

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Amazon's core values play a crucial role in facilitating successful internal transitions and moves for employees. These values provide a consistent framework for measuring, innovating, evaluating, and interacting across different business units. Regardless of the specific business model, be it Amazon Web Services or its online retail presence, these core values ensure a uniform approach. This consistency allows employees to successfully transition between different business units, as they can apply the same principles and values in any part of the company.

Small businesses can adopt Amazon's approach of consistent measurement, innovation, evaluation, and interaction to grow by implementing the following strategies:

1. Consistent Measurement: Small businesses should consistently measure their performance against set goals and objectives. This will help them identify areas of improvement and track their progress over time.

2. Innovation: Small businesses should foster a culture of innovation. They should encourage their employees to come up with new ideas and solutions to improve their products, services, or processes.

3. Evaluation: Regular evaluation of strategies and performance is crucial. This will help businesses understand what's working and what's not, and make necessary adjustments.

4. Interaction: Small businesses should interact regularly with their customers to understand their needs and preferences. This will help them tailor their products or services to meet customer expectations and build strong relationships.

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Aclarando tu marca

Después de identificar el propósito y los valores fundamentales de su organización, se debe examinar el tipo de marca que se desea presentar. Revisar los principales "tipos de marca" puede ser útil para entender dónde podría encajar su organización.


Al analizar el diagrama 1, tenga en cuenta que las empresas pueden tener modelos de negocio, productos y servicios increíblemente diferentes y aún permanecer en la misma categoría de marca. Se trata más de encontrar "lo que caracteriza" a la empresa y su "tono y manera" que de patrones en la industria o el producto. Además, es posible descubrir su tipo de marca analizando sus valores, ya que la mayoría de los tipos de marca tienen un conjunto consistente de valores acompañantes. Vea el diagrama 2 para obtener una visión general.

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The tone and manner of a company play a significant role in characterizing its brand type. They reflect the company's values, culture, and personality, which are key elements of its brand identity. A company's tone and manner can convey its approach to customer service, its attitude towards innovation, its level of professionalism, and its commitment to certain principles or ideals. These aspects can help distinguish a company in the marketplace, attract a specific target audience, and build a strong brand reputation.

Different companies with varying business models and products can still fall under the same brand category because it's more about the characteristics, tone, and manner of the company than about patterns in the industry or product. Companies can discover their brand type by analyzing their values, as most brand types have a consistent set of accompanying values.

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Este gráfico puede ser útil para entender el grado en que sus valores fundamentales están alineados con su marca. Para comprender completamente los valores actuales de la empresa (y no solo aquellos que ha articulado como un estado final ideal), es necesario realizar una "auditoría de cultura". Por lo general, es mejor involucrar a un tercero en este ejercicio. Algunas formas rápidas y sencillas de hacer esto incluyen "observar cómo las personas interactúan con su entorno y entre sí", "caminar por sus oficinas y tomar nota de lo que ve y escucha", y "recopilar materiales" como presentaciones no confidenciales, memorandos, manuales de empleados, información sobre beneficios y jubilación, y otros materiales de comunicación. Realizar una auditoría cultural puede revelar el grado en que los valores fundamentales y la marca están alineados.

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Aligning core values with a brand is significant in achieving market dominance and resonating with consumers because it creates a strong, authentic brand identity. This alignment helps to build trust and loyalty among consumers, as they can clearly see and understand the brand's values and mission. It also ensures consistency in all aspects of the brand, from its products or services to its marketing strategies and customer service. This consistency can differentiate the brand in the market, attract the right audience, and ultimately lead to market dominance. Furthermore, employees who work for a brand that aligns with their personal values are likely to be more engaged and motivated, which can also contribute to the brand's success.

Observing employee interactions and communication materials can provide valuable insights into a company's current values. Employee interactions often reflect the company's culture and values, as they show how employees treat each other and how they behave in the workplace. Communication materials, such as presentations, memos, and employee handbooks, often contain explicit statements of the company's values. They also show how the company communicates its values to its employees and how it expects its employees to embody these values in their work. Therefore, by observing these aspects, one can gain a deeper understanding of a company's current values.

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Lo que se necesita para liderar el cambio

"Un Ford"

Mientras que los fabricantes de automóviles General Motors y Chrysler fueron rescatados después de la Gran Recesión de 2008, Ford Motor Company se negó al rescate, y asombró a los mercados y a los estadounidenses con "uno de los mayores giros corporativos en la historia de los Estados Unidos." En 2008, las acciones de Ford cayeron a un mísero $1 por acción, y perdieron $14.6 mil millones en un año. Entonces, ¿cómo volvieron a un beneficio de $6.6 mil millones tres años después? Un vistazo más de cerca a la historia revela el fascinante liderazgo de Alan Mulally, el ex ejecutivo de Boeing que había sido seleccionado para liderar el cambio. Clave para su liderazgo durante este tumultuoso período fue "una revolución cultural inspirada en la marca dentro de la organización."

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The brand and corporate culture played a significant role in Ford Motor Company's successful turnaround after the 2008 Great Recession. The leadership of Alan Mulally, the ex-Boeing executive, was instrumental in this turnaround. He initiated a brand-inspired cultural revolution inside the organization. This cultural shift, along with strategic decisions and strong brand positioning, helped Ford refuse the bailout that other manufacturers took and bounce back to profitability.

Ford Motor Company's turnaround is largely attributed to the leadership of Alan Mulally, the ex-Boeing executive who was brought in to lead the turnaround. Mulally implemented a brand-inspired cultural revolution within the organization. This involved a shift in the company's culture and operations, focusing on transparency, teamwork, and a commitment to the Ford brand. This cultural shift, along with strategic decisions such as refusing the bailout after the 2008 Great Recession, helped Ford to recover from a loss of $14.6 billion in 2008 to a profit of $6.6 billion three years later.

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La cultura de Ford había caído en la disfunción. Los conflictos internos abundaban y las reuniones se convertían en oportunidades para secuestrar a los colegas. Existía una "falta de transparencia" y "unidades de negocio conflictivas". Todo este conflicto interno había contribuido a la caída de Ford. Los empleados estaban demasiado ocupados peleando para concentrarse en mantenerse competitivos en el mercado. Mullaly sabía que tenía que llegar a la causa raíz para realmente restaurar la salud de la empresa. Su visión para la empresa se titulaba "Un Ford". El primer paso fue reavivar "los ingredientes críticos que hacían a un Ford un Ford". El segundo paso fue "trabajar como un solo equipo para crear productos excelentes a escala global utilizando esos ingredientes". Como imagen unificadora para la empresa, llamó la atención sobre una pintura de ochenta y ocho años que había sido encargada originalmente por Henry Ford. Representaba "a una joven familia en la cima de una colina cubierta de hierba con vista a una carretera llena de automóviles y las sombras de una fábrica de Ford a lo lejos". Al reavivar la visión original de Henry Ford, inspiró a los empleados de Ford del siglo XXI a continuar llevándola a cabo. "Un Ford transmitía que Ford estaba de vuelta en el negocio de 'servir en todo el mundo una familia completa de autos que son los mejores en su clase.'"

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The eighty-eight year old painting played a significant role in unifying the company and reigniting its original values. It served as a unifying image for the company, reminding employees of the company's roots and original vision. The painting, originally commissioned by Henry Ford, depicted a young family at the top of a grassy hill overlooking a road filled with automobiles and the shadows of a Ford factory in the distance. This image helped to rekindle the spirit of Henry Ford's original vision for the company, and served as a reminder of the core values that made a Ford a Ford. It was a part of the 'One Ford' vision, which aimed at working as one team to create great products on a global scale using the critical ingredients that made a Ford a Ford.

The 'One Ford' vision played a crucial role in the reinvigoration of Ford. It was a strategy aimed at overcoming the company's internal conflicts and dysfunctional culture. The vision was two-fold. First, it aimed to reinvigorate the critical ingredients that made a Ford a Ford. Second, it emphasized working as one team to create great products on a global scale using those ingredients. This vision served as a unifying image for the company, helping to restore its competitive edge in the market.

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Mulally instituyó cambios operativos que subrayaron esta nueva visión también. Clave para estos cambios fue un nivel general mejorado de transparencia y responsabilidad en la organización. Estos cambios al principio no fueron bien recibidos por los empleados actuales, pero se convirtieron en "One Ford" y los nuevos estándares cuando se dieron cuenta de que "el compromiso [Mulally] esperado no estaba al servicio de él mismo sino de la marca 'fenomenalmente poderosa' de Ford". En cuanto a los "ingredientes críticos que hacen que un Ford sea un Ford" - al final del día, el liderazgo de Ford pudo identificar 300 de estos atributos de producto. Y, con Mulally al mando instituyendo estándares más altos y liderándolos para trabajar como "One Ford", pudieron aprovechar esos distintos atributos "Ford" y restaurar su empresa, y su marca, al éxito.

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The critical ingredients that make a Ford a Ford are the unique product attributes that the company has identified. Ford leadership was able to identify 300 of these product attributes. These attributes, combined with the operational changes and enhanced level of transparency and accountability instituted by the leadership, contribute to the distinctiveness of the Ford brand.

The 'One Ford' concept played a crucial role in the success of the Ford brand. It was a vision that emphasized unity and collaboration within the organization. This vision was backed by operational changes that enhanced transparency and accountability. Initially, these changes were met with resistance, but employees eventually embraced the 'One Ford' concept when they realized that the commitment expected was not for personal gain, but for the betterment of the Ford brand. This unified approach allowed Ford to identify and harness 300 distinct product attributes, leading to the restoration and success of the company and the brand.

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Volkswagen - "una organización llena de arrogancia"

Así como el liderazgo distintivo en Ford fue la clave para su exitoso cambio de rumbo, el fracaso de los líderes en Volkswagen fue la causa de su caída en el período previo y posterior a la crisis de emisiones. Este ejemplo de caso deja en claro las consecuencias cuando se ignora la cultura, o se dirige en una dirección poco saludable, y por lo tanto se despega y se desconecta de lo que los clientes perciben como la marca.

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The leadership style at Ford was instrumental in their successful turnaround. The leaders at Ford focused on creating a healthy culture that was aligned with the brand's values and customer perceptions. This involved making tough decisions, fostering transparency, and promoting accountability. In contrast, the leaders at Volkswagen failed to uphold these principles during the emissions crisis. They ignored the culture and steered it in an unhealthy direction, which led to a disconnect between the brand and its customers. This ultimately resulted in their downfall.

Yes, there are several examples of companies where leadership played a crucial role in their success or failure. One such example is Apple Inc. Steve Jobs, co-founder of Apple, was a visionary leader whose innovative ideas and strong personality played a key role in Apple's success. However, after his death, the company faced several challenges and criticisms regarding its innovation and leadership. Another example is Microsoft. Under the leadership of Steve Ballmer, Microsoft missed several key trends in the tech industry, including search, social media, and mobile. However, under the leadership of Satya Nadella, Microsoft has seen a resurgence, with a focus on cloud computing and AI.

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Volkswagen fue declarado culpable de engañar en las pruebas de emisiones del gobierno de los EE.UU., diseñando vehículos que superaban los estándares de emisiones pero que eran indetectables al hacerlo. Al final del día, VW tuvo que retirar cientos de miles de coches y pagar $14.7 mil millones al gobierno de los EE.UU. Menos conocido es el hecho de que el escándalo sacó a la luz "una cultura organizacional completamente fuera de línea con su marca". El engaño fue especialmente doloroso para los clientes de VW en los EE.UU., conocidos por su profunda lealtad a la marca desde la década de 1960 debido a su "singularidad" y "espíritu contracultural". Las acciones de VW se sintieron increíblemente fuera de sincronía con su percepción de la marca.

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The key takeaways from the book 'Fusion' that managers can implement to prevent brand and culture misalignment are:

1. Align your brand and culture: Ensure that your brand promise aligns with your company culture. This means that what your company stands for externally should be reflected internally in your values and behaviors.

2. Foster transparency: Encourage open communication and transparency to prevent any disconnect between what the company says and what it does.

3. Encourage employee engagement: Engaged employees are more likely to live the brand and contribute to a positive culture.

4. Lead by example: Leaders should embody the brand and culture they want to see in their organization.

5. Regularly assess alignment: Regularly check if your brand and culture are in alignment and make necessary adjustments.

Yes, there are several companies that have successfully maintained their brand and corporate culture. For instance, Apple Inc. has consistently maintained its brand image of innovation and quality. Its corporate culture of secrecy and minimalism has also remained largely unchanged. Another example is Nike, which has maintained its brand image of inspiration and innovation in sports. Its corporate culture, characterized by a competitive spirit and a focus on diversity and inclusion, has also been consistent. Lastly, Starbucks has successfully maintained its brand image of high-quality coffee and a unique coffeehouse experience. Its corporate culture, which emphasizes employee satisfaction and community involvement, has also remained consistent.

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Como es cierto en muchos escándalos corporativos, los internos de VW identifican a los CEO que se remontan a mediados de la década de 1990 hasta el comienzo de la crisis como la causa raíz de estos problemas culturales. "Los críticos acusan a [los] de cultivar una cultura de arrogancia y superioridad." Un ex empleado recuerda, "VW era una organización llena de arrogancia, ya sabes, dominar el mundo y pensar en el tipo de caminar sobre el agua." Esta actitud estaba especialmente dirigida hacia los estadounidenses, dicen los ex empleados. Esto fue "una contradicción con la relación que la marca había construido con [los] en el exterior." La ruptura de Volkswagen de "marca" y "cultura" estuvo a la vista de todos durante el escándalo. La lección a extraer aquí es la importancia del liderazgo. El épico cambio de rumbo de Ford se debió a un líder que se comprometió y revivió la marca, llevando a los empleados en un cambio cultural dramático. Por otro lado, Volkswagen enfrentó un gran escándalo como resultado de un liderazgo que se jactaba de la marca mientras creaba una cultura de arrogancia y trampa.

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Fusion presents several innovative ideas about marrying a brand with corporate culture. One key idea is the importance of leadership in aligning brand and culture. As demonstrated by Ford's turnaround, a committed leader can revive a brand and bring about a significant culture change. Another idea is the need to avoid a culture of arrogance and superiority, as this can lead to a disconnect between the brand's image and the company's internal culture, as was the case with Volkswagen. The book emphasizes that a successful brand is one that is consistent both internally and externally.

The culture of arrogance and superiority at Volkswagen has significantly influenced its brand and corporate strategies, often negatively. This culture, cultivated by CEOs since the mid-1990s, led to a hubris-filled organization with a 'dominate the world' mindset. This attitude was particularly directed towards Americans, creating a contradiction with the brand's external relationships. The rupture between Volkswagen's brand and culture became evident during the company's major scandal. This situation underscores the importance of leadership in shaping corporate culture and brand strategy. A leader who fosters a positive culture can revive a brand and bring employees along in a culture change, as seen in Ford's turnaround. Conversely, a culture of arrogance can lead to scandals and damage the brand, as seen in Volkswagen's case.

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Creando la fusión de marca-cultura

La base de la fusión de marca y cultura comienza con un liderazgo que posee un sólido conocimiento y compromiso con el propósito general de una organización, sus valores fundamentales y su marca. Entonces, ¿cómo entra en juego la última pieza del rompecabezas: la cultura? Existen cinco formas principales en las que los líderes pueden transformar la cultura para que esté en alineación con la marca. En lugar de describirlas en detalle y proporcionar un plan para implementarlas y lograrlas en su organización, esbozaremos estudios de casos reales que demuestran donde estas tácticas han funcionado en el pasado, llevando a otras organizaciones a la fusión de marca y cultura.

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Yes, there are several case studies that demonstrate successful brand-culture fusion. One example is Apple Inc., where the brand's innovative and user-friendly culture is reflected in its products and services. Another example is Google, where the brand's culture of creativity and freedom is evident in its diverse range of products and services. These companies have successfully fused their brand and culture, resulting in a strong market presence and high levels of customer loyalty.

The book Fusion does not provide a detailed blueprint for the five main ways leaders can transform culture to align with brand. Instead, it outlines real case studies that demonstrate where these tactics have worked elsewhere in the past. The foundation of brand-culture fusion starts with leadership with a strong knowledge of and commitment to an organization's overarching purpose, core values, and brand. The specifics of the five ways are not provided in the content given.

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Organización y operaciones - Adobe

Recientemente, Adobe (de Adobe Photoshop) realizó un cambio en su modelo de negocio, vendiendo suscripciones de software en lugar de software como un producto único. Entre otros cambios, esto significó que los clientes estaban más estrechamente vinculados a Adobe como empresa. Antes, los productos se vendían principalmente a través de tiendas como Best Buy u otros minoristas. Estos minoristas terminaban siendo la primera línea de contacto para los problemas de los clientes. Ahora, Adobe comenzó a vender directamente a los clientes. Esto requirió la necesidad de desarrollar una nueva capacidad: un servicio al cliente superior. "Para transformar su marca, tuvieron que inyectar un pensamiento más centrado en el cliente en cada uno de sus empleados, independientemente de su rol." En resumen, a medida que su marca evolucionaba, su cultura también tenía que evolucionar para mantenerse en sincronía. Adobe realizó varios cambios clave en su estructura organizativa y en sus operaciones para impulsar este cambio.

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Other companies can learn from Adobe's transformation by understanding the importance of aligning brand evolution with cultural evolution. This involves injecting customer-focused thinking into every employee, regardless of their role. It also requires making key changes to the organizational structure and operations to drive this change. Companies need to shift their business models to be more customer-centric, like Adobe did when they started selling software subscriptions directly to customers. This not only ties the customers more closely to the company but also necessitates the development of superior customer service. In short, as a company's brand evolves, its culture must also evolve to stay in sync.

Adobe made several key changes to their organizational structure and operations to drive customer-focused thinking. They shifted their business model from selling software as a one-time product to selling software subscriptions. This change meant that customers were more closely tied to Adobe as a company. Adobe also started selling directly to customers, which necessitated the development of superior customer service. They had to instill a customer-focused mindset in all their employees, regardless of their role. As their brand evolved, their culture also had to evolve to stay in sync.

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Primero, crearon un departamento de atención al cliente a partir de los dos departamentos separados que anteriormente habían apoyado los productos "personales" y los productos "empresariales". Al hacerlo, solo había una organización responsable de tomar decisiones sobre los clientes y el servicio al cliente, en lugar de dos. Luego, formaron un nuevo departamento que era responsable de "asegurar[ing] que todos, empleados y clientes, tengan una experiencia positiva con Adobe." Este departamento reunió al personal de RRHH que apoyaba a los empleados con el personal que apoyaba a los clientes bajo un vicepresidente senior. Dado que Adobe ya era conocido por crear grandes experiencias para sus empleados internamente, querían aprovechar esa fortaleza para brindar el mismo valor a los clientes. El último cambio operativo importante que Adobe hizo para cambiar hacia una cultura más orientada al servicio al cliente fue reducir sus ubicaciones de trabajo en un 15%. Con su nuevo modelo basado en suscripciones y otros cambios, el liderazgo encontró que trabajar juntos se volvió aún más importante. "Descubrieron que tener tantas oficinas había añadido complejidad a la forma en que los empleados de Adobe trabajaban e impedía su cultura deseada." Estos cambios en la organización y operación de Adobe muestran cómo las alteraciones menores que apoyan la cultura deseada pueden tener efectos dramáticos.

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The implications of Adobe's decision to merge their personal and enterprise product support departments are significant. Firstly, it led to the creation of a unified customer support department, which is solely responsible for making decisions about customers and customer service. This eliminates any potential confusion or conflict that might arise from having two separate departments. Secondly, Adobe formed a new department responsible for ensuring positive experiences for both employees and customers. This department combines the HR staff who support employees with the staff who support customers under one senior vice president. This move is aimed at leveraging Adobe's reputation for creating great internal experiences to provide similar value to customers. Lastly, Adobe reduced their work locations by 15%, which, along with their new subscription-based model and other changes, promotes a more collaborative and efficient work environment.

Adobe's operational changes played a significant role in their success in resonating deeply with consumers. They first created a unified customer support department from two separate departments that had previously supported personal and enterprise products. This led to a single organization making decisions about customers and customer service. They also formed a new department responsible for ensuring positive experiences for both employees and customers. This department combined HR staff who supported employees with the staff who supported customers under one senior vice president. Adobe's aim was to leverage their reputation for creating great internal employee experiences to provide similar value to customers. Lastly, Adobe reduced their work locations by 15%, aligning with their new subscription-based model and other changes, which facilitated better teamwork and collaboration.

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Experiencia del empleado – AirBnB

El diseño intencional de la experiencia del empleado es también una forma poderosa de aprovechar y apoyar el cambio cultural para alinearse con la marca de uno. Airbnb es un ejemplo perfecto de esto, y cómo ha llevado al éxito: actualmente, Airbnb tiene un valor de $31 mil millones. De principio a fin, han diseñado todos los aspectos de la experiencia del empleado en Airbnb para resonar con su marca - "para ayudar a crear un mundo donde puedas pertenecer a cualquier lugar."

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A startup can use the concept of marrying brand and corporate culture for its growth and success by intentionally designing the employee experience to align with the brand. This can support culture change and resonate deeply with consumers. A perfect example of this is Airbnb, which has designed every aspect of the employee experience to resonate with their brand, helping to create a world where you can belong anywhere. This approach has led to their success, with the company currently valued at $31 billion.

A traditional retail company can apply the intentional design of employee experience to align with its brand by creating a culture that reflects the brand's values and mission. This can be achieved by designing every aspect of the employee experience, from recruitment to training, performance management, and even the physical workspace, to resonate with the brand. For example, if the brand values customer service, the company could invest in extensive customer service training for its employees. Similarly, if the brand is about innovation, the company could create a workspace that encourages creativity and collaboration. The goal is to create an environment where employees feel a strong connection to the brand and are motivated to contribute to its success.

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En 2016 comenzaron su campaña "Belong Anywhere", aplicándola tanto como una identidad de marca como una visión para la cultura de la empresa. Nombraron a un jefe global de experiencia del empleado responsable de impulsar esto internamente. Uno de los cambios clave que hicieron fue crear un grupo de experiencia del empleado bajo su dirección, combinando lo que anteriormente eran tres departamentos que cubrían RRHH, reclutamiento, y eventos de la empresa y comunicaciones internas de manera independiente. Además, agregaron a este grupo las funciones previamente dispersas o inexistentes de "instalaciones, seguridad, seguridad alimentaria, ciudadanía global/impacto social, diversidad, pertenencia, recompensas totales, aprendizaje, diseño de talento y sistemas de talento." Este movimiento unió efectivamente todas las áreas relacionadas con la experiencia del empleado de Airbnb bajo un solo jefe, en un solo departamento. Este diseño de gobernanza fue crucial para asegurar que Airbnb pudiera ver y controlar todas las decisiones relacionadas con la experiencia del empleado.

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Combining previously separate departments under one head, as Airbnb did with their employee experience group, could have several potential real-world impacts. Firstly, it could lead to improved coordination and communication among the different functions, as they are now all under the same leadership. This could result in more efficient decision-making and execution of tasks. Secondly, it could foster a more unified culture and vision across the different functions, as they are now all part of the same group. This could enhance employee engagement and satisfaction. Lastly, it could lead to cost savings, as there may be less need for separate resources and infrastructure for each function. However, it could also present challenges such as potential power struggles, loss of focus on individual function's needs, and difficulties in managing such a diverse range of functions.

Traditional businesses can apply Airbnb's 'Belong Anywhere' campaign to their own brand identity and company culture by integrating the campaign's principles into their operations. This can be done by creating a unified department that oversees all aspects of the employee experience, similar to what Airbnb did. This department could combine functions such as HR, recruiting, company events, internal communications, facilities, safety, security, food, global citizenship/social impact, diversity, belonging, total rewards, learning, talent design, and talent systems. By doing so, all decisions related to the employee experience would be centralized, ensuring a consistent and cohesive approach. This would help to foster a sense of belonging among employees, which could then be reflected in the company's brand identity.

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Airbnb tiene varias otras políticas y prácticas que respaldan una sólida experiencia de empleado que refleja su marca de hospitalidad. Por ejemplo, todos los empleados pasan por varias entrevistas, una de las cuales se centra únicamente en si son o no un buen ajuste con los valores de Airbnb. Lo más poderoso de todo es que este entrevistador es una de las personas con la última palabra sobre si la persona obtiene el trabajo o no. Los nuevos empleados participan también en una experiencia de incorporación de una semana, que incluye la sombra de un especialista en soporte al cliente para obtener realmente una visión de la variedad de desafíos que encuentran sus anfitriones e invitados. Airbnb "celebra" a sus anfitriones en toda la oficina, rotando la comida en su café para corresponder a destinos de viaje, decorando las salas de conferencias para "coincidir con una propiedad de anfitrión real", e incluyendo "retratos gigantes" de anfitriones en los pasillos. Los empleados de Airbnb reciben los beneficios de una buena hospitalidad en el trabajo, con las oficinas corporativas que incluyen una "cocina, biblioteca, lugares para meditar, practicar yoga o escribir en las paredes". Claramente, Airbnb ha diseñado intencionalmente su experiencia de empleado, desde el diseño organizacional, la contratación, la incorporación y el día a día, e infundido su cultura con su marca distintiva.

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Airbnb celebrates their hosts in various ways within their corporate offices. They rotate the food in their café to correspond to travel destinations, decorate the conference rooms to match an actual host property, and include giant portraits of hosts down the hallways. This creates a vibrant and diverse environment that reflects the global community of Airbnb hosts.

Airbnb's onboarding process plays a significant role in their successful brand-culture fusion. It starts with a rigorous interview process, where one interview is solely focused on assessing the candidate's alignment with Airbnb's values. This ensures that only those who resonate with the brand's culture are hired. Once hired, new employees undergo a weeklong onboarding experience, which includes shadowing a customer support specialist. This gives them firsthand insight into the challenges their hosts and guests face, thereby fostering empathy and understanding. Furthermore, the office environment at Airbnb is designed to reflect their brand of hospitality, with elements such as rotating food menus corresponding to travel destinations and conference rooms decorated to match actual host properties. This immersive experience helps employees to live and breathe the brand, thereby contributing to a successful brand-culture fusion.

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Rituales y artefactos - Salesforce

Prestar atención a los pequeños detalles, los "rituales y artefactos" que conforman el día a día y marcan los hitos en una corporación, es otra forma en que las empresas pueden alinear su cultura con su marca. Salesforce, bajo el liderazgo del fundador y CEO Marc Benioff, ha adoptado ampliamente esta práctica. "La cultura de Salesforce se construye en torno al espíritu de ohana, el concepto hawaiano de familia y los fuertes lazos de apoyo que se forman dentro de las familias", y es en los detalles cotidianos donde continuamente refuerzan esta cultura.

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Small details and rituals within a corporation can contribute to its success by reinforcing the company's culture and values. In the case of Salesforce, they have adopted the practice of minding the small details and rituals that make up the everyday and mark the milestones in the corporation. Salesforce's culture is built around the spirit of 'Ohana', the Hawaiian concept of family and the strong, supportive bonds that form within families. It is in the everyday details that they continually reinforce this culture. This alignment of culture and brand can lead to a more cohesive and motivated workforce, which can contribute to the overall success of the corporation.

The concept of 'Ohana', which is a Hawaiian concept of family and the strong, supportive bonds that form within families, is integral to Salesforce's corporate culture and brand. It is through this concept that Salesforce fosters a sense of unity, support, and family among its employees. This is reflected in the company's everyday practices and interactions, reinforcing a culture that aligns with their brand. This not only enhances the work environment but also contributes to the company's market dominance and reputation as a great place to work.

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La conferencia anual de clientes de Salesforce se titula "Dreamforce", y es el "ritual anual a través del cual Salesforce comparte su cultura organizacional con clientes externos y terceros. Asistido por y con sesiones de meditación de monjes y monjas, comienza con una bendición hawaiana tradicional. Los empleados, al enviar y recibir correos electrónicos, a menudo se saludan y se despiden con aloha o mahalo. Los viernes son los "Viernes de camisa hawaiana" para muchos en la oficina como recordatorio de las humildes raíces de Salesforce y la cultura de ohana. Incluso tienen un "Club Koa" para aquellos que celebran su décimo aniversario de trabajo con Salesforce. Los nuevos miembros del club son invitados a una comida hawaiana tradicional y se les presenta "premios de tabla de surf de vidrio" como reconocimiento. Para que los empleados no olviden que ohana es importante en Salesforce, se les recordará cada vez que entren a una sala de conferencias, cuyos nombres son hawaianos e incluyen Maka Launa y Hala Kahiki. Todos estos detalles, estos "rituales" y "artefactos" son importantes para la cultura de Salesforce.

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The Koa Club and Hawaiian Shirt Fridays are significant aspects of Salesforce's corporate culture. The Koa Club is a recognition program for employees who have been with Salesforce for ten years. New inductees are invited to a traditional Hawaiian meal and presented with glass surfboard awards, symbolizing their dedication and longevity with the company. Hawaiian Shirt Fridays, on the other hand, are a nod to Salesforce's humble roots and a reminder of its unique culture. Employees wear Hawaiian shirts as a symbol of the company's laid-back, inclusive, and fun-loving culture. Both these practices are part of Salesforce's efforts to create a positive and engaging work environment.

Salesforce incorporates its humble roots and culture into its daily operations through various ways. It holds an annual customer conference called 'Dreamforce' where it shares its organizational culture with external customers and third parties. The conference features meditation sessions and starts with a traditional Hawaiian blessing. Salesforce also maintains a tradition of 'Hawaiian shirt Fridays' as a reminder of its roots and culture. The company has a 'Koa Club' for employees who celebrate their ten-year work anniversary, where they are invited to a traditional Hawaiian meal and presented with glass surfboard awards. Furthermore, Salesforce's conference rooms are named in Hawaiian, serving as a constant reminder of the importance of its culture.

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Compromiso de la marca del empleado - MGM Resorts

La participación de los empleados con la marca es el grado en el que los empleados están expuestos a, inspirados por, y adoptan la marca de la empresa. Los resorts MGM estaban pasando por una reestructuración masiva en 2010 cuando se dieron cuenta de la importancia de llevar su cultura junto con ellos y se propusieron hacerlo con sus 77,000 empleados. MGM estaba asociado principalmente con casinos, pero su objetivo era elevar la marca y ser percibidos como una "compañía mundial de resorts y entretenimiento". Se dieron cuenta de que, "sus empleados deben estar comprometidos en una cultura que esté alineada e integrada con la marca de la empresa para que estén equipados y empoderados para proporcionar constantemente un excelente servicio al cliente que cumpla con la promesa de la marca."

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MGM Resorts managed to align their corporate culture with their new brand identity during their massive re-branding in 2010 by engaging their employees in the process. They understood the importance of employee brand engagement, which is the extent to which employees are exposed to, inspired by, and adopt the company's brand. They realized that their employees must be engaged in a culture that is aligned and integrated with the company's brand so they are equipped and empowered to constantly provide excellent customer service that delivers on the brand promise. This was particularly important as MGM was shifting its brand perception from being primarily associated with casinos to being perceived as a worldwide resort and entertainment company.

A company can adopt several strategies to ensure employee brand engagement during a re-branding process. Firstly, it's crucial to communicate the new brand vision and values to all employees. This can be done through workshops, meetings, and internal communications. Secondly, training programs can be implemented to help employees understand and embody the new brand. Thirdly, leadership should exemplify the new brand values to inspire employees. Lastly, it's important to integrate the new brand into all aspects of the company, from internal processes to customer service. This will help employees to live the brand and deliver on its promise.

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Junto a otros líderes senior de MGM, la directora de experiencia y marketing, Lilian Tomovich, lideró el camino en la institución de la nueva cultura con una iniciativa titulada "Somos el Espectáculo". A medida que se transformaban en una empresa que aspiraba a ser conocida por las experiencias que proporcionaban a los clientes, querían enfatizar a los empleados que "desempeñaban un papel en la entrega de un 'espectáculo' a los invitados". Su principal esfuerzo con la participación de la marca de los empleados fue una gran "cumbre" para los 7,000 ejecutivos principales de MGM, donde presentaron la nueva marca y lo que significaba para la empresa. Estos gerentes superiores también fueron capacitados en módulos y materiales específicos para llevar este mensaje y nueva forma de operar de vuelta a sus ubicaciones individuales, asegurando así que el resto de los 77,000 empleados de MGM también tuvieran una buena impresión de la nueva marca.

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Employee brand engagement, as explained in the book 'Fusion', is about making employees understand and connect with the brand's values and mission. It's about making them realize that they play a crucial role in delivering the brand's promise to its customers. In the context of the book, MGM leaders initiated a culture change with an initiative titled 'We Are the Show'. They emphasized to employees that they were part of delivering a 'show' to guests. A summit was held for top executives to introduce the new branding and its implications for the company. These executives were then trained on specific modules to carry this new branding message and operational style back to their individual locations, ensuring that all employees understood and connected with the new brand.

The book 'Fusion' presents several innovative ideas about brand and corporate culture fusion. One of the key ideas is the concept of 'We Are the Show', which emphasizes the role of employees in delivering a 'show' to guests. This idea was implemented through a large summit for top executives, where the new branding and its implications were introduced. These executives were then trained on specific modules and materials to bring this new way of operating back to their individual locations, ensuring that the rest of the employees also got a good feel for the new brand.

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Las comunicaciones internas también estuvieron fuertemente involucradas en el esfuerzo de cambio, creando carteles, "actualizaciones de noticias regulares" y correos electrónicos para que la marca se enfatizara y se recordara de manera continua. Clave para esta estrategia de "cascada de la marca" fue tanto la cumbre de lanzamiento, donde los gerentes recibieron capacitación especial y exposición a la marca, como también los materiales tácticos que se les proporcionaron para llevar el mensaje a casa. Estos incluyeron plantillas de "constructor de habilidades" para capacitar a sus empleados en nuevas habilidades, un "libro de jugadas de liderazgo" para establecer expectativas para su propio liderazgo del cambio de cultura, un "calendario de compromiso" para guiarlos a lo largo, recursos de preguntas frecuentes y otros ayudas de entrenamiento. El director de experiencia y marketing, Tomovich, dice que fue "la 'pasión e interés notables de la empresa en cambiar el enfoque de los empleados'" lo que llevó al exitoso cambio de cultura. Como resultado, MGM Resorts vio un aumento en los ingresos y en la renta neta, y un aumento en su puntuación REVPAR (una "métrica clave" en la industria de la hospitalidad) en 2016.

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The leadership playbook, as mentioned in the book 'Fusion', is a crucial tool for setting expectations for culture change within an organization. It serves as a guide for leaders to navigate the process of culture change, providing them with strategies and tactics to effectively lead their teams through the transition. The playbook is designed to help leaders understand their role in the change process, and how they can influence and shape the organization's culture. It includes resources such as skillbuilder templates for training employees on new skills, an engagement calendar to guide them throughout the process, and frequently asked question resources. The leadership playbook is instrumental in cascading the brand and ensuring that the branding is emphasized and remembered on an ongoing basis.

The book 'Fusion' presents several innovative ideas about marrying corporate culture and brand. It emphasizes the importance of internal communication in driving a culture change that aligns with the brand. This includes creating regular news updates, emails, and posters to keep the brand at the forefront of employees' minds. The book also highlights the role of leadership in this process, suggesting the use of tools like a leadership playbook and an engagement calendar to guide managers. Furthermore, it suggests providing managers with training materials to help them instill new skills in their employees, aligning their performance with the brand's values. The book underscores the importance of passion and interest in driving a successful culture change.

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Construyendo su marca a partir de una cultura fuerte - Patagonia

El último estudio de caso revela cómo una de las marcas más fuertes de hoy en día logró la fusión de la marca-cultura de una manera atípica. En lugar de transformar su cultura interna para que coincida con su marca externa, pudieron construir su marca a partir de una cultura interna ya fuerte y distinta. Patagonia fue fundada a principios de la década de 1970 por Yvon Chouinard como resultado de su pasión por la "escalada limpia" y otros problemas ambientales.

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Yes, there are several companies that have successfully fused their brand and corporate culture. For instance, Apple Inc. is known for its innovative culture which is deeply ingrained in its brand. Google is another example where its open and flexible work culture is a significant part of its brand. Starbucks is also known for its culture of warmth and belonging, which is reflected in its brand. These companies, like Patagonia, have managed to align their corporate culture with their brand, creating a strong and cohesive identity.

Yvon Chouinard's passion for 'clean climbing' greatly influenced the internal culture of Patagonia. His commitment to environmental sustainability and responsible business practices became the cornerstone of the company's culture. This ethos permeates every aspect of the business, from product design and manufacturing to employee policies and community outreach. It has helped Patagonia build a strong brand identity and a loyal customer base that shares its values.

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Hoy en día, Patagonia está ampliamente asociada con el movimiento verde y otros esfuerzos para promover negocios sostenibles y procesos de fabricación respetuosos con el medio ambiente. Pero la vicepresidenta de marketing global, Joy Howard, explicó que esto no siempre fue así. "En el pasado, les habría llevado un tiempo aprender sobre la conciencia ambiental de la empresa... 'Como equipo de marketing, la tarea es muy simple, y es hacer que sea fácil para las personas descubrir de qué se trata la empresa, y asegurarse de que no esté oculto y sea difícil de acceder.'" Los empleados de Patagonia siempre han sentido orgullo en la cultura y las prácticas de la empresa, como el uso de algodón 100% orgánico, la fabricación de sus prendas a partir de materiales reciclados, y la oferta de programas de reciclaje para que los clientes devuelvan productos antiguos y compren productos usados también. Para unir mejor su marca externa con la ya fuerte cultura, el equipo de marketing ha adoptado una serie de enfoques.

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Patagonia implements several practices to promote sustainable business and environmentally-friendly manufacturing processes. They use 100% organic cotton in their products, and also make their clothes from recycled materials. Additionally, they offer a recycling program for customers to return old products and buy used products. These practices not only contribute to environmental sustainability but also resonate with their customers and employees, reinforcing their brand's commitment to the environment.

Patagonia's marketing team made the company's environmental consciousness more accessible to the public by aligning their external brand with their already strong culture. They promoted the company's practices such as using 100% organic cotton, making their clothes from recycled materials, and offering a recycling program for customers to return old products and buy used ones. They made it easy for people to discover what the company is all about, ensuring it's not hidden and tough to access.

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"A medida que la marca ha crecido para atraer a un consumidor más general, la empresa ha aprovechado intencionalmente sus valores fundamentales y su propósito para definir su identidad de marca." El catálogo y el sitio web son canales principales para estos mensajes, presentando "historias del exterior, sembrando su agenda ambiental entre el colorido y sofisticado forro polar." También crearon un "documental de treinta minutos que exalta las virtudes de la ropa duradera y usada" así como otra película llamada DamNation que critica la presencia de "presas inútiles" en los EE. UU. Otras organizaciones cuyos empleados comparten un fuerte sentido de misión y valores similares podrían considerar adoptar un enfoque similar al de Patagonia. Esto podría incluir lugares como organizaciones basadas en la fe, organizaciones sin fines de lucro o entidades del sector público.

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Creating a documentary extolling the virtues of long-lasting and used clothing can significantly enhance a brand's image. It can position the brand as environmentally conscious and socially responsible, which can resonate with today's consumers who are increasingly concerned about sustainability. It can also differentiate the brand from competitors, create a strong emotional connection with consumers, and foster brand loyalty. However, it's important that the brand's actions align with the message of the documentary to avoid accusations of greenwashing.

A company can leverage its core values and purpose to define its brand identity like Patagonia by intentionally incorporating these elements into its branding and marketing strategies. This can be done through various channels such as catalogs, websites, and documentaries. The company can share stories that resonate with its values and mission, subtly integrating its agenda into these narratives. For instance, Patagonia promotes its environmental agenda through stories from the outdoors and by advocating for long-lasting and used clothing. Other organizations with a strong sense of mission and similar values can consider taking a similar approach. This strategy can help the company resonate deeply with consumers, maintain market dominance, and become a desirable place to work.

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Ya sea que construya su marca a partir de su cultura o emprenda esfuerzos para alinear la cultura interna con la marca externa, vale la pena hacerlo al considerar los éxitos financieros y de mercado que resultan. Los estudios de caso y ejemplos en Fusion muestran las emocionantes posibilidades cuando se logra la fusión de la marca y la cultura.

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Achieving brand-culture fusion can lead to several potential financial and market successes. It can help a company resonate deeply with consumers, maintain market dominance, and top the "best places to work" lists. This is because when a brand's culture aligns with its external image, it creates a strong, authentic identity that consumers can trust and employees can take pride in. This can lead to increased customer loyalty, higher employee engagement and productivity, and ultimately, improved financial performance. The book Fusion provides several case studies and examples of this.

The book 'Fusion' does not provide specific examples of successful brand-culture fusion in the given content. However, it emphasizes the importance of aligning internal culture with the external brand for achieving financial and market successes. The case studies and examples in the book likely illustrate this concept.

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